Hey, I just discovered this simple pracice method to strengthen your connection with an object.
1. Try to move it as normal 2. Feel the object. Move it if you have to. 3. Meditate on the feeling 4. Do it for a long time
I've noticed that when I do this rather than my regular practice session (just moving it), The object gets big bursts of movement instead of smooth movements or shakes.
Please document this on video. I have no doubts that you can get something to record with. If these are tips from the guy that moved the sunglasses and you're simply coming up with something mysterious to strengthen your ego... which I hope isn't the case since Ego is what cages us... I'd like you to seriously take time out of your life to find your own way to feel more attached to the universe. Don't focus on controlling it before you focus on understanding it.
it does sound like there's a bit too much ego flying around in this thread. hopefully it's because of the choice of wording and the intent is not what was meant. still, ego is kinda like cruise control on life... with it, it can be smooth sailing and without, you have to actually drive...
if you have access to video equipment, that would certainly help but if you don't have access to it, you might want to go more into detail as to what it is you're doing to achieve this. for example, if you're aware of what mental states you're in while doing this or any tips to achieving the mental state or the movement.
without a vid, all we have to go on are your words and description of the event and practise so it might help to have a bit more meat to your method. so that anyone interested in trying it has more to go on other than what was initially posted.
-- Edited by Redregon on Wednesday 29th of July 2009 01:19:01 PM
I discovered during the 7 hour session my first day that a relaxed breath (outbreath specifically) is key to connecting with the object, in my case, the psiwheel. I would 'hit a wall', so to speak, and then I would notice my breath being tight. It was as if the act of intentionally relaxing 'let the wheel in', and then bam, movement.
I discovered during the 7 hour session my first day that a relaxed breath (outbreath specifically) is key to connecting with the object, in my case, the psiwheel. I would 'hit a wall', so to speak, and then I would notice my breath being tight. It was as if the act of intentionally relaxing 'let the wheel in', and then bam, movement.
However, the extra movement could also be caused by the air current of you breath. Try doing it under glass.
I can tell you from personal experience that it's easier to get movement from under a glass when you "focus through" the glass, as opposed to trying to break through the glass barrier. (Hope that made sense.) The psychological block can be lessened/removed like that. It took me some practice.
The "psi-wheel" operates on heat. Chi is heat as well. Basically, you're supposed to have your hands near and the heat of your hands rises (makes "micro-wind" i like to call it) to push on the psi-wheel, like a sail on a sailboat. Certain positioning of your hands will give you different effects.
If you happen to have an infrared camera, experiment with it and altering your body's heat.
Now if you're wondering how those people spin them under glasses and such, pay close attention to their needle. They probably won't mess with it, and throughout the video the only parts moved are the psi-wheel and the glass. The needle is stationary, so that must be the secret to his trick. It is a motor placed under the table or hidden by another object with only the rotor being visible, that is until the "psi-wheel" is placed on it.
In short, don't train on psi-wheels unless you're distanced from it, and in a room with no moving air or heat source. You may perfect the perfect angle to place your hand in which the heat from it spins the wheel, and delude you into thinking you're onto something.
I believe if you truly want to train you should be training as though you're in psi-school.
Our potentials ahead of each of us are maleable, but what allows us to control them is when we follow one path that would approach a certain outcome.
When you're distracted by life when you're training to use PK, it's because PK isn't your life. It's pretty hard to mix these two, considering the common individual would dismiss you as insane when you sit and say "hey watch this, I'm going to make this object move with my mind" and all you get are slight movements in the object that could be due to any amount of circumstances within the environment that the other observer would blame it on, but you could accredit the twitch on your mind... as they'd be walking away, laughing.
The "psi-wheel" operates on heat. Chi is heat as well. Basically, you're supposed to have your hands near and the heat of your hands rises (makes "micro-wind" i like to call it) to push on the psi-wheel, like a sail on a sailboat. Certain positioning of your hands will give you different effects.
If you happen to have an infrared camera, experiment with it and altering your body's heat.
Now if you're wondering how those people spin them under glasses and such, pay close attention to their needle. They probably won't mess with it, and throughout the video the only parts moved are the psi-wheel and the glass. The needle is stationary, so that must be the secret to his trick. It is a motor placed under the table or hidden by another object with only the rotor being visible, that is until the "psi-wheel" is placed on it.
In short, don't train on psi-wheels unless you're distanced from it, and in a room with no moving air or heat source. You may perfect the perfect angle to place your hand in which the heat from it spins the wheel, and delude you into thinking you're onto something.
I believe if you truly want to train you should be training as though you're in psi-school.
Our potentials ahead of each of us are maleable, but what allows us to control them is when we follow one path that would approach a certain outcome.
When you're distracted by life when you're training to use PK, it's because PK isn't your life. It's pretty hard to mix these two, considering the common individual would dismiss you as insane when you sit and say "hey watch this, I'm going to make this object move with my mind" and all you get are slight movements in the object that could be due to any amount of circumstances within the environment that the other observer would blame it on, but you could accredit the twitch on your mind... as they'd be walking away, laughing.
Hey spizazzle, once again :) The heat moving psiwheel has been somewhat debunked here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuSIInErfJs It will cause a bobble, but not the smooth spinning. I succeeded last night to spin mine just by looking at it at a distance of about 3 or so feet. It was accompanied by a 'pulsing' or 'spinning' of my 'third eye'
The "psi-wheel" operates on heat. Chi is heat as well. Basically, you're supposed to have your hands near and the heat of your hands rises (makes "micro-wind" i like to call it) to push on the psi-wheel, like a sail on a sailboat. Certain positioning of your hands will give you different effects.
If you happen to have an infrared camera, experiment with it and altering your body's heat.
Now if you're wondering how those people spin them under glasses and such, pay close attention to their needle. They probably won't mess with it, and throughout the video the only parts moved are the psi-wheel and the glass. The needle is stationary, so that must be the secret to his trick. It is a motor placed under the table or hidden by another object with only the rotor being visible, that is until the "psi-wheel" is placed on it.
In short, don't train on psi-wheels unless you're distanced from it, and in a room with no moving air or heat source. You may perfect the perfect angle to place your hand in which the heat from it spins the wheel, and delude you into thinking you're onto something.
I believe if you truly want to train you should be training as though you're in psi-school.
Our potentials ahead of each of us are maleable, but what allows us to control them is when we follow one path that would approach a certain outcome.
When you're distracted by life when you're training to use PK, it's because PK isn't your life. It's pretty hard to mix these two, considering the common individual would dismiss you as insane when you sit and say "hey watch this, I'm going to make this object move with my mind" and all you get are slight movements in the object that could be due to any amount of circumstances within the environment that the other observer would blame it on, but you could accredit the twitch on your mind... as they'd be walking away, laughing.
No, Chi is not heat. It has the effects/properties of electricity, however it can't be measured by voltage meters. Qigong practitioners are able to heal/shock/burn others with Chi as well as set fire to newspapers.
-- Edited by NathanielZhu on Tuesday 4th of August 2009 11:06:23 PM
No, belief is the ultimate subjectivity - re religion. How can so many people be right? Reality is. It doesn't care what anyone believes....remember how everyone 'believed' that the earth was flat??? It isn't, nor was it ever, even though people believed it was. Belief is based on emotional 'glue', of which you apparently have a plethora. Believe nothing, question everything.
No, belief is the ultimate subjectivity - re religion. How can so many people be right? Reality is. It doesn't care what anyone believes....remember how everyone 'believed' that the earth was flat??? It isn't, nor was it ever, even though people believed it was. Belief is based on emotional 'glue', of which you apparently have a plethora. Believe nothing, question everything.
There are multiple definitions for reality. The definition of reality is "what is accepted by a majority of people." For example, The reality for people hundreds of years ago was that worms were made of mud and flies were made of rotten meat. Anyone that were against is reality is not accepted by the society.
However, the other reality is what is actually happening in the universe. This reality is partially explained through Physics but we already know that reality can change and physics will change so reality isn't a definite thing.
-- Edited by NathanielZhu on Sunday 9th of August 2009 03:32:57 PM
i'm interested to understand the purpose of this slightly caustic back and forth?
i know some say that we're all right in a sense... but to be honest, i'd have to think that we're all wrong in a sense. i don't think that it's an easy task (if possible) for one person to be able to understand the whole sum of existance... at least in this realm.
sharing ideas is cool but because those ideas may not mesh with your perception of reality doesn't mean that one is right and the other is wrong.
water is one of the most sensitive element, it is a recorder of time and space, gives us energy, giving life and youth. Why do you have to have to ask questions?... it is because everything is connected.