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Post Info TOPIC: A Friend Needs Help!

Psionics Research Fellow

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A Friend Needs Help!

I've met this pal of mine a long time ago and recently, I talked to him, and realized that he needs sooo much help. Like, not too long ago, he lost his touch to his PSI abilities and he has problems getting back into it. Let me put down a brief explanation on what might be wrong with him.

Well, he first told me he couldn't love and he doesn't know what it feels like to be loved. So then I asked him what he feels the most often on a day. He replied, "Sorrow" and "Depression". The only thing I could think about then was that he is probably possessed, and he needs others to help him. And the thing is, he doesn't want help at all. He said this was like this for almost all of his life. And due to this, he pretty much has no feelings for his family. I know this possibly could be signs of a 'demonic depression', though I read up on it quite well. But I'm still unsure because he can still have some joy in his life, only when he talks to a good online friend or me. But now he wants to be a demon more-over than that of an angel. I'm worried about him.

But he was able to use his own PSI abilities on cammand during this little 'demonic depression'. So not too long ago, he was sent to get his ming straightened out for some odd reason, and now he can't use his PSI abilities much of anymore. I was hoping if there was anything this community could do to possibly help him. I would help 100% at any cost there would be.

I really hope to help him. He NEEDS serious help. And I'm gonna give him the help HE deserves.



International Psionics Journalist

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o.o wow... reminds me of my state like a year ago or so.. O.o i was so depressed and his symptoms actually were the same as mine o__O i didnt know how it feels to be lved. o.o or even love... though im the kind of guy who falls n love easily.. o.O

Well. o.o i dont know much about demonic stuff.. but... if he is christian o.o he can go to a "real" priest (not a pedophile one xD) o.o and maybe the priest will know if he is obssessed or not o.O

Also... o.o make him do stuff a demon wont do o.O if u can... that would make him get more into his true self o.o

As i had a dream a few days ago as i said in my journal o.o i saw myself trying to get out a demon from me.. o.o it was pretty scary xD i cant imagine if it happens irl.. o.o well... u can check those psychic sites o.o they might also have anything that might help


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 77

You had those symptoms as well? Thats pretty crazy, but I do have a few ideas on what to do, though I'm certain a priest would be the #1 thing to do about this. Other than that, he will need some prayer, and I don't want him to act like this anymore... All and any help is appreciated. If you also need a quick nick to help with getting towards the right person, it is 'Black Cat'.



International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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It sounds as though your friend has forgotten the power that comes through knowledge of the true self. Attributing his power to a demonic entity or construct means he does not feel worthy to create this himself. Is this a self esteem issue?

Your friend needs to take responsibility for his true potential and no oone can do that for him but himself. That is what freewill is all about. Even if a demonic presence has fooled him into thinking his true power is attributed to this spirit or demonic force. And again are not demonic attributions perhaps sometimes simply a focus on the dark sides of our own natures>?

It is good to want to help your friend you can do this by encouraging him to be physically active get good sleep and have a good diet, Encourage him to stay away from alcohol. Being possitive in the face of negativity costs not a cent. It does not mean you have to be a doormat but it means you do not give energy or attention to this demon construct real or not. If uyou really want to help your friend learn to see aspects of his true self and help them shine.


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@Sting Chameleon

Hey Sting. I'll send some peace/progress intentions to your friend. But I'm more than certain much of your friend's condition boils down to things relating to what Shirak described.


the feeling of it moving

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 77

I appreciate this guys. I really do. All I'm hoping for is that he can be his real self soon, so we can psi train together. This will help clear things quite a lot. I don't know much of anything else to say except thanks. The least I'll try to do is make sure he doesn't commit suicide.



International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey Sting Chameleon, Shirak is right. Also, it's good to support someone you care about, but you shouldn't feel resposible for whether someone values their on life or not. Such a thing is beyond yor control. Anyway, as Shirak said, focus on the positive as best you can:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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Well e.e the thing is about suicide.. there are two ways to stop it.. the easy way o.o and the hard way e.e the hard way which is my fav way :S though it will hurt the person.. u have to tell them the truth that killing themselves wont solve anything o.o and it will just prove they never been useful and stuff like that (o.o it mostly worked for me.. o.O no one commited suicide when i told them so.. but i dont know how u gonna deal with that way xD so dont use it)

the easy way o.o is try to make them love life... o.O so that they wanna do something.. o.o if u can make him love life to extent he would do anything to not die o__o do it.. just for a while till u can help him more.. o.o and u got one problem down and less to go o.o get my point??


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 77

I've been trying my best to help him not commit suicide. It's going fairly well on that part. He says he stopped trying to do so cause I'm such a good friend to him. Which is nice to know. smile I just hope that the more I'm hanging with him, the more likely he'll like life. A good friend can help with so much the dude doesn't know about. :)



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