As you've no doubt already concluded I'm new here. I'll just sum this up effectively.
Been visiting and reading some stuff here for about two days now. So far I've liked most of what I've seen. Most people here seem geniune, which is great. That's one of the traits I really value in people. Not much BS seems to go on here.
There doesn't seem to be many haters here wasting space either, which is useful .
Think I've only noticed one who's seemed to throw off the balance here so far without contributing much. This individual, like most who spark conflicts over their little computer screens, needs an ego check.
And might not even be aware that their falsely puffed ego is a reason why they fail to even move a psi wheel consistently.
But aside from sheding light on some things there is not much we can do to change these individuals.
Insecure people will express insecurity.
I'd suggest that whoever is responsible for such things kick those who disturb the productive balance out. You will notice more cohesion and gains from the rest of the dedicated members who actually practice sincerely that way .
There are very practical reasons why real monks, shamans and real cultist orders don't allow just anybody to join their ranks .
Why babysit someone who hinders sincere cohesion, which lessens tension, which leads to ease, which aids in progress
I hope those of you who are serious about developing these skills and states of thought into something that can better impact the world consider this advice seriously.
Seeing as how I hope every dedicated practicioner here reaches or even surpasses someone like Shirak's level. All my respect given to him ofcourse, heh. That was certainly not a challenge.
I mean for no conflict to arise from what I've said here. In fact, my aim was to minimize or better yet eliminate it. As it is typically a distraction which lacks...
A real waste of energy for places like this .
"There is no Palpatine. No Empire. No Jedi. There is no light, no dark… just you and I here now."
―Darth Maul to Obi-Wan Kenobi
Welcome to the forum :D And why not say names bro xD Doesnt really matter you know? :D we all accept criticism here o.o so if u are annoyed of "the one" that you say flames people and cant move a psiwheel o_O Just adress him... :D as i said in many other parts of the forum , we are like one big family :P You cant get angry at ur bro... right ?
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
HI now! really liked what you had to say! clear concise and to the point! you are very right! masters, monks, wisemen, ......all refrain from contact, with potentially damaging, people and mind sets!...... as we are all aware, as we embark on this journey, we become super sensative, so does our subconcious mind!....... a very delicate period, till we find our feet! thankyou for your genuine words!........ sy............
Whether you think you can, or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!
Hello Now. We welcome you to this sacred forum, where knowledge is sought, and shared. I personally look forward to devouring any wisdom that you may have to share with us.
Welcome to the family, brother :)
"It is your mind that creates this world."
- The Buddha