As a result of my practice I have experienced some side effects most recently a fork sliding across the counter into the sink has anyone else experienced and electrical or physical side effects?
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I remember reading on astral society that somebody also had uncontrolled and spontaneous TK effects on the surroundings, so maybe in some cases it does manifest.
Oh, in case I used the word God: actually I have no idea what that is.
A couple of years ago i lived alone, had been dabbling with medititation and working with the begginings of chi manipulation among other fantastic ideas. During the 7 months i lived there i had loads of things goin on that i didnt plan and couldnt explain. example, Id lay in bed medititating and wonder why the plastic bags on the floor would rustle, my tv would sit in silence the entire evening and then make a loud noise from inside. Nowdays i'd say that it was down to a form of accidental quantum entanglement, but it is very hard to understand exactly how the subject and object relate compared to intentional PK techniques. I was most disturbed one night when i was using my hands to feel and manipulate the energy of a crystal altar, i was looking inbetween my hands and saw a whispy white smoke like substance rising above them, i started worrying because i thought i was conjuring a spirit lol! so i stopped. im waffling i know but to sum up what im saying, i learnt to see the aura on accident, learnt the possibility of conjuring visible energy on accident, learnt that i could feel my chakra system basically on accident. For me personally i guess ive just had most begginings thrown my way and ive held onto them and tried to develope them. i think a lot of people accidently get caught in the web all the time and just dont notice the relationship between them jumping up and down, and the web moving.
I wanted to document a poltergeist side effect that happened in my home this week.
I had been cleaning up and sorted out a shelf that holds our dishes lining everything up. It s a flat stable surface.
My mindset was irritable tired and overwhelmed from my job that day. I specifically put the blender in its proper location slightly annoyed it had been improperly placed in a bowl which mad it hard to get to something else I wanted to get.
I had just finished cutting an onion on the bench above and walked across the kitchen floor towards the stove where I was cooking with a wok.
I had in my mind a pk idea and above where the blender was sitting was the target (a plant)
Anyway I was walking and I heard an almighty crash. I looked immediately to see the glass from the blender fly across the floor as did my partner. As no one had been near it and it was properly place it could not have been knocked and had slide across the shelf to the edge and smashed on the tiles with such force as to scatter it across the floor. The shelf is approximately 6 inches from the floor.
The event satisfied the known causes of poltergeist side effect. A target of annoyance and stress compounded by tiredness. I just wanted to share this for anyone else experiencing spontaneous movement in their homes at times of stress.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
As a result of my practice I have experienced some side effects most recently a fork sliding across the counter into the sink has anyone else experienced and electrical or physical side effects?
Its funny that you said that Shirak, cause I remember clearly one recent ocasion that went exactly like yours, there was also a fork on my kitchen counter, and I was eating in the kitchen and imagining myself with very powerful PK powers, doing amazing things (I was watching a movie about people with superpowers just before that). And then, suddenly, I heard the fork sliding fast and falling in the sink. Exactly like you said. But it never happened again =(
I have just recently discovered my PK/TK abilities and have been practicing quite a lot. Anyways the morning of Dec 28 2012 I was pouring myself a coffee and unplugged my iPad from the charger, I unplugged the charger from the wall as well which is a fair size as many know. Anyways as I was poring the creamer into my coffee the square part of the charger that plugs into the wall slid a couple inches across the counter by itself. I was not even thinking of anything to do with TK when this happened. I thought this was very interesting :)