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Post Info TOPIC: New and Got a Lot of Questions - Please Help...


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New and Got a Lot of Questions - Please Help...

Hi all, new to this forum, new to KP too. I'm trying find out the details of PK and its chi energy. I have been trying to move a small scrunched up piece of paper ok, I have my hands on either side. Im focusing on the form. I feel this heat sensation from my palms. It feels like my hands are getting pumped full of blood. I start seeing aura's from my hands and the object. and thats as far as it goes... now my questions...

What next?
Do I talk to myself of what I want to do next?
Keep still in the mind and dont think anything?
Do I move hands?
where does the energy come from my hands and third eye?
Whats the feeling when your chi and objects chi unite and it clicks?
How do you know when it clicks?
anymore suggestions would be fantastic...

I meditate every night, getting all my toxic ****e out of me... being feeling great.
sorry about hammering out this post....


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hi, and welcome to the forum!

And welcome to psychokinesis practices as well..

earthrooster wrote:

What next?
Do I talk to myself of what I want to do next?
Keep still in the mind and dont think anything?
Do I move hands?
where does the energy come from my hands and third eye?
Whats the feeling when your chi and objects chi unite and it clicks?
How do you know when it clicks?
anymore suggestions would be fantastic...

  • Becoming one with the piece of paper. Try to feel how being that piece of paper would feel like. You've got it when you feel like yourself being that piece of paper (or at least connected to it as if it were just a bodypart). Then you could practice feeling it becoming weightless (or at least having no inertia) and easy to move (feel it being sensitive).
  • I usually don't talk to myself of what I want to do next, I just do it. However, for some, talking to themself or talking to the object might work better.
  • A still mind really helps. Though, it should also be possible to "totally" focus on the feeling of the object moving. You could still your mind and occasionally pulse the feeling or keep the intent / feeling only faintly going on in the background with no other thoughts, feelings. This seems to be working better than attempting to "totally" focus on the feeling of the object moving. Sometimes pushing on the feeling hard and then letting go or changing thoughts also provide moments of stillness during which the object suddenly makes a move.
  • It depends on how you feel about moving hands. For me, it tends to boost the doubts of whether it was actually pk or just air waves formed by the hands physically. However, totally avoiding the use of hands in pk practice is what I wouldn't recommend. Well, that's what I did and now my hands have become my weak spot - they easily build up blockages and start twitching.
  • Energy comes from where you feel it come from. I feel it coming from the whole body. Haven't been experimenting with it much, but I think it should be possible to draw energy from Earth, Moon, Sun, galaxy center or whatever directly as well (without the need to transfer it through your body).
  • You'll start to feel it like it was you. You'll also feel yourself feeling yourself through the object sort of like an infinite recursion.
  • It might become so natural that you might no longer notice it. Objects just move when you have some thoughts / feelings / intentions going on in your mind.
  • Although it's a suggestion that I would need to repeat to myself (I often forget it or something): "There's no need to push it. Pk is pretty much effortless when done right. Just relax and go with the flow."

Cheers and have fun!


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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Hi earthrooster, welcome to the forum! You don't have to apologize for asking questions, but it can be hard to answer all of your questions difinitively because of the subjective nature of the PK experience. Most people tend to begin with a psi_wheel, for the reason that it has very little friction resistance. It is can be easier to see encouraging results, when you don't have to deal with factors like friction yet. Let's say you are trying to slide the scrunched up paper. You may be having an effect & not realize it because the effect is to small for your eyes to notice against the firction.

All that being said, I do not wish to project any limitations. You may very well be able to move the scunched paper right away, but this is part of what I mean about the subjective aspect. In terms of energy, & what it is, or where it comes from; I think the subject is to deep for one post, but there has been a great deal of knowlesge & experience shared on the forum concerning these subjects. If you're willing to read & explore a little you may find some great answers! The forum also has a cool search feature if you are in a hurry.

One of my favorite aspects of the forum though, would have to be reading in the journals section:)


"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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Thanks guys.....I find that effortless part really interesting. I'd still like to hear other's experiences and perspectives.



International Psionics Journalist

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What next?
Do I talk to myself of what I want to do next?
Keep still in the mind and dont think anything?
Do I move hands?
where does the energy come from my hands and third eye?
Whats the feeling when your chi and objects chi unite and it clicks?
How do you know when it clicks?

1.Next is o.o you feel u are the object... and feel it movin as part of ur body , there is no ONE way though.. everyone has his own way coz some method might not work with all people ^^ so you have to get ur own style sometimes..
2.Dont think about anything except what u want to happen
3. Well to be honest your hands are not that important , but we use them at first to use the heat in a method sometimes O.o its mostly to increase confidence though... Just dont move them like XD jackie chan or the psiwheel will move by itself :D
4.O.o it comes from... XD Everywhere o.o varies from a person to another , some use heat/fire (like someone here called wyrm xD) Some use air (mostly owl o_o) and some use earth and some use water .... etc o.o it depends what u feel u get ur energy from ^^
5.LoL that is hard to explain xD When you are focusin so hard.. and it moves... try focusin on the feelin u have BEFORE it moves... thats mostly it :D sometimes u wouldnt notice.. and it would be hard to know... which would be quite frustrating... but :P dont give up... ull get it..
6. XD you will know... :D trust me

:D im not that great in PK like other people ... but thats my answers hope they help


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

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Welcome to the forum Earthrooster,     

Daily practice is also very important to unlock your PK potential


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Awesome Name :) Welcome to the forum There are many answers to the questions you have asked explored in depth here. Often the question is the most important part of the process.


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Warm welcome to you ER :)

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha


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last night made my little paper wheel twitch and turn a tiny bit, but the strange thing side lamp started to flick, then flicker then dim...did this three times??? Not sure if was something else, but each time it did it I'd turn to it and say no, go back on. Then it did??? strange?


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Congrats bro.

And yeah, that's something many of us have experienced. I saw it moreso while trainin at my parent's place than I do here trainin with my psi wheels in my dorm room.

One thought on that which has been discussed here was that maybe when that happens energy is being converted from the light source and used to follow through with the intention.

I tend to notice it more consistently when I train with water faucets, so I think there might be something to that thought.

But yeah, I think Shirak would give a more accurate answer to that kind of thing.

As long as I've seen intended results I've tended to be happy with that and just kept going from there biggrin.


the feeling of it moving

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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@earthrooster: Good job!

There are often side-effects to pk practice. You could practice pk on switching lights on and off as well. smile


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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Welcome to the forum, sorry for the lateness and i love your name by the way. I am not the best but i can give you any assistance you need. *bows to Earthrooster*

Fides, libertas, et interioribus viribus; semper et semper.


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Thanks guys for the support...much appreciated. I have another question. Regarding the anecdote above, when this happened my flatemate had a dream of levitation, she was slowly leaning back, body straight and feet lifted off the floor. She said the feeling was utter bliss, then was woken up by a phone call.

So my question is, could my energy have influenced this?



International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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If you're talking about a form of telepathy, or entering anothers dream; I would say yes, I have experienced this myself! I can't wait to hear more about your experiences:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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I would love to get your opinions on my experience so far. It seems to me when Im on my wheel it takes me about half an hour to get relaxed enough to focus. I see the wheel start to vibrate, small movements, more like micro movements... this intensity starts to get more. This is when the twitching starts, the wheel moves left and right...Im saying to my self go that that way, it follows my direction an eighth, then moved back.

Does these vibrational movements happen to you?


International Psionics Journalist

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Yup its normal rooster o.o its called nudging the wheel xD the wheel is playin with u :D or your subconcious is daring u to a control fight xD sometimes it happens to me :D im like "move clockwise" and it vibrates in its place so im like "i said clockwise prick!! >_>" xD lol its fun :D and its like that at first ^^ once you get the feeling saved in ur memory.. it will take less time to relax and focus o.o
You are on the right path


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus


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Thanks Draspy, good to know Im on the right track... I just find this awesome! Do you think telepathy is the grand form of all PK? I love the thought that we all become telepathic, and if this was the case, no one can lie anymore. What ever your thoughts, everyone would know! It would be living in the now completely!


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I would say empathy, or realizing that you are everything & everything is you. I actually think that there is no difference between PK, telepathy or anyother psi skill:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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Yup :) Agree with owl ^^ And you gonna be great rooster :D dont worry... xD but dont get addicted like us here xD LAWL... its been 3 days without the PK now.. and i feel my blood boilin o_O lol

And Telepathy :D its... awesomely insane xD xD enough said xD


"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus


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Few more questions for anyone...

I haven't been using hands, is that bad? if it is, why?

Does Pk come from third eye? or, whole body?


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