some days ago when I practised TK I tried to move a very small(4mm) cotton ball. I concentrated my thoughts on the movement of the ball from one point to another. But suddenly a fly came and kind of pushed it to the point I wanted it to go.
I think most of you have heard about a book called "the secret", well I think that this event would be a proof the theory of that book. the theory states that if we wish for something to happen the universe will find a way, so we shouldn't bother our minds with finding a way.
of course if you believe in pure chances: a) there were lots of flies flying around. b)it could be only a mater of time when one of them thinks it would be a good idea to land on the cotton ball.
anyway I would really like to hear some opinions on this.
You have experienced a demonstration on how intention can direct the forces of the universe to create the conditions for success. This is an important realization that must be made for anyone hoping to progress in pk.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.