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Post Info TOPIC: Emotionally triggered pk

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Emotionally triggered pk

I was talking to my father about owltwelve's progress and a few of my own attempts while we went shopping and while we came back. I had just finished talking about my attempt to turn the lights off in the living-room and on a street lamp when we entered the kitchen.

Father flipped the light switch and nothing happened. He was like: "Now what?" and kept flipping the switch. It was so cool that I just kept laughing: "Dunno, but it's not me". The light finally started to flicker and turned on after which he said: "I wouldn't be so sure, because that's how it happens to me - I can't control it."

I had a hard time trying to make a regular light bulb barely flicker and he just keeps a CFL off for several seconds on his first try while not even being aware of it himself. Sometimes I'm really amazed at what people can do while poltergeisting. After some practicing, who knows what would come out in addition to better control over pk?

When I sometimes talk with him on the subject of pk, he kind of starts experimenting with it without knowing it himself. I guess it was during the winter when we were discussing how phasing could be possible. He was skeptical, but a couple of days later he said he had been experiencing weird stuff. It had happened 2-3 times already that when closing a car door, his thumb would get stuck between the door and car frame. Strangely though, he always found his thumb on the outside of the car door when the door had closed - so, his thumb came through the door. It wasn't without injuries though.. hmm

It's at least the third time I have accidentally triggered his pk while talking with him.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Sussch, that is so funny about your dad & the lights. My brother reacts similarly when DVDs and television goes into stasis as we're watching a movies or show. My brother usually starts trying to cover my forehead, so we can get on with the show, lol. I think that poltergeists can definitly be brought under control in terms of learning how to do the effect at will. The other similarity with my family, is that my cousins complain that my pressence triggers thier precognitive & telepathic abilities when I'm around, which they actually don't like:)

On phasing, beyond what we've seen and heard via the Hutchison effect & Philadelphia experiment; there is also quantum tunneling.

The 1st link explains the phenomenon quite well I think:)

What is Quantum Tunneling?

For fun!

How scientific are Superheroes?

-- Edited by owltwelve on Saturday 11th of September 2010 03:37:18 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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smile Hmm, my reply's gonna get slightly off-topic..

Cool, it reminds me that I once wrote a tiny program that would generate a pseudo-random image into which I tried to imprint shapes and figures before taking a look at the image. Didn't succeed in such a manipulation yet. Perhaps it could be attempted on a TV that's showing stasis. Bringing forth a short clip from Lain.. biggrin

Thanks, there was a "quantum mechanics" (name is more like microworld physics or something similar) lecture on the subject of quantum tunneling on Friday. I'm pretty sure the lecturer made a mistake when he said it can't happen on macroscopic scales, but constantly hearing that sometimes backs up the belief (or disbelief) system.

I like it when they mention something familiar from psionics in physics lectures, but contrary to their arguments, a simple thought experiment with a little induction method allows for these effects in reality.

As quantum tunneling often happens with tiny particles and as we're all compositions of such particles, then with a good enough timing for each particle, walking through a concrete wall would be a piece of cake.

Even if we consider the probability too small for anything to happen, it's only a probability. When there's a probability of 10^-24 that some guy walks through a wall, it could still happen on his 3rd try. It wouldn't even mean that his next attempts would fail - probability doesn't mean nothing in that sense, because there's infinity of time during which it could all balance out anyway. blankstare I'm having a hard time in understanding it myself, so I find it difficult to explain..


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Google the Toronto experiment. It demonstrated that a group (like us) getting together and talking about pk amplified the pk effect expand this to those you speak to about htis at home and the effect grows. (perhaps we truly are turning into the League of Psions we had only suggested about years ago. handshake.gif


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I think that hearing of peoples progress on this forum is a great motivation and inspiration for me.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Well, you know me, I agree completely:) I can feel the resonance; the momentum is fantastic! In the interest of emotionally triggered PK, and expanding the Superhero construct. I propose a PK exercise, which has already helped me to become stronger and more confidant. What if along with PK training, we practice using PK to help others. You might be stunned to find that you can do more awesome things with PK, when your ego is out of the equation. Remember, form follows function; giving your subconscious a job for PK, can give your growth a more powerful life of it's own. Also, the more we do these large scale effects, the more doing them is reinforced. For example, you can start with:

Beginner List

1. Probability manipulation/time dilation for helping your friends get to their destinations on time.

2. Cloud stasis & bursting to help others to not get wet or have a sunny day.

3. Take a child out to the park with a Kite, bubbles, or airplanes & blow the wind to enhance their fun.


1. Create inertial dampening fields/mass cancel, while traveling in vehicles. Narrow it to passengers, allowing the vehicle to move at normal speeds.

2. Another skill you can practice with kids is invisibilty. What, how do you do that!?! This is a chi gung wilderness survival technique. It's from observing successful animal hunters like spiders & tigers(An adult crocodile can go two years without eating). It involves conserving valuable energy, by being still and quiet, to the point of not being obvious to the five senses of others. When chi gung masters would practice this, dinner would literally sit in there lap. Anyway, once learned, peaceful/helpful ways to practice include catching a cat or bird that got out of the house or went up a tree. A really good way to train it is to play hide & seek with kids. The thing is to stay is plain sight, and watch them run right by you. It's pretty funny:)

3. Influence the temperature up or down deepending on the season. I do this for my girlfriend in hot or cold outdoor weather. At 1st martial arts training helped me to regulate only my own body temperature. Though since PK training, I've been able to expand this field to someone near me.

4. Project alpha brainwave frequencies into an agitated environment. Perhaps soothe road rage, or while waiting in a long line you can create an easy going mood. The brain is wired to resonate with repeating frequencies. Slower brainwaves are both more creative & more suggestible. Once you can control your own brainwaves, you then have a consistant carrier wave to attach thoughts, images, & emotions to.

Don't be embaraced to move the big things. These skills we're training might become important one day:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Owltwelve The being there but not being perceived was something I remember happening when I was a kid. My brother and I were throwing squishy apples on the neighborhood tin roofs to watch them splat. (yes I was a naughty 10 year old once) An adult came running out of their house they started chasing us being good climbers we cleared the fence and instinctively run down a length and pushed up against the fence with no other thought except that I must not be seen.

The man cleared the fence and to this day I know he looked straight in our direction then hoped over another fence and continued his search. I refused to believe at that moment that I would be seen as the repercussions were slightly terrifying to a 10 year old.

-- Edited by Shirak on Monday 13th of September 2010 09:48:53 AM


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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That's pretty cool Shirak, and funny because a similar experience of being chased happened to me. While in highschool, a group of friends & I were cutting class. Our school had security guards and you could get kicked out of school for being caught cutting classes. Anyway, about six of us ended up being chased, so I after going around a corner I decided to practice the chi gung skill I had been learning at the time, and the guards ran right past me, as did my other friends. I knew for sure it was a real skill then, and decided to work on developing it further.

I've been thinking that there are so many Psionic skills & anomalous experiences that would be hard to demonstrate on youtube, but are still great skills to learn. So, it might be good to describe the skill; how it feels to do it, and how to go about training it. It might also be interesting to come up with new skill theories &  a bunch of us could test them out, bringing back our findings. This could be a rapid way to establish common patterns:)

If you reach for the Moon, and only touch the sky; you might notice that you're flying... -TheMoonKingdom

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Lol biggrin.

I can't remember being missed while being chased, but I really didn't like being asked stuff in the Russian class. So, I used to visualize a bubble around me that would confuse the teacher so that she wouldn't see me. While having the bubble on, the teacher occasionally looked at me, but never asked me. I think she once even apologized for missing me, since all of us had to give monologues.

Well, it turned out to be a problem later, as people just stopped noticing me. Now it's more like the opposite again.

Edit: Wow, thanks Shirak. I found this page: and it just blew my mind. Especially the thoughtforms paragraph. Months of meditation and concentration on a construct and constructs that others could see =P..

Perhaps we could figure out how to visualize peace all around the world and start doing group pk on it. I once dreamt of people becoming proficient enough in pk so that we could secretly sabotage attacks and keep wars from breaking out.

On the other hand, this could unbalance stuff and somehow cause something even worse. At least that's how others have thought about it so far.

-- Edited by Sussch on Monday 13th of September 2010 03:32:55 PM


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Lol Sussch, that is pretty funny. While in class, I used to project the meme to teachers that I was the sweetest most ideal student. So, even when I did something wrong in front of the teacher or another kid reported my terrible behavior; the teacher would religously defend the the projected meme. I was the perfect student no matter what I did. My use of the skill is not quite as feral now as it was in my early childhood. It is kind of a devoped skill, but I would say one that I may have had a talent for.

The way I do it is by making a self image very real in my mind, and seeing others see me in that way. I started to notice as a child that it felt like people would resonate with the sort of reality overlay I was making, being drawn sort of magnetically. Gradually, more & more people would feel it & in a way start co-creating the meme. Then the projected self image would crystalize into a very solid reality. If you think about it, people do this everyday unconsciously. A good example would be, someone realizing that they have a tiny spot on their shirt. They begin to worry that others will notice, there by drawing attention to the spot in the process:)

A very good exercise for developing this skill which I practice regularly, is to go to someplace like a doughnut shop and place an order. I would at the same time overlay a different image of what I was requesting verbally(vanilla frosted overwritten  by strawberry froasted). When I can visualize the image overlay solidly enough, the shop clerk will sometimes have a moment of disorientation, but then buy into the new reality. In speculating how this may be working from a broader perspective, I often wonder if it's something like a particle returning to a waveform & then recollapsing...

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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biggrin LoL for quite some time. Disorienting salesmen sounds pretty funny.

Hm, it reminded me of this page: That's what got me into practicing conversations with my subconscious for some time.

I have had a few cool bursts in pk practice with subconscious helping me. The problem is that it has always been for one night only and after that I have been having difficulties again, leading me into a motivation loss.

I think I succeeded in projecting such a meme to people around me, but I'm not quite sure about it anymore, because I'm not playing a role in it anymore. For example, professors I've never met before tend to think I'm smart even if I answer all of their questions wrong in the seminars (simply because I didn't know something before). All the students around me do the same. So, the power of one projection / wish / thought is actually really powerful. And when I think about it, almost all the wishes I've made, have come true so far.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Sussch, those experiences of meme projections you describe sound totally familiar to me! I see no reason why you should ever feel discouraged or loose heart. It seems to me that whatever distrust of your abilities you experience, can be solved with more frequency of practice, and the formation of more ingrained habbits & reflexes. Different traditions call this skill by other names, such as A Glamour, & Aura Magick. The fact that there are cross cultural names for it, suggests to me along with my own experience of course, that there is something there:)

Also, that Robert Peterson excerpt is awesome! I can especially relate to the swaying method, as well as the experience of training other skills while out of body:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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That is crazy! I have been able to do those things, but not on such high magnitudes, I was never able to make a clerk give me something else by overlaying it with my thoughts into what i actually ordered O.O
I have been able to make teachers ignore me though, its different for me, instead of imagining a bubble around me that makes the teacher ignore me, i just zone off onto my desk and imagine I'm not even there, i usually see myself somewhere else, like at home Meditating or at the park, and while I'm doing this time usually passes faster and class will be over in what would have been like 10 minutes if i had been paying attention, and the teacher will have not called on me. Its especially useful because i still somehow retain the knowledge, next class we'll have a quiz and I'll know how to do the work.

I have done Telekinesis all my life but I'm just starting Psychokinesis and Pyrokinesis.

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Sussch wrote:

 "I wouldn't be so sure, because that's how it happens to me - I can't control it."

 So true when emotion is involved!!!  Know what else I noticed.  A large percentage of the time, if it is directed at another person vs an object, they will know it.  I can remember having a finger pointed at me and being called a witch.  I was angry at a gal and pointed my finger at her and yelled at her.  Immediately she was thrown backwards.  On a good note I never saw her face anywhere near me again. EVER!!!  LOL...  Other folks used to accuse me of the same thing.  Dunno what to think.  Maybe they were making it up?  Good thing I didn't live in Salem back in the witch hunt days. Lol... 

Another time, me and my sister were invited to the home of an enemy.  My sister also knew them, and I guess she knew what was up but didn't tell me.  They asked me if I ripped their house and pool up with lightning on multiple nights.   Even blew out her bedroom window.  I just smiled and said nothing.  (No matter what caused it, they deserved it.  And did they ever for what they did to me.)  Then they offered to make ammends.  And that was that..  

I really don't know for certain if it was me.  They said it started immediately after something really terrible they did to me.   My older sister seems to think it was me.  Since she swears I was responsible for something similar near my younger sister once as a warning for running out in traffic.  She said I pointed my finger at my younger sister hollard at her in a very angry tone.  And at that very second, lightning struck a bush right next to her.  And it was a clear day.  Well yes it did happen like that.  But once again I am not certain what caused it.  But it did get my lil sis back in our yard lickidly split!  LOL...

Well there is more, but I am off to bed. 



When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the
'world of illusion'
is gone...
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Awesome, though, it sounds pretty dangerous with lightning hitting the targets of emotion.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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