As I said in my very first post, I'd like to share a story. This is my very first telekinetic experience, one that was positively telekinesis. When I was about 10 years old, I had gone to a Predators (Tennessee) hockey game with my parents, and they bought me a long and thin glowstick necklace. When we returned from the game, it was late at night and we were all going to bed. I set the glowstick on my night stand about 6 feet away from the bed, on the left side. It was far back on it, about a foot from any edge. The glowstick itself couldn't be moved by me trying to blow air out my mouth, it was just heavy enough. I crawled in bed, and laid down to sleep. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes, restless, and turned my head to look over at the glowstick. For no real reason, I wanted the glow stick, just to have it. But I didn't want to leave the comfort of my bed. I wanted it very badly, a trivial item, but at that moment I wanted it more than anything else. I reached out my hand toward it, it still being a good 5 and a half feet away, and immediately it launched forward off of the table and landed on the ground right by my hand.
Not having any idea what just happened, I assumed ghosts, or monsters, heck I was 10. I ran into my parents room and started screaming that my glow stick jumped at me. My parents settled me down and put me back in bed, then placed the glow stick in a drawer.
By chance a few days later I went to the grocery store, and saw a book on Telekinesis. I believe the title was "How to unleash your psychic powers". It was a thin little book, but I read it, and begged my parents to buy it. After spending the next 6 days reading it, I decided to learn whatever I could. The book said that women and children have the best Psychic connections. It used an example for women: Mothers have a sense of when their child is in danger, they seem to know, and this has been proven with animals in tests. Children...well I don't know, maybe they're just special. Probably because their brains are at very high activity levels.
----- ----- I lost that book on the 7th day, but continued learning. I would like to be a part of this community and hopefully with all of the support, I can achieve the same feats.
Notable things: I am able to consciously regulate my body temperature by about 6 degrees F, something I've been able to do since I was a child. I was born with a very strange temperature, and my mother was scared because my temperature went down to 94 degrees one minute, then up to 102 the next, over and over, as a baby.
Freshman year of highschool I brought in a psi-wheel to Biology class and asked the teacher about her thoughts on Telekinesis, and asked if she believed in it. She said no, and I sat down at a student desk, with all of the students watching me, and was able to move it clockwise and counter clockwise on demand. This was about 1 week after starting to learn about the Psi-wheel. I stopped working on the wheel for about a year, and am no longer able to do it on command, but I may be able to get back up to it.
I had a dream about the Lion King in 7th grade, and the next day when I went to school, instead of taking a very important test, we watched the Lion King in class.
I *may* have unconsciously been able to manipulate the weather during my vacation to Mexico in June of 2009. On the flight into mexico, it was completely surrounded by a giant cloud that my father (a pilot) said would last at minimum a few days. It was forecast to last a week. The next day I made a joke about moving the weather until the end of the vacation and 5 minutes later there wasn't a dark cloud to be seen, after being heavily dark minutes before. It stayed sunny all week, until the MINUTE we walked into the airport.
In 6th grade we had major tests in every class one day, and the teachers were going to print them from their computers' network drives. I was the only one completely unprepared, and wished desperately for something to go wrong. One minute later an announcement came on overhead that the whole network had gone down, it came back up 5 minutes before the bell rang for school to be completely over.
I was so moved by Avatar the Last Airbender, that I ran the faucet and stopped the sink and attempted to move the water. On my first try I made it rotate clockwise for about 3 seconds, but noteably so.
Please treat me favorably
-- Edited by Isuju on Saturday 22nd of August 2009 07:54:05 PM
Hi this is not whoamiz but a friend, well he lets me use his accounts sometimes except cash accounts, well I want to tell you that forget about weather manipulation and concentrate on the other psionic specializations, ok? just not weather manipulation please.
Again, I'm not positive that was me. It was just that we would have had a terrible vacation with the weather being how it was supposed to, and so I just hoped it would get better, I didn't consciously do anything to change it. I didn't point at the sky, or stare at the clouds. I was just eating breakfast and talking to my family. I don't think I'm going to try moving the weather, because it's just not practical (to me).
Right now I'm trying to get back into moving a psi-wheel, but I'm attempting it under a glass only.
I think that you should have more faith in your subjective experience as what occurred could only fully be understood by your own experience. Words like "placebo" and Chains of "coincidence" are statistically improbable These are a synchronized path of direction called forth by intention and attention giving personal directives to learning about what you have your attention and intention on.
Someone who hopes to master pk should trust their experience and while advice on training methods may be helpful in directing you? A perspective based on mechanical absolutes will redirect your intention from learning to harness your very human latent ability to use what we call pk to becoming limited by one or two dimensional perspective.
Remember a room full of people who don't believe in pk is still a room full of people using intention it is just opposite in that they do not believe your intention to cause a pk event will work. Remember this always intention can be redirected to ego fear based responses or it can be focused by will to over come the projected perspectives of reality to conform to laws which limit and box us in.
In truth we were always meant to be free but have been fooled by those who have imprisoned their own minds with their limited beliefs and ability to perceive different dimensional perspective.
-- Edited by Ro on Friday 28th of August 2009 09:02:48 AM
I know this is slightly off topic, but it's really late where I am right now. While I was reading your response, many words in my mind were read as completely different words, and it gave an entirely opposite message to the one you were really sending me. I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. Was this intentional? I had to re-read your message twice, because the first time it seemed to be bashing, and the second time it was actually consoling. Thanks
My intention on this forum is always to help or to know how I can help.
You will come across many people who while intellectual have no way of knowing your perspective who have already locked themselves into "safe" reality boxes.
If you are successful in understanding who and what you are know that you are not alone.