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Post Info TOPIC: Poltergeist or Other

Psionics researcher

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Poltergeist or Other

I dont know if i would call this a poltergeist. More like I didnt clearly define my goal, I was young and well randy as a dog. At that time I was messing around with an energy thing I use do. I barely ever do it now, not that i couldnt, i just are a bit more wary of its use.
Anyhow the energy is basicly like a fluid, can be trapped under sheets or whatever. I sought of at the time thought of it as being pure potential that you cold organize with your mind.
Ok so i setup my room with candles and insence. The goal was a bit blury and so i would assume the reason for the random results. The goal was sought based around a female, that i had never met, and new nothing about her. So yeah i was way blury. Basicly the focus of the sesions was sought of oriented around person x comming to me, being with me. Even more so blury. I tell yah what being young is fun ha. Any who i would sit down and meditate on what i just mentioned while at the same time throwing out the energy stuff i mentioned. This energy is real and not in your head, you can physically feal and it has specific effects, as mentioned fluid like, wave like, can be trapped under sheets in clothing and so flow, when pushed into an area of the body the muscle cramps. Anyhow back to the gists. Ok I knew when my occult work was doing its stuff because candles would always explode, and my nose would run like buggery. I did this for two or three nights each session being about 30 or so minutes. The third night i finished up and layed down. Next thing i know there is horrible scream of a woman, something out of horror movie, Then suddenly i was looking through eyes of a crow that had just landed out side all the same time, then i was being sucked under into this trance and there was this real female presence. Now i have been in tons of trances before but this was something else, way else. I managed to pull myself out of it with a crap load of effort. The crow was still outside at this time. That was the last time i did anything of that nature. I kind of wish now i had let go into the trance just to see what the hell was on the other side. MOst of what i do now is benign. Yeah if your wondering if what i did affected the female i had never met before, yeah you could say that. When you do stuff like that you have to have what you want done clearly in your mind, and make sure you are willing to reap the consequences. To this day i wish i had never done it. Not because of the oooh voodoo is all bad idea but because it is unconciounable to do so.
That said good memorys, good memorys.



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Amm... That was a little scary, but very worth reading. I hope you stick around for a while and share more of your occult and paranormal experiences.

That is why whatever I am doing, I always ask my spirit guide / God / whoever is listening, to protect me from stuff that I am not ready for. I always keep that in mind, actually I define it a little better: Protect me from stuff that I am not ready for, to experience without harmful consequences to my relatively sane and balanced mind.
That way I still get the stuff that can scare or arouse me, for the purpose of expanding my knowledge / consciousness.

Oh, in case I used the word God: actually I have no idea what that is.

Psionics researcher

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Thats a good idea to do. At that time I really was slack with methodology, and protection. If i remember rightly i had carried out no protection during the three days. I basically just did what i learnt to do at an earlier age. I really screwed some people over during my teens. I dont know if i will even get rid of that karmic debt. At the time it was never my intentions to harm anyone and just thought of it as play. I am a very different person now and have a greater understanding of things and so respect for all. Still a babe in the womb though.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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It sounds as though your communication with the girl was successful? I think you would be interested in the Telepathy experiments Cavalorn and I did earlier this year check out the telepathy section. We didnt post all our results but for me personallly I feel they were a success. Cavalorn and I when we started were on other sides of the world did not know each others exact location knew minimal about each other. It would be interesting to do a secondd round of tests however I cant give it my concentration till I finish some othehr projects Ie Pyro training for candle extinguiush.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

Psionics researcher

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How are you going with pyro pk. I have never tried it on purpose. What are goals.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I am very fluid with my emf field sinc with the flame. When this happens I get a tickle feeling on my body and the flame will pulse even when Im sitting a metre away some days. It pulses like its getting squashed.
Also I can flare the light I can grow the flame.
But the most importand I want to learn is the extinguish skill this I believe is the most useful.
I am experimenting currently with applying a stasis field a sort of yang energy compression field to the flame though I have had success when drinking (more relaxed) This is not the controlled repeatable result I would like.
So far when sober minded and meditating I can bubble the big flame within 4 minutes for some time I just cant get the final extinguish. If you have a youtube account can you pm it to me? I have a private preliminary demonstration I can add you to so you can see what I mean about the bubble effect.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


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dnorric wrote:

you can physically feal and it has specific effects, as mentioned fluid
like, wave like, can be trapped under sheets in clothing and so flow, when
pushed into an area of the body the muscle cramps.

Hey, I know a few things that are according to what you said...

like what my aikido teacher used to do some 10 years ago... at that time I
never understood how he did it, but when any student tried to attack him he
just used his speed and technique in order to be able to reach his hand and
touch the main muscles the opponent was using to perform the attack and
therefore stop their attack.

For instance, if they used the hand he touched them in the arm or the forearm.

Some times, he used to put certain students in this situation for 5 minutes
in a row, and they could spend the whole time trying to escape they could
pull as hard as they wanted and they still couldn't move the part of their
body the teacher was touching, therefore being unable to escape.

My opinion is that he was using aikido to deflect the first attack and then
using he's own energy to crample the muscles of the opponent, and when the
opponent realized they couldn't control that part of their body then a
psychologic fear would spark and take over them and it was so strong that
the match was pretty much over at the point that happened... cause all they
did was try to get loose.

I would say he was about 76 years, I'm not sure, but he would fight guys
ranging from 16 to 30 years old, and control anyone of them like this using
just one hand.


Psionics Research Fellow

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Just to be honest, I somehow have ghosts and demons living with me, and NOBODY in the family knows it... Just me, and every night when I head to bed, the ghost or demon ALWAYS see's me before I go to sleep. The other night, I heard the TV on downstairs, and it was definitely turned on. Well I went to go use the bathroom, and I heard the TV turn off on my way. I stopped for a few minutes and listened as hard as I could. There wasn't anyone awake except for me at the time. So I went downstairs to notice THERE WASN'T A SINGLE FAMILY MEMBER AWAKE. Like, there wasn't anyone downstairs, and all of the doors and windows were locked tight. The funny thing is, I can sense where ghosts and demons CAN be atm, and apparently he/she/it was pretty much hiding in the walls. When I went to bed that night, I felt it crawl into bed with me as I did and I happened to fall asleep when it kissed me. 0.o But this is normal. Plus it likes to use astral projection, only there's no body for it to come out of... I can easily tell, cause I see it EVERY TIME in my dreams. Just makes me comfy while I sleep. Surprisingly(not to me though), I wake up every morning without a single scar on me, or none of my organs re-arranged. This happens every night. The good thing's are is that of the following.

#1. I'm not lonely of a night.
#2. I can sleep soundly.
#3. I feel loved other than a family member.

It's crazy, but I like it. Also, I met another one who likes to play some sort of horn of a morning RIGHT IN MY EAR. Wakes me up on time too. XD



International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I prefer to use my subconscious to play an alarm clock for times when I forget to set the alarm on the mobile phone or set it wrong.

I think I read it from a Kundalini book or something that those who are free of their ego can be detached from their Karma. So, Karma should be in our minds. After all, its only reason is to make us learn from our mistakes and if we learn from our mistakes right after making one, there's no more reason for it to haunt us. That's only my opinion.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I really recommend researching Tulpas. What indication have you had that this is demonic in nature? I have found that pk side effect is often responsible for many disturbances in my home. These events often display personality traits of stresses I have had. A disembodied entity ie spirit can in rare occassions form a telepathic link with a  subject who has natural or unknown pk potential therefore utilizing that persons chi and biofield to casue a pk side effect however this is very rare and quite often poltergeisting events caused by the human become compounded by fear of the unknown.

Surely you should explore this possibility and the possibility that you may be reaching out to another telepathic human and experiencing their response. Very often humans jump to the conclusion that an event is caused by an evil spirit or demon when it is in fact an uncontrolled output of pk from a part of their own psyche. My own family has a history of this which I have explored. Also homes may build up a pk potential over time depending on residents, age of home and stress levels of the habitants. This changes the very fabric of the local matter and often subconscious thoughts can trigger kinetic events.

-- Edited by Shirak on Thursday 30th of September 2010 12:22:12 AM


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 77

It really is a demon or ghost. I could never tell the difference between the two though(blames YT fake users). But I know it can't possibly be a spirit. Though in small objects moving, yes, that has been happening lately as well but I hardly ever take note. I take more in note on presences that I see, and definitely feel of a day and night. Sometimes, it even likes to talks to me. Sometimes, our conversations lasts for about half an hour. I'm not allowed to discuss what we talk about either. Just for safety reasons.



International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I wanted to post an interesting Coast to Coast am episode, about poltergeist & ghost investigations. I found it interesting because much of the phenomena have paralells with PK research. Also, the measurment equipment & methods used by the guest being interviewed, may be very helpful in advancing PK research & other psi events.

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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It's The Great Poltergeist Charlie Brownbiggrin

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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LMFAO his reaction to the geisting.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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on the first one of the poltigeist, my only question is why didnt he watch the glass as it fell to the ground he was looking in that direction as if to make it more believble that it was there but he does not direct his eye site down. just a statment


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Psychokinetic Researcher

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Grengoshi wrote:

on the first one of the poltigeist, my only question is why didnt he watch the glass as it fell to the ground he was looking in that direction as if to make it more believble that it was there but he does not direct his eye site down. just a statment

 People display every type of reactions possible in those situations, there isn´t much a way how to conclude what a "real reaction" would be. When very scared people tend to get "static", like when I´m very surprise I just open my eyes and have trouble even moving them, his reaction was completly normal in my opinion.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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An interesting episode of Coast to Coast am:

Starts at around 8min

-- Edited by owltwelve on Sunday 10th of March 2013 04:59:04 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Wow. That episode was so freaking interesting that i couldn't stop shaking! Thanks for sharing! :D


~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.
~There is no such thing as good or evil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I am currently coping with some of the more extreme geisting phenomena that was mentioned in the episode. I feel badly, because it has radiated to neighbor apartmants above & to the side of mine. At least I know whats going on though, & I can calm it down when it gets scary:)


"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 2041

Ouch, this is pretty wild..


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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