I was startin to feel something 2 years ago...i can make fell my hands and body very hot and i can make fell my hands cold......i tried to make a hot psy ball and i feel something but my hand become very hot and I not resisted more... I'm 13...i feel some litle hot in my hand first time when i was 11... i take energy only from my body...maybe it's because this that a fell something but a little bit i will try take energy from all around me...does it possible ? if not i wil take energy from sun. I have a little question....can I hurt someone mastering Psi-balls and throwing it hard ??? I train Psi-balls 15-30 min a day...it's enought? How much I will have to practice before i can see a visible Psi-ball ??? I found some forum now... I play with this hot/cold and i use it al the day...for exemple when it's winter i use the hot one and my hand are hot all the day wihout nothing on it...it very nice Thenk U very much if U answer me Bye