I've read about this before, and I kind of blew it off.... but now I wonder if this could be a real issue. It would make sense, people who train in PK use have a slightly different aura (at least to me. Their aura seems to be brighter than others) so why not have a group of people who desire that type of energy for themselves?
It seems to be an issue to most of the sights I've looked at for Astral Projection. They say to be on the alert for unfriendly minds on the same plane.
For those who don't know what a Psychic Vampire is: They are humans, and with regular teeth ^.^, but they have the ability (conscious or not) to drain the energy of other people. Their life-force, chi, soul, etc. but usually go after those with higher levels of it. What they do with he absorbed energy? Who knows? Use it for PK? Or maybe it's like a drug to them? Whatever they do with it the effects on the person is bad. They feel drained obviously, and very tired. Headaches have been reported, insomnia, and nightmares too. And of course PK use is stunted, until the energy has been replenished.
What do you think? Do they exist? I've never seen one before, not that I would know they are one of course... I don't know... just wondering if anyone has heard of this before or have come across this before, maybe had the symptoms of it? Or are one... :D
Wow! Its been my experience people feed off the energy they get from others positive or negative. Psi vamps are quite real but easily dealt with simply put realize the source of their insecurity in attacking or flattering.
"Realise that everything in Nature is harmless to you and you are harmless to all Nature. When you are not afraid of Nature you can control Nature in the raw, for you have been given power and dominion over all things. They are caught up in their own creations and lose the creativeness of the Uncreated." (Beyond the Himilayas)
The self is a creation remember others will project their perspectives of reality on you when in reality you are the one who creates your own reality and in this knowledge you can choose. It is in the gap between thoughts in the uncreated that truth is found. You have the power of discernment within and the potential to master all for you are a part of all that is, and in being a part of it you hold within you the potential to know it. The truth can be found within and then all the manipulations of others are exposed for what they are false.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I believe there are not only vampires, but also sources of psi or chi or whatever you would like to call it. There are some people who are so at peace with nature and all things around them that they walk into a room and you literally feel lighter and more joyful and energetic just being around them, even wildlife no longer has the natural instinct to fear them. It is like Yin and Yang in a way, there are those with such a great abundance that they share it with others unintentionally, then there are those lacking in it which suck it from others using it as a negative energy source. I believe if a person has frequent jealousy, hate or envy that they may unintentionally become a psi vampire draining others whereas those with a great acceptance, understanding, love/empathy will become sources of energy.
Just an idea, sorry if it is a little silly but: On the quantum level we are all entangled waves of energy, it is possible that if a negative wave is in a room with a positive wave that one will "assimilate" the other one, probably depending on which ever one is strongest willed. The negative person may leave the room feeling a bit more at peace, or the positive person may leave feeling a bit more drained.
I know I said I quit the forum, but honestly I do not think I could ever really stop being interested in PK.
Why did you quite the forum? If you don't mind me asking.
That's a very intresting theory. I mentioned something along those lines in a past post, about other peoples energies affecting others. It's how when you come across someone sad, you tend to feel sad.
But yes, you seem to be right... there are people who have that effect, giving off their energy.
I wonder if these opposite people are drawn to each other... opposites DO attract, and they could be a perfect combontion.... One of them needs energy, the other has plenty to spare... or maybe not ^.^
I apologize for repeating some of what you had already said, I quit because I had not had much success with macro-pk. I felt, at the moment, that it is something I will never have any success in and also felt that I was not being very productive or useful to the forum. One result I have noticed in practice with PK is that I have become better at comprehending things I once was unable to comprehend, both in PK and in general.
I see, well you are always welcome here, so don't be a stranger!
And don't apologize! Why should you? I wasn't accusing you of stealing it or anthing, heavens no. I just said I have noted something smimilar like that before, no need to apologize! You theory makes sense though.
I think I have been a victum of a psychic vampire before. It was the day when I broke that mirror in 7th grade (or 8th) but I barely touched it. That night I went home and was completely drained. I had all the symptoms of an... attack? but I don't know... It could have just been my body reacting to releasing an energy it's not used to releasing. Who knows.
Shirak Said something cool about this though, about the attack of a PV, and I quote: "People only have as much control as you give them." Very powerful words, and also very true! and it can also be used in a lot of different things in life! As a Matter of fact, I may just have to put that in my signature! :P
BTW, this quote "People only have as much control as you give them." has been given to my brother, after a white flash stunned him out of nowhere. It was actually "It only has as much power as you give it.", so it does not relate only to people, but to all things.
About Psi vampires, I think I know one, as I always feel tired around that person, it took me a while to figure out what was going on.
Again offtopic, but I have to ask for a confirmation. You Joshwah can see auras?
Oh, in case I used the word God: actually I have no idea what that is.
I notice peoples aura, I can feel them, better than see them. But sometimes people who have a high abundance of energy I can see it clearly or brighter than others. I think it has something to do with my empathy abilities.
So yes I can see them, but rarely with colour, and not all the time, and usually only for those who has a high spiritual connection, are passionate at the moment, or have very high energy. But mostly I feel peoples auras. Why do you ask?
I researched this in wiki for my pyro vid that ive been working on and will be incorperating it into it. Radiation emitted by a human body
"Radiation emitted by a human body
Black-body laws can be applied to human beings. For example, some of a person's energy is radiated away in the form of electromagnetic radiation, most of which is infrared.
The net power radiated is the difference between the power emitted and the power absorbed:"
It is completely plausible that as a human who naturaly emits an em field on can also be aware of anothers and be sensitive to it. It is even no more a stretch to consider the brain capable of creating a sort of imaging software to express within the visual cortex a representation of said senced field. This would explain a process by which even though the eye may not have infa red or emf cones and rods which I also believe to be plausible that someone could create a visual representation of anothers aura which then could be interpreted.
On of our members David does such a thing and has demonstrated as well as one can this ability on several occasions. David has been traveling the world over the last year but I think now that he is back Ill see if he can offer some insight as well. Ill just write him now.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Hi I'm Ro These types of people don't have to be psychic. It is a bad side of some peoples nature is to see someone doing something they love and being happy to want to bring them down.
This is in my opinion usually rooted in that person not being happy themselves. When I see someone behaving like that instead of being outraged I now pity them and disengage.
Why waste time on someone who isn't going to respect your right to be who you are and instead resorts to insults and bringing you down.
By focusing on the positives in life and those who will be a positive influence this is the way to reach my goals, not spending time dwelling in negative places with negative people. That is what wastes and saps conscious energy. It wasn't until I adapted this philosophy that I began to realize my dreams. Just my opinion.
It can be just a matter of the perspective you are using to look at the situation.
Just an idea here, if you intentionally affect something or someone in order to lower their energy control, wouldn't that be regarded by the person being affected as if someone was "draining" or "taking away" energy from them?
I'm not disregarding the act of really draining, but that's another way of achieving the same effect on whatever is being affected, and assuming that the person is someone unable to distinguish between both... then, they would perceive both situations as exactly the same.
just a guess though o.o wouldnt it be a good defensive technique sometimes? o.o to drain the energy of ur opponent? o.O like... make a shield contruct that if they try to drain ur energy.. it abosrbs theirs o.o just asking if such thing is possible.. O.O it could be cool to practice
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Has anyone ever had experience with psi/psychic attacks? I was sitting here listening to music when suddenly it felt as though an external force was attempting to attack me. I had a visualization of negative emotion, and a flash of blue light in my mind's eye, at that moment my heart palpitated several times as though it could not beat normally. It felt like an intended attack on my energy, or my life and so I quickly visualized a protective construct around my body and worked to raise my vibrational energy, this seemed to work to ward it off.
Was I just over-worked from Psi-practice? or could someone have actually been trying to attack me?
I can say with 100% certainty that psychic attack is real. When you seek to make yourself knowledgeable and more powerful, you might experience an attack from those that wish to keep you ignorant and week.
Of course they are real. They will try to attack you even in dreams. From my personal experience, when i usually try to do OBE, i get attacked. It feels like fear and pain combined (side effects: few seconds of paralysision). For me they are like shadows, tho not all of them attack, some actually protect. I agree with SeriousKnot. They try to keep us from becoming stronger than others, they are afraid of us :). Try talking to them, maybe you can convince them to protect you.
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Psi Attacks are very real many people ignore the sensations however the more you become aware of your own energy the more you will sense imbalance. I am not just referring to disembodied entities. Humans do it all the time. Humans constructs can do it to. It may have been you sensed that the music was not the right energy for you to be consuming on your present path and that was compounded by your growing new awareness. My advise is to not become paranoid of new sensations but learn to appreciate what they are telling you about the energy states around you. New does not necessarily mean bad. You may well have experienced a pulse in your heart chakra. Meditation will help you find the answers I only offer the possibility. If you decide to walk the path of fear and paranoia it is your choice however the best way to raise your energy is to reply to projected feelings of fear with love awareness that fear is only projected by one who is projecting from their ego.
"One day a man found out that his brother had renounced worldly life to become a monk, and he became very angry. He set off on foot to find the Buddha, and upon finding him, he began to abuse the Buddha. He yelled at him, spit on him and even struck him with his fist. The Buddha did not flinch, instead he remained as calm and as blissful as he always was. If you offered some food to a guest who came to your house, and the guest left without eating any of it, who would the food belong to? the Buddha asked the man.
The man was confused by this seemingly very strange question, but upon reflection he replied, "Of course, it would belong to me!" The Buddha shook his head in agreement and then said, In the same way, I do not wish to accept your abuse, so the abuse belongs to you. The man then realized this truth and bowed to the Buddha's feet in forgiveness. The Buddha told him there was no need for forgiveness and asked the man to sit with them in discussion. The man soon after became a monk, just like his brother.
Such a simple story, but the implications are tremendously powerful! The Buddha was being verbally and physically abused and managed to fix the problem without becoming angry in the least bit. This is not surprising though because an awakened one will never become angry. But let us not place the Buddha on a pedal stool and act like we too cannot awaken to this simple realization today; that when we are angry at something or someone else, we are only hurting ourselves and making our lives that much more difficult than they already are. When we truly realize this simple fact, the doors of real lasting and powerful change will open wide."
"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. - Buddha
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.