When shirak does his thing what is he experiencing, or what is going through his mind? Do you feel something? I've heard you dont feel anything that it just happens but some people say they there is a feeling. Im confused.
yes you will actually feel something, for some that just let it happen they will not have control over what they are trying to move or control, for me I always feel that part of my brain is being compressed, for other psion that I know their body temperature changes and also when pushing or pulling you will feel a cold and warm sensation on the body part that you are using( e.g. your hand). To sum it up YOU will feel something some people does not realize this sometimes, maybe because their concentrating or something.
I feel connected, exhilarated, almost an electric sensation. I use skull based reference to direct my direction intent. Everyone is different but there are some common denominators if that is what you are searching for.