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Post Info TOPIC: Telepathic/biofield communication with animals.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Telepathic/biofield communication with animals.

I wanted to start this thread for people to blog log about their daily experiences with animals insects whilst training. I wanted to kick it off by talking about an experience I had yesterday with a fly whilst doing roll training with a ball under glass. The hand I was using to focus my biofield towards the ball continued to attract the fly t the projecting finger. The fly would again and again land on the finger even if  I moved it because of the distraction to my intended training it provided. The fly then began to land on the lens of the camera. Bizarre behaviour it would not leave it alone what was this fly doing?

Perhaps it wanted to communicate with me. I decided to follow my instinct and called it to my hand. I could easily have crushed it but as a vegetarian I try not to kill and have no need to kill and I was glad I did not because this fly was tryin to communicate with me I can not really describe the behavior exept as this it was as though it was attracted to me whilst I was trying to connect with the ball. The fly then allowed me to place the glass container over it so that it would be easier to film and I began working at directing it arround the container.

I sensed its distress and tried to release it outside however it came back in and anded on the camera lens again. This was an act of directed intelligence by something most think of as dirty or annoying however it taught me the communication that could be had with all living things and showed me the path I needed to direct my attention on it became my teacher in telapthic connection and direction showing me the real ability of chi focused in the hand to attract living beings.  have documented this on film and will consider youtubing it in the future.


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International Psionics Journalist

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Thanks for starting this post shirak, I think this topic is one which will be among the most rewarding ones to work with. Communication with animals through something we both share in common. Energy.

My first notable personal experience was a minor one. Last week when I went through the woods I sat on a fallen tree over a small creek just enjoying the beauty of nature when some deer appeared near me. I tried to focus on projecting a yin flow around me and thinking in my mind to tell the deer that I mean them no harm. The deer noticed my presence but didn't seem threatened. They didn't seem to mind grazing on some twigs towards my direction, but they eventually moved on and I continued my walk in the opposite direction with more consciousness towards the wildlife around me.


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Many cats dogs and rodents have communicated with me telepathically for most of my life. When I was growing up, the animals I knew, and even some rodents that were in my house as a child, would speak to me in precognitive dreams. Eventually with some animals, it developed into full blown telepathy. Many of the animals are more skilled telepaths than people are. I currently have an elderly cat at my job that I train telepathy with. In a way you could say that he is a teacher as funny as that may seem:)

I had a powerful experience last spring while visiting a friend in his forested country house. My friends mother, asked me to leave some bread crumbs around their land for a chipmunk who hung around their house. The mom, reminded me to put the bread in places where the hawks wouldn't catch the chipmunk. So, I used thin as an opportunity to emphatically link with the chipmunk, so I would know all his hiding places from his perspective & sense of scale. It was going very well, and I was eventually led to a wheelbarrow, which was hidden in thick tall grass. To sense of cosmic awe, I saw that there was a baby dear hidden under the overturned wheelbarrow. It's aura was so pure & powerful, and I felt quite humbled and blessed. I felt like I was witnessing a unicorn. It's common to see an adult dear, but to come across a baby by itself is rare. Any it raised it's head to look at me, apologized for the disturbance in my softest possible voice as I backed away:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Our pets ie My dog could potentially be Telepathy teachers.


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International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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I think I may have had some sort of Telepathic communication with a herd of Deer today, not sure.
I was spraying a field when about 10 deer came out of a wood and ran across the field, I love observing the beauty of these magnificent animals.  I sort of said in my head just slow down and stop so I can get a good look at you and as I did 1 deer slowed and stopped the rest then did the same and the whole group stood looking at me.  I wished I was on foot as a large crop sprayer probably isn't the most appealing thing to deer.  After a few seconds they took off again , so I tried again, and said its ok just give me another look at you guys and one deer slowed and stopped followed by the rest of the group.  They stood again for a few seconds and then ran off into the next field.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Wow, that's cool.

Deers are pretty rare at my summerhouse and when they appear, they keep at 1 km or more from buildings and people. Must be because of those hunters that swarm around everywhere. How close did you get?

I have tried telepathy with dogs to understand why they're barking for or to tell them to stop following. Not much of a success yet.


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I was probably about 100 meters away when they stopped, I was driving quite a loud machine though,  there's lots of woodland around the fields in this area so you do see them quite often which is nice.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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When I was younger, deer would often stop to watch me drill martial arts forms at my friend's country house. My childhood cat was also atracted to martial arts & meditation. I have come to feel that animals are attracted to a quiet heart:)

-- Edited by owltwelve on Tuesday 16th of November 2010 05:12:00 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I just wanted to describe an experience that happened to me today. I sat meditating and my dog Tika came over. I projected the sound feel and intention that I wanted her to woo at me and almost immediately she did. I opened my eyes and she stared back at me tongue out eyes smiling.


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I haven't noticed this on the forum yet, so I wanted to post some lectures by Rupert Sheldrake, & his theories on Morphogenic Fields.

The Extended Mind - Telepathy 1 of 3

The Extended Mind - being stared at 1 of 3

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey all, This is just for fun. My 8 week old kitten KC was being cute arround my psi wheel while training so I popped the camera on.  I have found animals become very interested when  I try and meditate and do training though :)


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That is a very adorable kitten, however, using your paws is cheating, but I don't blame KC. I act very similar when I am unable to focus well enough. smile


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I remember when Osiris was that small, just a year ago; cute:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Sweet smile


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11 July Monday


I was sitting in the barn,

Theres alot of Swallows who live here,

Then 2 Swallows came in, 1 Did sat down and other one flew away .

Then i stared at the Swallow and tried to give her/him a feeling of trust .

Then she/he stared at me, then i did think that why not come to sit on my hand, then she/he did flew around me twice and land on my hand . She/he was so beautiful, then she/he did sing something, couldnt understand her/him :D

Then she/he flew to the roof strips and landed, i did step closer and she/he didnt fly away, she/he was like not scared of me, because I caused him a feeling of trust.

Then i did touch her/him and then she/he did sing me again, couldnt not understand her/him.


I hope that i will meet with her/him again ! :)


 Light Nation


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I've been trying to do the same while walking past little birds. It seems to have an effect, though, they usually fly off the road slightly before I reach them (would probably be better off sitting under a tree rather than moving quickly aww).


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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iJodix, That sounds like a special moment you had. These little and large teachers often come to us throughout our lives to teach us about connection and more. Thank you for sharing your experience.


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The best way for me was sending the right brainwaves, with the right emotions :)


 Light Nation


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I know what you mean Gren reading more about the research it looks like a we may be able to use their language to develop a universal language. This is interesting to me because in all send receive experiments I have received the information in picture messages just like the scientists are describing the dolphin language. They can even create a structured sentence. Pretty cool Its stories like this that really help me to believe we are evolving into better understanding more connected beings. After all we are all earthling (Not sure about Nox though. I have my suspicions on his origin)


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I came across this research article today well worth a read. It seems dolphins use a universal picture language. Sound Familiar Remote veiwers and telepaths?


"He discovered that the reflected sounds actually contain sound pictures and when replayed to the dolphin in the form of a game, the dolphin was able to identify the objects with 86% accuracy, providing evidence that dolphins understand echolocation sounds as pictures. Kassewitz then drove to a different facility and replayed the sound pictures to a dolphin that had not previously experienced them. The second dolphin identified the objects with a similar high success rate, confirming that dolphins possess a sono-pictorial form of communication."


"Our research has provided an answer to an age-old question highlighted by Dr Jill Tarter of the SETI Institute, Are we alone? We can now unequivocally answer, no. SETIs search for non-human intelligence in outer spacehas been found right here on earth in the graceful form of dolphins."


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

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