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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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RV Technique

Since Shirak is often talking about his RV results with lottery numbers, I thought I would share this related study on RV.

Remote viewing the lottery: 1 of 3

I am very inspired by by RV practice, & I notice that when I focus on PK through my minds eye rather than my physical eyes, the effects are usually more powerful. I can often have stronger PK effects from a distance. I would be interested to know how others approach and experience RV:)

-- Edited by owltwelve on Wednesday 22nd of September 2010 05:34:03 PM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Provided below is an excerpt from Mindfreak419666 and my own Associative remote veiwing session using the lotto as the target. I selected a grid of x ammount of photos to represent each number and assigned the numbers to them. Mindfreak then Remote veiwed the future event the email I would send him containing the winning pictures as attached below. At no time did he know the nature of the photos or what numbers where assigned to them. To this day Mindfreak419666 is the most gifted RVer I have worked with.

This session was done for the 13/07/10 Oz7 lotto in Australia. The hit ratio was phenominal and whould have been improved had my interpretations of drawings and the images he scaned been clearer. Upon closer inspection he had many of the photos for a win in his RV sketch package he sent me however I had run out of time to spend on them and match them up going with the quickest hits possible. Mindfreak and I hd one win in the short span of weeks we tested out Associative RV and above normal hit ratio. I can vouch for the reality of RV and have come to accept it as a skill I employ time to time now in my own life.

-- Edited by Shirak on Thursday 23rd of September 2010 08:14:21 AM


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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That is really cool Shirak, thanks for sharing the experience. I mostly have spontaneous & daily clairvoyant visions. It gets mixed in with mind reading & empathy as well, so a lot of info comes my way. I think though, that it would be good for me to take the time to refine it down into a skill. With the ARV, would card games or slot machines be any easier than lotto numbers, as those forms already have images attached to them?

Also, Treasure Hunter, if you are reading this, I wonder if you see the image of the artifacts you find before finding them:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Those RV results are amazing. How do you prepare to do RV ?
Owltwelve I don't receive images in my head b4 finding something or I haven't so far,  I try to visualise what I want to find and concentrate on that.
You may remember I am on a quest to find a complete bronze age axehead and you told me about manifesting. Well I haven't tried that, but I was on a site the other week where I have found 3 fragments b4 so I concentrated in this area visualising a axehead and saying in my head that's what I would like to find, I didn't find one in this area so moved further up the field in the roman habitation area and didn't think about axes as I was finding roman coins, later got a signal and it was a large section of early Bronze Age axe a long way from where I had found them b4.
This actually reminds me of how I found a nice piece of greenstone on a beach in NZ I went into a Jade shop in Hokitika on the west coast and asked If I would be able to find any greenstone, the people in the shop smiled and said it was very hard to find on the beaches but told me a place to try, I went there searched the beach for a few hours thinking hard that's what I want to find, didn't find any I found some green looking stonesbiggrin but not jade. Then when I was walking back to the car not thinking about it or looking on the ground , I casually glanced down and saw a odd looking whitish green stone and that was it, took it back to the shop and they were amazed I had found it and polished one side for me.
The pattern here is that I am thinking about what I want to find, while I consciously look for it i don't find it, then later i find it when not thinking about looking for it, like a detachment from results, DSCN2882.JPGDSCN2906.JPG


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Wow, that's pretty amazing.

It slightly reminds me of this experience:

I have only practiced RV with someone else once and it wasn't very successful (although we guessed most of the card suits, we often messed up with the numbers). For example, I always kept seeing a card that came as the last card (only took 3 or 4 attempts) and guessed wrong. hmm


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Yes this is very similar Sussch, I wonder if we are using the ability of dowsing but without the visual cue of dowsing rods.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Holy cow! Those finds are quite beautiful Treasure Hunter; I want a green stone like that:)

The only difference in my mind between PK & manifestation is the possible scale and complexity of synchronicities which might be involved in your manifestation goals. So for instance, if you are manifesting tickets to some kind of event; it may involve the actions of others. Some people find it easier to trance out in focus on a symbol representing the manifestation, and release it as you mentioned.  It's funny though, I find these large scale manifestations to be easier than PK on an object for some reeson. Perhaps it's easier to release a distant event:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Do you think this is a form of manifestation or do you think that maybe I am being led to things subconsciously, or is it just luck. 
The things which I think about finding are always things which could realistically be found in that specific area,  maybe I should try thinking about something that shouldn't be found in a certain place.
To manifest ancient items would require changing events in the past which led to a certain items loss in a specific area, so maybe I am just getting a feeling for where something is buried.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Well, it can be both manifestation & another technique. One of the key cross discipline principles of manifestation, is that you are doing it anyway. I mean that you are already creating your reality moment by moment. So, like PK, the only limitation is your ability to make what you think real. If you hold the idea that finding certain items is harder, then that's what you are projecting. It can be quite a challenge to get around the habbit of conditioned realities we are used to. fortunately there are many ways to make up for this. The Psionics example would be constructs; though I practice others:)

Also, you don't have to worry about re-ordering the past, or anything that complicated, unless doing that helps you believe it...

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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My younger brother agreed to help me train with RV, I am quite psyched about this, as he projects no negative energy, but will also challenge me to not be lazy:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Don't worry about changing things in the past. Who knows, maybe you didn't change anything and just happened to wish for an object that already was there anyway. It doesn't matter if it's rare or not, in the sense of manifestation, nothing has more value than anything else, it's all up to what you need.

I'm slowly starting to doubt that there are any boundaries between time anyway. So, it might be indeed you leaving that object there in the past at the very same moment you are wishing for the object to be there.

Drawing parallels from a few dreams and telepathic experiences, there might not even be a line between which person is which. It seems like we're all mixed in one soup. This would explain why I can sometimes remember parts of other people's lives and recognize them (and all about them) without having been met.

Edit: And sometimes also see myself from their angle or see how my actions affect them.

@owltwelve: It's cool to have a brother who doesn't project any negative energy. The closest I can get to this is my nephew, but we usually don't meet very often.

-- Edited by Sussch on Saturday 25th of September 2010 07:09:34 PM


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey Sussch, I really agree with the idea of the mixed soup. The way I often describe it, is with dreams as an analogy. In a dream, there can be many characters, objects, & places, yet they are all you; all instances of your one mind. The parallels with waking life seem kind of obvious to me, especially in light of the fractal/holographic patterns which can be observed in nature:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I found this interesting RV defense reference from the L.E.R.M. document I am quoting this as a reference to the document in total and do not mean any copywrite infringment by its posting. I am posting this as an educational reference.

The human body is an energetic bundling of idiomaterial processes. This, in terms of the New
Advanced Physics, is the most accurate way of describing our biomind. It says we are
thought/matter together, in a bioelectronic matrix that expresses a hologramic body-form as a
fundamental but can also express a number of different resonant harmonic bodies, some
of which can take the forms of avatars (or be coupled to computer-generated avatar-forms)
and extend a point-of-view (POV) away from, but linked to, its fundamental. An avatar form
is best thought of as a scalar-range (beyond the electromagnetic range) information field with
fuzzy boundaries but definable form.
Take a close look at the figure of a man (right) inside a modified Superconducting
QUantum Interference Device
(SQUID). He is an Olympic athlete on rings inside the SQUID. This image is a false color
frame of a sequence of 13,000+ HD video frames. The gray areas closest to the body form
correspond to the Meissner field (or aura) that surrounds a human being. There are a couple
of seeming waves moving away from the body, and these correspond to what we have
determined to be the first antiMeissner resonant harmonic, or second body potential of the
fundamental (Meissner field). If you detect a remote viewer lurking around in your digs, it is
most likely his or her first antiMeissner field as soft avatar form that is hosting the remote
viewers POV through which he or she is keeping an eye on you. Can this be detected? Yes.
Can a remote viewer be prevented from entering a physical zone? Yes, because the POV is
indexed to the physical body, which is the Meissner fundamental field. Any safety zone can
be set up by a special wire net cover that creates and maintains a variable electromagnetic
field, which can be made to broadcast in extremely low frequencies that will generate a
number of highly distressful and disturbing body reactions in the remote viewers fundamental
(or index body) anything from having a violent need to defeca
te, to vomiting and stomachal distress."


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I finally got a day off work tomorrow, I can't wait to check the esays out tonight:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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Remote Viewing

I have had many instances of RV in the past, but I am not sure how accurate I am. I was thinking about doing a test. I was going to pick a public place that I have never been to before, do an RV session drawing some pictures and then go there. Or someone could suggest a place and I could describe it. Another thing I thought about was the Orbs that TreasureHunter has been photographing. I wonder if these could be a form of molecular density projection? Like projecting from one dimension of a certain density into another dimension of differing density. I thought about trying to project my own Orb into a room or a field using gps coordinates and having someone else photograph it.  Any thoughts?


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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RE: RV Technique

SK there are some really good tests one can do to train remote viewing typically it is good to start with a send receive type experiment then move on from there. I thought I would merge theese 2 threads as they are on the same subject.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


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Sorry, I should have looked a little harder before posting. Actually, I have had an experience related to your lottery RV. I got the first three pairs of numbers of the Powerball ($140+M) in order, then I was disturbed. The numbers came to me in my sleep in a kind of white light with tendrils, I was lucid enough to remember them. A very loud noise occurred right over my house, it sounded similar to a gigantic woodpecker, at 2:00 am, except woodpeckers aren't that big and they don't come out at night. My son was at the back of the property in his trailer and he was awakened by it as well. I can only guess what it was. I will say that I started getting alot of negative attention right after that incident. At that time, the Powerball was in Des Moines, Iowa and they listed the name of the studio and the address. I Googled it and saw a picture of the front door. So I went to my level and did an RV session. I dropped down from the sky then I walked thru the glass and walked down the hall and looked into a room where the machines were spinning the balls. I focused on the balls and tried to sense the frequencies. I was not able to see any numbers though, but they came to me later that night. Powerball changed to electronically generated numbers shortly after that, then they moved to Universal Studios in Florida and and switched back to balls while doing a series of runs before and after the actual drawing. I figure someone owes me $140M plus interest, just got to figure out how to collect it from them lol.     



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Sorry about the double post, but I forgot something. The lottery was one that night by a convenience store clerk in Dallas, Tx. He claimed that he won it by using witchcraft. When asked what he planned to do with the money, he said he was going to open a school for witchcraft. I never followed up on that though, maybe I should have.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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This morning I had an RV experience using O12's OBE when you first get up technique. My fiance was moving around the room for some time looking for her brush commenting on how she could not find her brush. I kept my eyes closed as the light was on and I had been stirred to semi consciousness. In my minds eye I saw the kitten playing with it and pushing it under the corner of the bed. I responded in a half asleep voice look under the corner of the Bed. It was there she found it :)


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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That is awesome man! I have found that the hynopompic state right after waking, is fertile ground for some really nice breakthroughs:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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