Well a little about me... Umm well i got into dis psychic thing about 6 months ago because my ex girlfriend was having very accurate precognitve dreams. At first i was skeptical about it but wen she told me about her dreams and later they came true i had no chose to believe. So i wanted to have psychic dreams just like her:)....since i figure she was a natural and wasnt, i started taking Melatonin supplements before bedtime and low and behold i started having precognitive dreams as well. I even had Telepathy with my mother(she took the pills too)!
It was pretty amazing!
Eventually i stopped taking the melatonin and the psychic dreams went also except for one recent one. I then branched off into the idea of telekinesis. I was researching it for about 6 months since then. Now im here on this forum which seems to be THE best place for my development:) Since im new any advice would be much appreciated! -LegendaryLeviathan
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
If your interested in TK, then your definitely in the right place. These guys are the pioneers! Best in the field.
As for melatonin, i didn't know it could do that. I took melatonin as a sleep-aid not more then a few months ago, and it didn't have that effect on me. Wish it did though, that would have been awesome.
Sorry to hear your GF has become and Ex-GF :(
But, on a bright side, i hope you enjoy the forums here. I haven't been here long, but they have been very courteous with me.
Have fun man!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
Thats very neat that you got to share those experiences with your ex and had telepathy with your mother. There are sections on this forum that discuss precognitive dreams. Take a look around, there are topics on all sorts of psychokinetic activities on the forum.
Telepathy and precognitive dreams are fascinating psychic experiences but I find that tk is on a whole new level of awesome. If you have yet to try your first TK event, I suggest you read the helpful posts on the forum that share tips on how to get started. Share your progress with us all and we'll provide you with feedback and help you grow with us :)
Looking forward to learning and sharing psychic events with you!
@Nox Yea ive actually came across a website talking about taking melatonin supplements to increase lucid and precognitve dreams. During the time I took them i would have precognitive dreams every now n then. The thing was the very next day it would happend...whatever the dreams were. Though they werent major events they always came true the next day which was very interesting.
On the other hand my Ex had many precognitive dreams that predicted way months down the line. Some were symbolic dreams. Her accuracy scared me lol. She even had a OBE that scared the hell out of her.
My Ex and I just broken up becuz of new distance. The funny thing is she is still very supportive of me with this whole psychic thing but the girl im with now thinks im crazy whenever i mention telekinesis. I cant practice around her or I look silly....:)
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
I forgot to say thankyou for the welcome in my reply Nox!
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Thankyou for the welcome Tranceffect257. Yes that Ex is still supportive of my psychic endeavors, it was just new distance.
However(this is kinda funny) the girl i was with before her actually stop talking to me because she thought i was doing witchcraft and in cahoots with Satan! I didnt make it any better by telling her i would remote view her when shes alone lol.
Did anyone get accused of such things before? This is very bothersome.
Yes Telekinesis is #1 in my book or all the 'kinesis for that matter. Yes I have been passively training with the psi wheel. Yea I see there are LOADS of information on this site from actual practitioners which is GREAT!
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Thanks owltwelve! Yea i looked all over for a good one! I appreciate the hospitality and I will be glad to share my experiences and ideas!
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Thankyou Shirak! Hmm no wonder i have been having very vivid dreams lately because ive been eating cheese burgers in the wee hours of the night before bed. I havnt actually had a lucid dream or astral projection yet. Although since i kno its cheese now I can start practicing with intention this time.
Did you ever astral projected successfully Shirak? Or anyone?
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Hey Leviatan, one of the best ways to begin having lucid dreams is to keep a regular dream journal. It can help you to make that reality more solid in your waking mind. One of the things that can happen from this, is a blurring of the lines. I've been having OBEs since I was about 8 or 9 years old, though I didn't know what they were at the time:)
Also, I have been acused of practicing magick, and they were right about me, bwa hahahahahaha Seriously, I have studied magick for a long time, and it has nothing to do with satan, unless you want it to. It involves techniques to control your own mind, & focus energies. Sounds a little like yoga, chi gung, or hypnosis right? That's because it is, those names are just more mainstream:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Yea I think thats a good idea about the dream journal.
So owltwelve what is it like to have a OBE? What can you do and what do you see?
Yea i hate that. People automatically assume witchcraft. One time i was watching a video of someone doing pyrokinesis(i think john chang) by my uncles house. When he came in and saw what i was watch he like: "Thats Demonic, no thats not normal!" lol
I just ordered a qigong book actually! So hopefully I will learn how to control and increase my energy.
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Your very welcome :) I do hope you enjoy your stay here, as much as we will enjoy your presence!
As for melatonin effecting precognitions. I'm not sure if i wanna mess with it. Mostly because knowing my luck, i would have a nightmare where a giant spider attacks me. I'll wake up and be like, "Pssh, that can never happen".
The all asudden, nuclear war breaks out, and the nuclear fall-out some how mutates a spider to giant size. It decides that i look yummy, and as it eats me, i would probably scream, "Damn you melatonin!!".
But that's just me. hehe
Have fun man!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
I think I have had a few precognitive dreams, but they have been .. weird. At least, when I compare them to the precog dreams my aunt has had - she saw what people were about to say or do in the next days and she saw it all clearly. So far, I have seen only places with distinctive feelings about them.
For example, I once saw a dream where I was a tiny formless figure flying around in a room. My vision was blurry as if there was some kind of a slight dark blue or dark violet fog everywhere. There was snow outside the window, there were a lot of what looked like aluminum profiles in a corner of the room. There were strange desks everywhere.
I had already forgotten about it when, 10 years later, I was building competition robots in a room that looked exactly like that (though like tens of times smaller and without any fog). Also, the competition was always at the end of November when the ground was covered in snow already.
About OBE's, I can also only think that I've experienced them - I couldn't even see my room correctly. I couldn't tell the direction I was moving in, because I kept seeing my room from weird angles - it was quite a mess when I intended on having an OBE for looking around..
However, when I have just meditated or done something else without even thinking about an OBE, I have felt being somewhere else (without seeing much though). For example, we were meditating in a tent with my cousin and I accidentally happened to think of my mom for a second (she was in Spain). The next day she called, asking if I was alright - she had seen me and thought that I had had an accident or something (that's usually when people appear like that).
I enjoy sharing experiences even though I sometimes sound arrogant to myself when I do this (already for using the capital letter 'I' for too many times). I hope you don't mind.
@Nox: LoL XD
-- Edited by Sussch on Tuesday 16th of November 2010 08:49:47 PM
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I have experienced the feeling of OBEs in many different ways, because the ways that I've gotten out for one have been different; as were the states of mind that I started with, the clarity of awareness, and the places I would go where all different.
Sometimes, it feels like freedom, while at other times you can be out & not completely realize it. There have been times when I got out by falling through the chair which I had just sat in(scary and mostly unpleasant). There have been times when I got out, but couldn't see, and times when it felt like parts of my astral body were stuck to the physical. There have been bilocation experiences when I was walking down the street, allowinf me to see around corners, or 5 blocks ahead. Then there was the 1st time, when I got to see my uncle who had recently passed away. He was my first death experience, and I was 8 years old if I remember this right. I wasn't particularly close to him, but my mom & older brother were, and I got to pass on the encounter. Mostly, it has been weird and hard to control or predict, and sometimes scary, but it's still awesome! I started an OBE topic, in the specializtion section a while ago if you want to check it out:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Naw its kool Sussch and thankyou for the warm welcome but that thing with your mom while you were in the tent...is that sorta like telepathy?
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan
Owltwelve do you mean that as soon as you sat down you had a spontanious OBE and fell out your body????
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan