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Post Info TOPIC: Insightful Pk related books and reveiws.

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Insightful Pk related books and reveiws.

Ok so I d just like to start this one Please share any good books anyone has read that helps with their pk training. Any personal insights and reveiws would be greatly appreciated.


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this is something that i like to look into on my spare time. it on the internet sorry not a book but it does have lots of different interesting subjects and pk.    you may have heard of it i love reaing about Th oth and the Emerald Tablets on hear, which talks about him coming from atlantis and creating the pyramids with only his mind, like the guywho built coral castle. sorry if this doesnt help but it does have a lot of info on pk


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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The yoga sutras of Patanjali, are very good for helping to deveope PK:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Here are some passages I've taken out of a book I'm reading titled Minds And Motion by Scott Rogo. The book was published in 1978..


Rejdak visited Kulagina in 1968 in order to test her and photograph the PK. These tests were carried out only after the psychic had been searched for magnets, strings, and other props which she could conceivably employ to fake the PK. This is what Rejdak reported:

After we sat down around the table, I required Mrs. Kulagina to leave the position at which she had decided to sit, and to sit at the opposite side of the table. The first test was to endeavor to turn a compass needle first to the right and then to the left. Mrs. Kulagina held her hands approximately 5-10 cm over the compass during the experiment, as well as during the following ones. After an interval of concentration, the compass-needle turned more than ten times. Thereafter, the entire compass turned on the table, then a matchbox, some separate matches, and a group of about 20 matches at once.

I placed my gold ring on the table: it moved faster than all the other objects . . . I chose some glass and china objects from the buffet, weighing from 10 to 20 dg., and Mrs. Kulagina made them move as well. On request, she could induce motion on the objects, while they were on a seat or on the floor. All this was performed in full light. The gold ring which she had made move was taken by me from my finger and put on the table. She passed her hands over it and the ring moved toward her. Threads or other attachments were out of the question.

The matches we used had not been examined because they belonged to us, as also did the match-box, and so could not have been prepared by her. Fraud was impossible, as she was sitting in a fully illuminated room controlled by Prof. Sergeyev, Dr. Zvenev, Mr. Blazek, and myself. Other objects . . . were selected by myself and so she had no opportunity of preparing them.

During the entire series of tests, Kulaginas body had been monitored to see what was happening to it physiologically. After the experiments were over, it was clear that she had lost weight, her heart beat erratically, her blood sugar increased, and her muscles ached. In general, this all indicates a stress-alarm: adaptation.

Mme. Kulaginas physical reactions to her PK are very similar to the ones about which Palladino would complain at the end of one of her séances. She, too, was a physical wreck at the completion of a trying set of tests. She lost weight, cramped up, and would even vomit. There is little doubt, to my mind at least, that both Kulaginas and Palladinos PK represents virtually the same process at work and has (or had) the same relationship to their organisms. Once again it looks as though stress is the key to volitional PK. But why? Why should PK be related to a stress reaction? Why cant it be exercised with ease a la the poltergeist?

There is obviously a delicate balance that must be reached between psychological readiness, conscious volition, and physical readiness before PK can manifest. It could be that if there is no psychological readiness to exhibit PK (as, for example, the psychological frustrations which provoke the poltergeist), then physical volition must compensate for it. Obviously, subjects like Kulagina are always physically ready to produce PK, but they are not always psychologically prepared. If, however, the subject can manifest the requisite psychological conditions to produce PK, then the physical factors can take second place. For instance, Kulagina did not at first produce PK with any strain. Objects apparently just moved under her fingertips. At this point, she had a psychological readiness to produce PK. Since she also had an innate physical readiness to perform, the PK could manifest easily. Later as she tried consciously to produce and control the PK, she had to use physical stress to compensate for what might be considered a psychological resistance to producing the phenomena. Great psychics may not always be prepared consciously or unconsciously to exert PK. This is where the strain comes in . . . working with the physical body to eject the PK against mental resistance. Since PK is usually an unconscious process, we are probably always mentally resisting it, consciously or unconsciously, even if we believe we are trying to produce it. Very few poltergeist agents for instance, are good experimental PK subjects.

. . . Even the very movements of the PK-affected objects appear to be governed by a few rigid principles: (1) It is easier for Kulagina to roll objects such as cigarette or cigar containers than to shift them from an upright position. (2) When Kulagina is working with new objects they always move away from her; only after practice can she attract them. (3) Howwever, objects that are attracted to the psychics body move faster and more energetically. (4) It takes greater energy for Kulagina to move objects farther away from her than ones close at hand. (5) Often the objects begin their motion as though imitating the psychics own bodily movements. When she swings and controts her body as she strains to exert the PK, the objects might begin to move in similar fashion. (6) Even after a test is over, an object might continue to move although Kulagina is no longer attempting to induce PK.

Soviet scientists have also studied how screening affects the objects Kulagina tries to influence by PK. They have found that screening the target objects with lead-impregnated glass, paper, metal plates, wood, and so forth has no effect on the PK. Shielding will not affect the PK even if a screen is placed around the objects while they are in motion. Yet, on the other hand, Kulagina cannot move objects placed in a vacuum. Unlike Palladino, though, Kulagina cannot discharge an electroscope, nor has any electrical charge ever been detected around her moving objects.


If I find more details that could be useful I'll add them to this page. There are 3 other books I have checked out as well at the moment, still reading.


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I think it's important to remeber that while learning from these case histories, to not take on the limitations of others. Not all psychokinetics & energy workers have un-healthy bodies:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Which reminds me, does the Society for Psychical Research know about any other legitimate psions like you and Shirak's abilities? Or is she and uri geller their last believed subjects to be capable of PK? I don't think Geller was capable of PK to any extent if anything, he was a decent magician and illusionist though. None of his records quite prove anything, there's a lot of lack of evidence that he was capable of PK and his claims since the start of his career seemed rediculously bizarre. He claimed he was being controlled by aliens once. lol


"True focus lies between rage and serenity."

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Who knows who might be watching us. We just have to get proficient enough so that we wouldn't have to worry about them anymore wink.

Forcing pk instead of just having it happen tends to work against the body. Kulagina was often challenged by skeptics without being given the time to prepare beforehand.

I think that magicians and illusionists use pk quite often. They may use blankets and stuff to make the viewers think it's sleight of hand, but still perform pk there. I think it's simply easier to perform it with blankets because of the possible skepticism of the surrounding people. They draw peoples' attention away from the feat to avoid their affecting of the outcome. Well, sometimes magicians condition the surrounding people and make them perform pk instead.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

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I personaly would rather not have to much attention. I think that being famous for this would only get in the way of training & development:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Bro o.o i believe Chris Angel .. o.o the famous magician.. is actually a psionic dude v.v

and above all v.v the one and only.. David Copperfield DX man.. they said he made a contract with the devil coz he refused teling them his tricks e.e but man o.o i believe he was very gifted at PK.. o.o


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
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International Psionics Journalist

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There is obviously a delicate balance that must be reached between psychological readiness, conscious volition, and physical readiness before PK can manifest. It could be that if there is no psychological readiness to exhibit PK (as, for example, the psychological frustrations which provoke the poltergeist), then physical volition must compensate for it. Obviously, subjects like Kulagina are always physically ready to produce PK, but they are not always psychologically prepared. If, however, the subject can manifest the requisite psychological conditions to produce PK, then the physical factors can take second place. For instance, Kulagina did not at first produce PK with any strain. Objects apparently just moved under her fingertips. At this point, she had a psychological readiness to produce PK. Since she also had an innate physical readiness to perform, the PK could manifest easily. Later as she tried consciously to produce and control the PK, she had to use physical stress to compensate for what might be considered a psychological resistance to producing the phenomena. Great psychics may not always be prepared consciously or unconsciously to exert PK. This is where the strain comes in . . . working with the physical body to eject the PK against mental resistance. Since PK is usually an unconscious process, we are probably always mentally resisting it, consciously or unconsciously, even if we believe we are trying to produce it.

I may be wrong, but this quote seems to suggest that so long as she was mentally ready and willing (Subconsciously maybe) then the effects of PK did little damage, or even none on her body.

After reading this mental resistance, i can't help but wonder if maybe that is apart of my problem.

So, with that in mind, how would one go and lessen this resistance? I'm sure through meditation, but does anyone have any suggestions on a meditation that would lessen the resistance. Not sure if I'm wording my question correctly, but what i mean is, a meditation designed to get into deeper parts of the mind then maybe do something that may help lessen this? Not really sure on the what to do once I'm there part.

I hope that makes sense.

Anyways, thanks for that snippet. Big fan of Kulagina!

Have fun!


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I have noticed this with the foil psi wheel lately, it feels like I have to physically push through a barrier to get it to move, and then it just moves in short bursts.   But then if I use my aluminium can psi wheel or half can cut longwways it will flow easier.

Owl has suggested this may be due to energy density though, its like I cant find the feel to move the lighter wheel.


As I dont meditate very much, I would say that the thing I have noticed the most that has just happened over time  is my focus is clear and my mind is quiet 24/7


International Psionics Journalist

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lucky you -_-






Have fun!


The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.

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Treasure Hunter, PK for you is meditation. Meditation doesn't only mean sitting cross legged on a pillow. All things are meditation if approached the right way:)


Nox, I think the resistance comes from thinking, as well as from ego fears, & the need to control. Absorptive meditation, obliterates the ego for awhile when you go deep enough, consistently enough. The more you do this kind of meditation, the more you can find the emptiness, & forget about the ego identification; no resistance.

PK, is inherently absorptive meditation, if you allow it to be. If you can't manage concentrating on a psi_wheel for it's own sake. You can train your concentration on an object which you have no emotional investment in.


Just behold the object until you are distracted, which you wil be, & gently bring your mind back to this object. Keep bringing your mind back over & over, & the frequency of distraction will decrease.


Which is a more congealed & focused concentration really. You are not really thinking though images related to the object may pop into the mind without distracting you. You feel like the object is directly a part of you. - This stage is sufficient for good PK performance:)


The object engulfs your consciousness. You are the object. What else can I say; an experience is worth a thousand words man. Intellectual understanding is not enough, do the work & be rewarded with an experience:)

-- Edited by owltwelve on Wednesday 4th of May 2011 02:50:44 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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i think th's perspective has been one of the most inciteful to me.

i mean that what he's posted in places helped me realize that sort of "okay i have to do this" or "okay i have to do that" dogmatic type of thinking might not be necessary

as far as im aware any kind of that sort of approach hasn't been much necessary for my perspective as long as i just actually observe whatever it is i'm aware of with a pk focus moving

basically, like i've said like a bajillion times lol, it all comes down to what actually happens. which is essentially your experience

so like in experiments done with jars with rice and water being quantitatively affected by feelings in ways that correlated with feelings consistently i think everything we're aware of right now is affected in a similar if not more basic integral way

your experience determines your experience

don't worry about what other people tell you what happy is supposed to be or whatever. worrying period is the experience of worrying

if you actually realized whatever you actually realized, well then you've actually realized it haven't you?

if you actually experienced anything in real time, whatever it may have actually been, whether you got it on tape or not, (however getting it on tape doesn't seem to hurt, lol) then you actually experienced it didn't you?

we all come and/or came from the same source. we're all pretty much literally all that is. we are the same source. we're all connected. this is inescapably true. through basic reasoning we are left with gathering that certain things not only have to be, but pretty much are true


the feeling of it moving

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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My mind is not always quiet and when it is, it usually doesn't last very long. Though, I'm certain that it'll eventually become constantly clear and quiet.

FridgeNatious, you phrased it very well.

For some reason, I sometimes find it difficult to "just do it". If I didn't, I would've plowed through the 99 pages of derivations in just one day. It took me more than that and more than once did I have to counter the thoughts of not wanting to do this.


@FridgeNatious: Thank you, you helped me remember how I used to do exams back in high school. Meditated until I felt nothing but pleasure of doing these things. When I became nervous or didn't like what I had to do, I would meditate until I would only feel pleasure again.

Also, I used to do homework by clearing the mind and just jumping in, doing it all without thinking about it.

-- Edited by Sussch on Wednesday 4th of May 2011 08:07:55 PM


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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Thanks Fridge,     Nox I would say I just keep it simple,  you can be kind of told how to move a psi wheel but after that I think you can only progress by kind of your own trial and error.   Its a good idea to get away from the psi wheel as soon as possible, because it has so much dogma attached to it.     Stasis field with fan and pinwheel is the best thing to do as this is clarification in your own mind it is you.   Once you are 100 percent sure then this builds confedence,

Different techniques work for different people and its kind of like finding your own balance.    I have also found that incorporating training daily even when doing other things helps too.

Purely focusing over time has developed this quiet mind state, which you can also achieve by conventional meditation.

It kind of feels like when you may have just found yourself staring at something and you are just blank, then you snap yourself out of it because you think you shouldnt be like that.    This state brings calm but for me I can now operate normally but in this state.

I feel it is a natural progression and nothing is really forced it seems to just change over time,   I did get my 3rd eye going originally by placing the coin on my forehead when laying down, but like today it has just been there all day without trying to physically feel it.

So basically train daily and know you want to progress and I beleive that the universe answers you call,


I think that using your conscious mind to look for answers on how it works , may hinder the flow of your subconscious

Hope this helps

-- Edited by Treasure Hunter on Wednesday 4th of May 2011 08:58:39 PM


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Your probably right, i do think to much.


I have been wondering if TK comes from a balance, and then strengthening this balance over time. I also noticed that when i approach TK, my style of learning it is a bit more head strong, sort of like i want to push an experience out there, and then experience it happening. But, when i compared that idea to me remembering how i learned any other skill, i found the 2 didn't match. When i go to learn any other skill, usually manual labor sorts of things, my mind goes naturally blank, and i keep my attention on what i'm doing/feeling. Like an intuitive attempt to absorb what's going on without me placing any bias-ism (not sure if that is the right word) upon it before hand.

So i have been trying to approach TK a little bit more in the latter manner. It seems really hard though. My mind has been really chaotic since that meditation i had where my subconscious threw me out.

Anyways, thank you :)

Have fun!


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Shirak wrote:

good books anyone has read that helps with their pk training. Any personal insights and reveiws



Beginning Mo Pai Nei Kung (Third Expanded Edition) by Shifu Lin


Beginning Mo Pai Nei Kung (Third Expanded Edition) by Shifu Lin 


Guys from Indonesia where things some regard as powerful miracles are everyday bread and butter. 


Very, very short read but passage that helped me gain some insight at my current level was regarding meditation at beginner level: 


meditation is not really our goal here. Our goal, instead, is pure concentration on a single-pointedness. We must breathe as instructed and focus with unwavering concentration, as instructed. We must do this for as long as we can, for as many times as we can


Practical and straight to the point. 



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