Hey I would like to introduce myself, I am person who loves physics and to tinker with tech, yes very interesting field of science, a large field, anyway I was first introduced to PK after a friend told me about it, I thought of some reasoning and first thought that the human brain could harness higgs bosons in a way to manipulate external objects. (Just a thought.)
I then found Shirak's videos on youtube after some searching, and inspired me to try some experimenting on my own and found this forum, I found this forum to obviously be very helpful , thanks Shirak!
So I moved the psi wheel by will probably 3 times or more, after staring at a pencil standing on it's flat eraser, trying to will it to move but failed, then I realized I was moving the psi wheel according to the movement of my hands, or probably not me moving but I think you get the idea, I also have been attempting lucid dreaming and was somewhat successful, I could use lucid dreaming to ask "me" how to easily access my "subconscious." I have created a psi ball, but fell great pain within the palm of my hand, and shook it to rid the feeling, strange anyway but entertaining
So hello everyone.
-- Last edited by Ultinine on Wednesday 1st of September 2010 6:37:10 AM
-- Edited by Ultinine on Wednesday 1st of September 2010 11:37:12 AM
Hello Ultinine, welcome to the forum! I look forward to reading about your perspective on PK as you grow in psionics. Have a look around the forum, as there is a lot of great information & experiences shared here:) Also, with the psi_wheel you can learn to move it without your hands, and from any distance. I think that hands are useful for visualization and energy circulation, but if you do use them, physical movement is not required. Trust in your ability to connect:)
The bosons idea sounds really interesting...
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Thanks, I've been trying new twists with moving the psi wheel, through a video feed from my friend, slight movement but not enough to say it was me though as well as one "blue screen of death" on his computer (interesting), distance, with other people present (not successful I'll work on conditioning.)
Constructs will most likely help me out with no hands, oh and connecting with the object.
The main way that I learned distance PK, is through empathy. If you focus on something long & deeply enough through your minds eye, you may eventually go into a state of mind where you are aware of what it feels like to be the object. You can also feel the weight & texture of things this way. At first this can require a lot of concentration, but after a while touching objects with your mind can become a reflex that's always on. Candle gazing can be very helpful in distance training, as well as strengthen PK and many other Psionic skills:)
Many yogis & psions practice something called Trataka:
Hey welcome to the forum I am very interested in Physics theory also. There are plenty of unique and helpful perspectives here. I am looking forward to learning from your perspective.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I'd just like to add that it's good that you are very open minded with such thoughts, and it will eventually become possible for you to move a pencil, but the psiwheel is a great tool to start at for practicing. Its low friction will help show the slightest positive influences you project on it and will give you feedback of how you're doing. so keep at it and share your successful progress with us here on the forum so we can give you feedback too. :)
Hey welcome Ultinine, you have come to the right place, and joined a recent explosion of forum activity! Your avatar picture really reminded me of a picture I had taken in New Zealand, it looks quite similar to me what do you think?
Wow that IS a great picture, it looks very similar to the Colorado Mountains in that viewpoint, my avatar was a picture in the Colorado Mountains at the Peaks of Trinchera.
I'm planning to attend MIT after I grab some scholarships, possibly I can study PK and work on carving out my hypothesys there, thanks guys for the great advice, I'm serious, thanks.
-- Edited by Ultinine on Tuesday 31st of August 2010 09:04:32 PM
-- Edited by Ultinine on Tuesday 31st of August 2010 09:28:25 PM