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Post Info TOPIC: hi :)


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hi :)

just wanna say thanks for this site an inspiration for trying some stuff from shiraks video´s ...n had a very succesfull time with a candle that didnt stop flickering in the first session , n moved in circle´s in the other session ...
(it didnt happen instantly , it took some time focusing, but when it did , it didnt stop)

im not so sure yet whats going on ,not even sure if it will happen again.  ...obviously there´s a lot to learn , but its still very exciting ..

i have to ask , can it get dangerous to train those things ? is there a "do n dont " ?
i felt exausted the day after (i really pushed it as much as i could since it was a rush n sat all night just playing with this , got a headaik in the morning , n just felt "burned" in a way)

dont know if there´s a connection , but when i was younger , i had what i learn now that is called lucid dreams n astral projections on a daily basis , yet i fight those experience´s to make them stop since i got very afraid ...(i still do )

when it was good , it was mind blowing , but ,there where also darker times, n fear in general colours anything black ,so i just couldnt handle it ...
the fear of never coming back , the paralize , the  "bad " trips ...even the good things ,it became too much,i dont really get whats happening there,n i was afraid im gonna loose my mind...
yet since i stoped it, i felt like i "fell asleep" in a sence...,n need to wake up .
make sense ? (i felt very "awake when those things happen)

is there any tips about that subject ?

ok ..thanks in advance for any response ...looking farward to learn n grow  :)


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hello It's Me, haha...that sure is fun to say! Welcome to the forum, there are a lot of tips and nice people here happy to share their ideas & experiences:)

Firstly, I think it is fine for you to move at what ever pace you feel comfortable with. Headaches are normal when you begin PK, especially if you over train. I get them sometimes still; I push myself really hard. It seems to stop for most of us after the early days I've heard. I've heard all manner of stories related to the dangers of PK, but I have not experienced them myself. PK to me seems very similar to training in a sport, and perhaps using muscles you may not be used to, or trying to break new records. You can definately improve if you keep training, as your mind may start to automate certain things, and you can layer your insights.

Also, if I understand you correctly, it sounds as though your were experiencing sleep paralysis, & the accompanying entities/halucinations. If that's true, the fear can be worked through, and you can enjoy your experiences.

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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Welcome It's me :)

I'm sure you'll find a great deal of the answers and tips you sought about those subjects on this forum.

Darkness is a scary place for many people because they do not know what lies in it. Your imagination and your mind will play tricks on you and you will begin to spook yourself more and more while sitting in darkness. But take a moment and shut your own eyes and you'll realize that whether your in darkness or not, what you don't know and are unaware of can tend to be scary. There is much unknown about this world and topics on PK, astral projection, lucid dreams and more are among them. Here we consider ourselves researchers in that we practice lighting candles in the darkness and shedding light on new things. We can shed the light and knowledge of our experiences on each other here to all learn from each other.

I hope to learn from you and hope that I may be of use to you as well.
Fears can be faced and overcome.
Just shed some light on them :)


"True focus lies between rage and serenity."

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Each journey has been..... so good ...... the unknown so ..... good.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hi, Its Me!

I would recommend taking it a bit easier and more relaxed while you're experiencing pain. Just what one would normally do with sporting.

Being exhausted after psionic practice is normal. You may notice later that when you take a break from practicing psionics, you start feeling energetic and pumped up to practice some more. Just like doing sports or other physical work.

Long off-topic monologue out of my mouth disease biggrin:

One day I thought about why some people like the black color. I realized that they might consider black the most powerful color of all for the following reason:

When you draw an object on the paper, you see what it is. But when you draw the paper so full of different objects that the whole paper is black, you have a lot of different objects there, lying in the darkness. It's up to you to pick one, whatever you want. In that sense, the color black is the most powerful color of all - you may think of it as the source of anything you would like.

On the other hand, black / darkness might seem scary when you're not sure if you'll actually get what you want from it. That's why I'm usually not scared of darkness, but at times when I'm too tired and have a hard time with random thoughts that pop up, I may easily freak out. I used to be really afraid of darkness until my aunt got mad at me and locked me into a dark cellar when I was a few years old. That's where I realized that what I saw in the darkness were only my own projections.

At some time I started thinking of scary experiences as concentration exercises. If I can concentrate enough, no scary experience remains scary, because then I'm in complete control over the whole situation (become lucid in the dreams). In fact, when I practice anything related to psionics later, I find it a lot easier - my mind is used to concentrating on certain feelings and amplifying them.

Good luck


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


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such a nice welcome :)

it feels really good and warm to read all of your posts , so thank you for taking the time and patience to write me back.

it seems opening those doors steer alot of motion in my head...but dont worry , im not gonna puke it on you :)

anyway , yea , the next day i was a little zombie , but a day after already went back to try the candle again n had nice results.

as for the OBE´s - well , i was young , i played visualisation games whenever i went to sleep, simply because it was fun , i just never expect it to be more then what it was .
the thought of it all basically shutters some of my so called safe illusions about our world we live in , guess its something to embrace , not fear.

i understnad the roll of fear ..n need to find ways to concore it.
its just that some place´s i visit in the OBE stage , i never want to visit again ,at times i had to practically fight for my life in order to come back n snap out ....not so fun ;)

maybe the "bad" place´s are focused mirror´s of where i stand ,n forced me to deal with them they might serve their point after all..

well , if anyone gets interested , i could give more details regarding the visualisation games that lead me to OBE´s, but i guess you guys already have your ways opening those doors.

-- Edited by Its Me on Monday 27th of September 2010 02:43:43 PM



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Heyy I'm also new to the forum and  then I read about in your post about OBE, and I realized I also go through it, but you see. I never had any control over it. It sorta just takes over me. I always have the sense that I'm not there and If i close my eyes i can be anywhere I want to be. And I can just close my eyes and I'm out.
Other times it attacks me. It literally pulls me out of my body and it's the scariest **** (sorry)  ever. I don't know what to do then and I panic and just rest my head till i feel like I'm slowly retreating. It just feels like my soul sometimes has a mind of its own. And I can never get it fully back. I'm always feeling like I'm not there or none of it is real or I'm dreaming.
I don't know if anyone can shed some light on the topic? It wold be very helpful if you did. Thank you :)


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey Deeloz, don't be sorry; OBEs & sleep paralysis can be quites scary if your are experiencing that. There are OBE postings in the specializations section, which discuss your questions:)

There is nothing to fear though beyond the power of your own mind. You only have to take the time to meditate & understand yourself better.

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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hi deeloz .... warning ...long mail alert

i read your "new to the forum" post to try get a little more idea of your background and see some resemblence with your experience´s

my biggest downfall with all those experience´s was (i guess ) -
- i didnt have anyone to speak about it . just being alone with it.
- had no sorce of information - to learn , to understnad , acknowledge , accept , grow . to know - its "ok" to do , that you are not getting "crazy" , that its natural fenomena you should get excited about and not reject it painting it black.
- i was a shy person who didnt have an easy life , dreamer , so , however you feel inside ,what ever deamons you carry , what ever side´s inside you that are "blocked" , whatever you use "control" to push aside , will come back hunt you when u loose that control ...
it might explain the feeling of being asleep/not really being here fully or not being in the "NOW".
and when ever i arrived to the "NOW" moment ,everything looked n felt different- stronger ,vibrant,alive ,but i didnt understnad its a good thing and pushed it back.
- so fear from the unknown can paint good things as bad.

so whats the good news ? (u didnt think im gonna leave this post with no good news, did u? ;)

all those things where THEN , but , NOW , things are different - you can feel free to speak about it ,there are many poeple we both can learn alot from ,and much info online that just wait for us to utilise.GO FOR IT ALL - read , speak , learn , dont hold it in.

i would also suggest you take "breaks" everyday ....take a walk outside, clean your head ,find beauty around you and inside you... smile :) , get excited ,let all those thoughts that burry you under them go to sleep(they fight hard for your attention) , try to learn how your mind has been programed to work and realise u are in charge , if u choose to .... breath ....

you can also find activities you love , like love music , singing , playing piano , by puting more focused attention or "meaning" every note that you play or sing , u get very in SYNC with everything and your body...very much "here" ,as a side note - thats a very good way to also develop perfect pitch....

also ,try to collect your body piece´s if you feel your not there -
go through all your body part by part , see how each part feels , where you feel it is in the space, and sync it back to its pysical body part , aligning yourself with yourself in a way , and gaining power in the proccess..

it the end - all your experience´s in life, would all be coloured by your how you feel ,how well you know your self , where u stand in life ,etc , so work on your basic´s ,get to know your self ,give it time ..

last thing , dont panic (you know its not doing any good by now) - flow with it , or , resist it , but do it from a strong centered place -"going toward it" ,and not from a weak one (becoming slaved /victim of the experience) -"runnig away from"

damn ..that was long mail .. :) i wish u a great day !


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey It's Me, that was a really nice post; you descibed the early experiences of many of us I'm sure. Though I'm not the only one in my family to have these experiences. Most of them were afraid to discuss it beyond things like precognition. Strong christians backgrounds sometimes program people with fear of things like going out of body, & PK.

I would definately enjoy reading about your visualization techniques, and perhaps trying them out, as we all learn from one another. You can post them in the OBE topic of the specializations section, or start a journal as well! Journals in my opinion are one of the coolest things about this forum:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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thank you so much for that post, for me it's really easy to block things out and just focus on me and what I want to happen. But I'll try that so thank you so much.



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thanks owltwelve :) yea ,i sure will , give me few days , and i´ll dive into it ...
its been so many years ago,so it feels like trying to wake up a dead man , so dont expect much ...but i´ll try to do my best.

deeloz , i really hope u´ll find the answers you look for and more , let us know how it goes every once a while,i think the sharing part might empower you at in this stage .

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