Well theres great news everyone. I havnt used my pk or practiced anything pk for quite a while now. Well I got it out today and was searching myself to find the required state to get the wheel to rotate. I managed to find it which has improved my acceleration on the wheel quite a bit now. I thought i would try it covered completely by a plastic container. As soon as it was covered i was able to keep it going however required a different state in some ways from when it is uncovered, more activly ignoring it. Well after a few more minutes i figured out how to get the wheel rotating as quickly as when uncovered. So for all of those out there who doubt if it is possible it is very possible and actually easy once you get over your own mind block. For me now it feels like the container is not there. Very excellent. I feel more positive about metal bending now which is my next thing.
Well i am inclind to disregaurd last nights results as i have been un able to repeat them today. I would say that i must have overlooked something in the setup Damian
I would not disregard the results instead if it were me I would look into the variables leading up to the positive results. Also as a point of interest was it a full moon last night? It may be the electromagnetic effects of the moon could boost biofield still a theory requiring much more data. My pk picked up incredibly today after going for a long jog yesterday I felt more energy and clearer today. I have days when I am better at moving things than others. Today I had excellent results with my no hands levitation training of a small object.
Hi Ro. Not sure about the moon. I gave it ago again tonight. I am really getting the hang of it now. I can get the wheel to rotate covered as mentioned before but it almost behaves capacitivly. Unlike when it is uncovered the the wheel spins when i relax and let go. Though it spins uncovered when i simply enter the room I have now figured out how to accelerate the wheel straight off and are very close to max speed on my Egely wheel. I think i will make some paper wheels as see if i can get them accelerating and maintaining a descent velocity.
I have been using the Ryty used in the Shirak videos but mainly the psi Wheel no hands. I had some more success today. I have it set up on my desk at work so that all day a part of my mind can work on it. I am better this month than last month with lift however sustaining a balanced and sustained levitation is still beyond my skill set I am happy to plug away though at my own pace as I do seem to be improving.
Well i am practicing wheel rotation that is covered by a plastic container. I am using aluminum foil balanced on a needle and have given 99 percent gold foil a go as well, both reacting pretty much the same. I can get the darn thing rotate quite quickly in a half circle and then just stops and rocks back. Maybe due to it being pooly balance, or mental block. Either way i am still glad it is moving while covered. Have to try with a glass cover instead of plastic and see if helps. I can feel the synch between my mind and it but just keeping popping out of the state. I am thinking it is a mental block. With hope will be removed by end of week.Speak of the devil the wheel just did a full rotating while writing this.
Yes I have definatly noticed that the shape makes a difference but I am still unsure as to whether this is an effect of familiarity of shape. I read a study that the brain is more comfortable visualizing geometric shapes perhaps this is why the psi wheel in its uniform shape becomes easy to focus on?
As for the half turn problem a suggestion? Research yin yang. I find making my mind up or visualizing the final total action before starting helps the mind relax and just know that it willdo the full rotation. I have had success with glass and plastic containers also form another room using video call (mobile phone) I do believe this may be related to torsion fields. I believe that while static can be used to move the wheel I have an anti static mat and wrist strap that I have to test daily for work while wearing my strap and testing my static output with the testing box as 0 I can still maipulate the psi wheel within its container. In the case of me moving the psi wheel it is not static or convection current effect of bio heat. I invite others of adequate psionic proficiency to repeat this test with their own training to validate what I am saying ot be true.
Yeah i really do think the difficulties we all have is simply due to mind set. If it were a child learning this i am shore he/she would not have the same problems.