Hi guys, what do you think of this? These pair of eyes appeared over the unlucky town of Srebrenica in Bosnia, when they had the muslim "farewell ceremony" a couple of days ago, for the recently excavated victims of the genocide over the population.
Well, it looks freaky real. I would say 99% of chance of being real. When I see a video thats fake but looks very real, I have this "little" thing telling me there is something wierd, even if its perfect visually. In this I got nothing but goosebumps??? By the way, Iīm with a very interesting idea. Wonīt you guys agree that this looks like the eyes of a jinn? And considering its part of middle eastern folklore, and it happened at the day of a muslim celebration?? And other thing, the jinns are told to appear in "form of smoke". Arenīt clouds ands smoke very similar things by eye? Its REALLY something to think about!
Jinns are of the fire element. I haven't heard any cases of jinns appearing in the form of smoke. I take the eyes in the sky as a sign for both the serb forces and the muslims that all actions are witnessed by the creator who gave us life.
It says in the translation of the holy Qur'an:
[Surah Az-Zalzaleh (The Earthquake)]
"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
When earth is shaken with a mighty shaking
and earth brings forth her burdens
and Man says, 'What ails her?'
upon that day she shall tell her tidings
for that her Lord has inspired her.
Upon that day men shall issue in scatterings to see their works,
and whoso has done an atom's weight of good shall see it,
and whoso has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it."
umm... o.o i believe thats just clouds taking that form and the lightning or whatever thats behind the clouds making some flaring o.o that makes it seem there are eyes... And no.. those aint jinns o.o jinss are of fire element.. They wouldnt appear as smoke... o.o And ... Muslims dont say "God".. if u say "God" to a muslim here... they would be ready to snap your neck o.o they say "Allah" And.... o.o again.. dont think its real o.o just an effect of clouds and light o.O And dont worry XD even if its a sign for muslims :D they wouldnt bother.. their political parties are busy making protests here that women shouldnt wear pants.. o.o because they are forbidden. Yeah.. o.O that includes all women.. even christian ones.. xD Lots of BS.. but meh :D Out of subject o_O so back to subject.. o.o thats my opinion XD nothing more
And jinns dont appear for no reason anyway o.O They are supposed to be trapped right now o_o dont think they are freed yet lol
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus