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Post Info TOPIC: Correlations between physical fitness and PK progress?

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Correlations between physical fitness and PK progress?

I'm aware that there are many health benefits that come from practices like meditation. As well as certain types of physical vitality that result from PK progression.

But I wonder if people like athletes or bodybuilders who train very intensely for muscular gains indirectly develope any sort of reserves or abilities that make PK easier.

See, working out used to be a BIG part of my life. I was a serious athlete in highschool and I still just like to stay in shape. But since I've started training and progressing with PK working out has become more of a sort of unnecessary chore.

Now unless it's beneficial towards PK progression, I don't think I'd have much of a reason to train muscles as hard as I used to besides just getting that extra attention from chicks biggrin.

I'll try to find some vids and links to post here later when I have more time. But does anyone here already happen to know of some PK benefits that come from muscular/physical fitness that they wouldn't mind sharing? 


the feeling of it moving

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey man, I don't know that muscle training alone develops PK as a skill, but can benefit PK in a couple of important ways. Training your body can strengthen your mental focus & endurance. From a Chi Gung perspective. This is the reason why Bodhidharma developed the Muscle Tendon Changing Chi Gung & animal forms for the monks at Shaolin Temple. They had meditation & energy work techniques already, but lacked the constitution for longevity in training. Another imortant factor, is that fat is a bad cunductor of bioelectricity, compared with muscle, tendon, & bone(in that  order). So, the more toned your body is, the better the energy may flow, & the longer you can train for:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Hah, wow. That's cool to know. 

So I guess noticeable results when attention is kept on a single intention and the feeling of it happening are observed at a faster rate when one has less fat and more muscle, tendon, and bone to hasten and aid in the process of distributing the flow of frequencies that correlate with the intended outcome.

Given that my understanding makes sense, that's very useful information indeed smile.


the feeling of it moving

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I went and read some about Bodhidharma on Wikipedia. Talk about an interesting guy.

I especially like the legend about him having been dead, yet still seen walking with a shoe in his hand and explaining to the confused onlooker that he was "going home". I mean, so odd, yet it's so freaking cool.

People and stories like this have been great inspirations for me for years now. To realize that sort of boundlessness is one of the biggest reasons why I train smile.


the feeling of it moving

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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The Zen teachings of Bodhidharma

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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I remember reading a study where they had one group exercise doing reps then another group visualize doing the reps for the same amount of time each group experienced similar muscle growth in the targeted areas. I will try and find the study and post it here for discussion but the implications are fascinating I have a lot to learn about physical fitness. Something I myself have recently been trying to get back into and stay motivated to train. Healthy body equals clear mind for me.


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Physical fitness and pk progress are definitely connected. A few years ago when I took the last couple of weeks before summer vacation solely for pk practice, I couldn't do it without any push-ups or going jogging every once in a while. Physical exercises improve breathing, blood and psi circulation, which in turn boosts pk.

The other way, I think practicing pk helps in optimizing resources for physical exercises. When one draws too much psi for physical strength or stamina, they get exhausted quick. On the other hand, without using enough psi, it's difficult to do exercises and actually keep fit. No proof here though.

After a good jog or a workout at the gym, mind really clears up without having to force it. Earlier I had to really force it to break through the need of a workout while meditating. I'm not sure how much meditating on doing physical exercises would improve heart muscles and blood circulation, but it seemed to have improved visualization and concentration at least.


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Yeah, I've heard of that study Shirak. Very cool.

Mark Hamilton actually mentioned it in one of the vids following the one I posted in the "Cellular Results of Thoughts and Feelings. Cells and PK" thread.

Watching that series made me consider skipping workouts as well as workout visualizations in favor of visualizing lifting stuff like cars and buildings for 30 minutes a day instead. 


the feeling of it moving

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Cool Avatar Sussch smile. Gandolf's one of my fave film characters.

That's cool that you got to dedicate 2 weeks mainly to pk progression. It'll be awesome when I get my own place so that I will do the same without being interrupted by clueless people or roommates.


the feeling of it moving

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I have found doing consistent workouts daily strengthens the biofield and will power which in turn helps with my pk and biofield/chi based projections. I also find that empath shielding increases when body vitality is looked after. Ie sleep, diet, exercise, sunlight, hydration.

Stretching (yoga) also releases congestion which leads to toxin buildup and blockages. Blockages cause the surrounding area to atrophy and become unwell or react to clear the blockage. Even walking is a good way to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory system and I recommend at least a few good ones a week.


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My first thoughts on this is that there is no connection between PK power & physical fitness. Mind is mind, and body is body. The mind/spirit does not exist on the physical plane, but it does manifest on the physical plane. A super-fat person should have no more difficulty learning PK than a super-fit person. Just a thought :)

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

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Hey Chris Zanetti, welcome to the forum!


Psionics Research Fellow

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Thank you Treasure Hunter. It is a pleasure to chat with fellow psionssmile

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha


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It matters greatly. Much of psychokinesis occurs via the Mitochondria and Nuclei of the cells. Training the body is a crucial part in training, strengthening and developing both of these. Through fitness training for example you can increase the number of mitochondria you have in any given cells, as well as their energy output and efficiency. Activating and Engaging the nuclei as well. Also keep in mind if you build muscle you increase your energy capacity, youve got more cells which means more mitochondria. More ATP/Chi. You can also consider physical training syncing the body and mind. Strengthening hormones and so on. It all ties in together and builds off of each other. 

-- Edited by Apex on Thursday 30th of July 2020 05:57:15 AM

-- Edited by Apex on Thursday 30th of July 2020 10:00:38 AM


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Apex, how did you arrive at the conclusion that, psychokinesis occurs via the Mitochondria and Nuclei of the cells? I'm not saying that you are incorrect, but what do you base this on? Is this measurable in a way that other researchers can verify? If so that's very cool, & real progress:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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The mitochondria create our ATP; known by many cultures by many different names like Prana, Chi, Ki, Qi, Energy, Mana and so on. ATP sustains and creates our biology, allows communication and functionlong. Essentially just as people describe those things its an all pervading life force energy. Anyway. Our mitochondria produce this and store this. You can look into that if you want, thats our bioenergy. To communicate with the mitochondria you need light, this is where visualization comes in, thought light. Less dense light in the form of thought. All these meditation and visualization techniques are really just communicating with the mitochondria which command our cells and provide/create our energy. ATP, or light, is known to carry quantum information or electromagnetic radiation. this light carries and stores this information, which is the Mind, Consciousness, Intentions, Emotions and so on. We are able to exchange this with everything. Thats just to tell you a little, I could talk about this stuff all day lol. The nuclei are known to hold our DNA and emit our electromagnetic field, the Aura. When the nuclei are engaged, they spin more rapidly and this field increases. This field, our aura, the electromagnetic field, is our wireless connection with all that is. Oneness. Given they emit this field, and controlling them controls this field, they are crucial in psychokinesis, By engaging the nuclei, making them spin more rapidly, and linking this field with the field of an object. Im sure youve heard of people speaking about spinning chakras, increasing the aura and so on. Now think about the nuclei and mitochondria. You are meditating on a chakra which is said to be a spinning wheel of light. You use visualization, communicating with the mitochondria of the target cells you visualize over, causing them to create ATP. This ATP fuels the nuclei allowing them to engage and spin more rapidly, emitting a greater electromagnetic field and expressing more DNA. Thats essentially What youre doing with chakra meditations as well as other visualization techniques. These spinning vortexes are collections of nuclei, spinning chakras is just spinning groups of nuclei, like glandular nuclei. Empowering chakras, with light, is just communicating with said mitochondria producing and storing more light And information. 

Ill give an example of energy work using this advance biological function natural to us all. Lets take energy healing or spiritual healing for example, and de-mystify that. Then think about it, Bc this applies to all energy work. The mitochondria run by the metabolism. The Patient being healed, is in a state of Anabolism. Patients are always told to relax and allow. They are relaxing, disengaging the mitochondria and undergoing Anabolism, Yin. Within Anabolism, or Yin, we process and absorb energy and information, we process and absorb ATP. We are in download mode, receiving. The Healer is engaging the body in some way, for example holding a hand over the patient, engaging the hand. Flexing it or tensing it to some degree. Or they may be engaging the temples, focusing hard or anything. Some part of the body during energy work of any kind by anyone is engaging to some degree, everyone has their own habits of what they tend to engage or tense while doing this. They are utilizing Catabolism. Within Catabolism we produce and release ATP, we produce and release energy and information. The healer is putting their thoughts and intentions in this energy their mitochondria are creating and releasing, and uploading it to the patient whos in anabolism processing and absorbing this energy and information. The mitochondria then store this, processes it, use this energy to fuel the function. They then command the cells to do whatever this information or program is telling them. So then those cells heal. Science has proven mitochondria are quantum entangled, and we already know all biological life can communicate through ATP. 


Now lets think about telekinesis. Ive made some short videos and demonstrations before applying this knowledge. Ill have to make some again once I get back into it, but rn I only really care about lightning manipulation and Im having lots of fun with that. I am about to do a fast and get back into everything. Anyway. You have foil, youre establishing empathy with the target. Electromagnetically linking to it, connecting your aura through entanglement of experience. Youre engaging your nuclei and connecting to this foil, and using ATP (or chi) which is carrying your thoughts and intentions (Electromagneti radiation) this interacts with the field and youre able to move the object. Remember the Catabolism (Yang) anabolism (yin) part and how it applies here.

-- Edited by Apex on Saturday 1st of August 2020 09:06:09 PM

-- Edited by Apex on Saturday 1st of August 2020 09:28:37 PM



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Here take a look at these. Thats my insta. I have a small discord group where Im training myself and others if you have discord and want to join. 



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You can take what I said and think about Qi Gong or Tai Chi for example, this is mastery of cellular respiration. Youre rhythmically contracting and relaxing cells, carrying a charge through the body. Thing about how when you see Qi Gong moves where the person is stretching and engaging the arms then relaxing them and pulling them back inward loosely. Youre carrying that energy and current from the hands down the arms to the shoulders and chest. If youre into any of that I invite you to think about what Im saying and really observe these movements and whats going on. If you practice it yourself thats even better, you should know from experience. This can all be represented by Yin and Yang, light and dark, flex and relax, catabolism and anabolism. Cells breathing. In out. Thats where the longevity comes in too, youre mastering cellular respiration, energizing the cells. Strengthening the mitochondria which command and fuel the cells, controlling their age, repair, recycle and everything as we all know from elementary school. Powerhouse of the cell. Through being active you're also engaging the nucleI, which hold our dna. Activating, correcting and completing the dna and gene expression. Health and longevity. Also remember light carries quantum data, this is stored and processed by the mitochondria. Work on that, increase the quantity power and efficiency, the amount of ATP you have... and hmmm you become more MIND-Full. Shaping the body in your image. Shaping it with your thoughts, your quantum data or Electromagnetic radiation. The mind controls the mitochondria. 

-- Edited by Apex on Sunday 2nd of August 2020 02:06:43 AM



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Idk if youve seen my comments yet, but when Im ready Ill start making some posts and videos to help people develop these skills. I do countless psychokinetic skills as well as many other things. Astral projection and all, and understand it on a level where the world can accept it and finally wake up. Once Im a good week into my fast which will be 12 days to a month or more Ill probably start spreading more. Im considering making a YouTube but havent decided yet. The comments I posted though I actually apply and its a way of life for me, its funny even if my WiFi is weak I use psychokinesis to boost it and manipulate the signals. Its a way of life for me. Right now Im working on mastering lightning manipulation and electrokinesis. Ive gotten good with lightning but Im working on getting the hang of what I call day time strikes where its so powerful and bright it briefly turns day. Last night I was trying to set off some strikes around the world and in my location at the level of a nuclear blast. Telekinesis is something Ill have to repair my Limbic system to get back into, which is why Im waiting until further Into my fast when Ive renewed and restructured my Limbic system with ketones and lactic acid While under autophagy And enhanced neurogenesis. The Limbic system is very important when it comes to psychic power And senses (eye of Horus is Limbic system) as is the endocrine system. 


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Apex, Share as you feel motivated to share, but you shouldn't assume the level of experience or understanding of others. Everyone learns from one another:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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