Despite my being raised by my parents (mom mostly) as a Catholic Christian reincarnation has always been interesting to me.
I've seen some vids and read some articles and studies that propose some considerable evidence for it being part of this reality.
I wonder if natural, untrained proficiency with Psychokenisis or any other acts involving energy manipulation have more to do with one's genetics or if it has something to do with what one might have placed their efforts in during their past life/lives?
If anyone here believes in this phenomena I'd be VERY interested to read your thoughts about it, or what you've been taught about it.
Also, if you're just interested or well versed in the topic I'd appreciate discussing these things with such people aswell.
As far as I'm aware I don't really prescribe to any particular religion but I do respect all sincere believers in any belief system. As far as they show respect to others deserving of it of course.
So basically, I don't want to see people disrespecting anything or anyone. Just sincere thoughts being exchanged about these topics would be pretty cool.
I was raised as a christian as well, though my mother encouraged me to explore once I became 13 years old. There have always been things that I always new how to do from earliest childhood. I even thought that I had invented samyama, only to discover that it was created by Patanjali.
I have int the course of my of my life, had what I would call past life experiences while in deep meditation or during some sponaneous OBEs. For me, my experiences trump my beliefs. So, I know for myself, I have been here before, and this is going to be my last visit to this place, Bwa hahahaha:)
Seriously, I do not intend to come back...
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
You were fortunate to have had such an open minded mother while growing up. Also you seem to have been an unusually gifted child.
I can remember telling my parents about my interest in psionics and about some inconsistencies in the Church I thought I'd noticed and watching them tell me I should seriously think about therapy.
My mom's also very worried about me. She keeps telling me she's praying for me, that I'll "come back to the church" when I grow out of this "phase" and stuff like that.
She worries way too much. She never does much to please herself or make herself happy.
I want to talk about your experiences more and ask some questions but the campus lab's closing.
Time for some visualization and meditation, then I guess I'll go to bed.
Well Incarnation o.o is a soul getting inside a body... O.o and fridge... jesus is actually an incarnation o.o coz its God's soul inside human body o.o so practically.. incarnation DID happen.. so whether o.O it happens right now and to everyone... idk o.o will we all be reincarnated.. idk that either o.o and yes.. im christian and i understand how u feel.. last time i talked to my friend about psychic abilities o.o he said they are devilish stuff... and last time i told my teacher that there are people who have precognition and they not obsessed by a devil -_- he said no they have a devil inside them...
And since im actually a psychic... and i experienced how it happens.. i ignore them
and i dont try to open those subjects with anyone o.o coz... it will only give me a headache... i wont get convinced and they wont either... lots of stuff that are actually contradicting with our christian teachings o.o but there is a big portion agreeing o.O and though i have my own ... point of views of christianity o.o and everything... i feel they actually agree with each other..
Forexample.. o.o when ur belief is 100%... u can control what u want... like in telekinesis or other forms of PK o.o if there is 1% doubt.. it might not happen... And in christianity.. it is said in the bible "if ur faith is as a mustard seed... then u say that mountain to move and it will move" (not exact translation) so... In christianity.. we moved our belief... o.o from oneself.. to God...
It doesnt matter the medium o.O but the point is in getting the 100% belief... o.o if u acquire that.. u can move whatever u wish.. (and yes.. a mountain was moved in egypt here.. so it aint fake o.o)
When it comes to ... Healing oneself o.o if u always think positive.. and meditate.. u help urself in many ways.. stress.. negative energy and so on o.o
and if u follow the bible in many parts.. it mostly says that u have to not care about the world.. and its mortal stuff. o.o as if its saying... remove that negative energy.. and acquire positive ones...
o.O and many many stuff.. o.o i think God created humans with control over their subconcious and with advanced psychic abilities o.o
And i believe adam actually had telepathy o.o but he didnt control it.. it was like built in.. thats how he talked to the animals and understood them and they obeyed him.. when he fell to earth o.o maybe God removed his control over his subconcious or wahtever o.o and thats how he suffered on earth to get his food o.o and protect himself from wild animals o.O who became wild... while they werent o.o
So many many stuff i think of in christianity and i link them to metaphysics and psychic and PK stuff o.o but they just opinions.. so man dont worry... v.v everything is possible.. we just dont know yet o.o and sorry for the long post that was mostly irrelevant to the subject xD
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Our family has believed in reincarnation for quite a few generations already.
My sister remembers the time when she took a body incredibly well.
There have been 2 quite recently born children in the family, who remembered their death very well. Their fears in this life came directly from their descriptions of their previous deaths. One of these stories actually reminded my grandmother of someone earlier in our bloodline (a hint of repetitive reincarnation in the same family).
My father remembers clips of his previous life.
My uncle turned Christian and following after a few discussions with him, I realized just how controversial the understanding of the Bible actually is. People understand it so different and still consider their understanding of it the correct one.
It has been interesting to discuss subjects like Kundalini, psionics and reincarnation with uncle's friends. Though, I often see how some of them block themselves from me when I'm talking because to them it might seem as if I'm attacking their belief. However, I can't say I'm better myself because I can't see through Maya (illusion) yet .
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Susch o.o i believe the bible is a mystery e.e lol.. i mean... u can decipher it in so many ways o.o and every way is very very true in many aspects o.o so i believe the bible is like.. a different guidebook.. depending on the person o.O its like .. the way u gather ur psi.. o.o not everyone use the same method.. yet they have the same result if they try and succeed o_O
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
I like thought experiments but I also like to observe nature as nature is directly effected by thought. (I can extrapolate on that but back to my point) Genetic memory. How does a baby bird who has just learned to fly know to be afraid of a cat? How does a dog know how to swim? etc.. The knowledge of past generations moves through the genetic code. I remember a very young memory at 4 we were at the children hospital to get shots as we waited in the childrens room full of toys we did not know what was going to happen. Then they took my brother and sat him on a table and jabbed him. He was crying and fighting them and he told me to get out run they were going to hurt me to.
I booked it and found myself in a waiting room. I blended in on a chair picking up a book and pretending to read it. next I saw people looking at me suspiciously a young child unaccompanied so I left that room and went to the doors to go outside. they were double glass doors .Doors then a second set to keep the cold winter out of the hospital. I saw a broom stepped on the head and pulled the stick out. I started working out and acting out various attack and defense maneuvers with the stick. Looking back on it now how did I know to do that? How did I have that knowledge to evade?
To find a defensible position a weapon to defend with and the use of such a weapon. With the exception of comics of which I could only see the pictures and some cartoons my mother was very careful about what she allowed me to watch.
I always wondered about that after I got bored and went to find them. I had been gone for hours and they had been searching for me for hours. later I found out at 18 that my dad who I had not really spent any time with up until then did kung fu and practiced nun-chucks staff and sword. This piqued my interest into genetic memory this vivid childhood experience that at the time I know beyond a doubt I was channeling my true higher self and potential at hte point of perceived danger.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
@owltwelve: What would you like to do after this life?
I don't know what the options are, but father said one could take the place of a construct that's somehow organizing or controlling a part of the universe. Don't know what he meant by that - haven't read those books myself yet.
Creating new galaxies, planets and life on them would be really cool =).
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Aside from becoming a star or something, I know from OBEs that there are frequencies of existance which vibrate much faster than this one, where manifesting your thoughts is much easier, & there is not the conflict that exists in this realm. Though if one masters the crown chakra, one usually masters this world while they reside here, with the paradox that they don't care about this world at that point.
Tibetan & Hindu yogis, say that if one focuses on higher chakra samadhi at the time of death, that person will be born into a pure land & further their spiritual development. I can say already, that when my consciousness is in the higher energy centers above my head; I don't wish to come back sometimes. So, I think there is more to be experienced which can be very hard to explain with language. Ultimately though, my goal is to become pure God Consciousness:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve