Ever heard of it?? o.o No.. its not about frogs or toads o__o its about reptilians.. it might not be related to PK much.. But in different parts of the series.. the guy mentions characteristics that are signs of PK and Psychic abilities of humans.. O.o Not to mention many other stuff...And it opens up subjects about MANY stuff happening in the world.. and the current world order o.O
It is a very interesting and very inspiring series.. o.o it is really strange... O.o many coincidences happen since this month started.. and check this other coincidence.. :) That is the first video :) Continue with the other videos posted of the same name from the same youtube channel ^^ Peace guys <3
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
i've seen stuff about this. don't think i know enough to think it's real or not
some guy claimed darrylsloan and a yt pal of his to be some kind of reptillians and caused a little drama. he seemed to "prove" it by noting things about how they looked
growin up some kids used to say my head was shaped like e.t.'s or some kind of alien's...
think sports and stuff helped take ppl's attention away from that
my name's Paul and when trailers for that Paul Movie came out i thought it was funny.
That's interesting. Sister has shown me videos of some of the recent leaders. On some of them, they looked pretty nervous. Their eyes kept making clicking sounds, pupils changing shapes, eyeballs changing colors and skin changing its texture.
Quite freaky, but often of low quality and could be explained with lossy video encoding. On the other hand it makes sense and addresses issues that seem to have otherwise remained unsolved.
Thank you for finding this..
Paul is cool, he nicely tips over the fear of aliens with his humor.
-- Edited by Sussch on Sunday 13th of March 2011 06:31:02 PM
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Indeed i saw that video about darrylsloan and his nick dude o.o But seriously... These guys are saying "Its ok to be a satanist" o_O i dont like that idea as a christian.. but seriously? o.o would any sane man say so ?? lol And low quality might just be an excuse o_O we dont know... What if its true? lol wouldnt be very interesting o.o??
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
I believe Daryl Sloan's, intent with the satanist talk, is to advocate freedom of thought & personal freedom in general. He has said he is not actually a satanist. He read a book and reviewed it, that's all. He does bash christianity way beyond my interest, but it's understandable, if his church abused him as much as he says.
As far as him being a reptilian; I don't think it's nice to spread rumors about people which dehumanize them. It can even be dangerous to do that actually. If someone is not human, well then suddenly it's ok to harm them right?
"Though shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Draspy wrote:Indeed i saw that video about darrylsloan and his nick dude o.o But seriously... These guys are saying "Its ok to be a satanist" o_O i dont like that idea as a christian.. but seriously? o.o would any sane man say so ?? lol
Maybe not a man, but a woman ..
We had a great teacher for History of Art in highschool. She was one of the few best teachers of the school. She was always in a good mood and had a really good and caring personality, even though she was a satanist. She respected all other cultures and religions. It really made me reconsider my view on satanism.
She currently lives in Japan as well. Checked and she's alright .. in Tokyo.
Also, I don't think that would make any difference against alien races. They would be just another race among all our friends. I believe there are quite a few of them here, a lot of them changing the course of mankind's progress. According to my father (alien abductee), there are races responsible for keeping us from killing ourselves off. They often do this from behind the curtains (while being invisible) - similar to pk, but I think they do it with technology and infiltration. As outsiders, we might not understand why they're doing this or that, but actually, they know more about what's going on than most people. Have you noticed that when something serious is about to happen / happening, there are lots of UFO-s appearing near the hotspot (as if observing and slightly altering the process).
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
lots of stuff to ask lwr :D @sussch o.o im not saying all satanist people are evil and suck.. o.O i just dont like the ones who bash christianity o_O @owl o.o i know it is understandable o.O but seriously.. i suffer lots from many muslims here.. O.o do i go around bashing them :S no.. If he doesnt like something.. just say he doesnt o.o WHY he has to bash christianity that much? o_O lawl... And he looks evil sometimes XD
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Darryl is a fearless thinker who dares to explore subjects others beliefs have made taboo. As a result he has demonstrated an improved awareness. I personally have had the experience that Darryl is a genuine person who has protected freedom of speech even to the point where he has allowed haters attacks to remain on his channel. I have personally enjoyed many correspondence with him in the past (whether I have agreed with his point of view or not) and can vouch for him as a legitimate/honest researcher not that I need to his work speaks for itself.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I agree, who knows? Someone might decide they dislike me or any of us for being honest in our observations. I was raised a christian, but I am not one anymore. My family would not understand or except this. I know most of them might call PK evil. Some people I've known for years have already rejected me for my spiritual path. I have to be true to myself though. It must take a great deal of strength to express oneself so openly, I mean I don't even show my face on youtube, lol. I also respect his right to an opinion even if I only agree with him some of the time:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Good point o.o And i agree he got lots of freedom of speech o_O and that he pointed out many taboo stuff o.o but bashing doesnt get u anywhere XD And @owl.. i know what u mean about people thinking PK is evil and such v.v I suffer from that all the time... last time i talked to my friends about it.. they were like "man!! this is evil.. you need to know God more and stop this!!" -_-" seriously.. i might not be the perfect christian.. But i believe that connection with God is a relation between one and God.. :S not between everyone and me and God.. everyone has his own way of worshipping God o.o it might not be like the christianity sayin it should be.. But again... "Only God can judge you" no one else.. O.o And not to mention v.v I got in a fight with my mom a few days ago
When the japan incident happened.. she said something to tease me coz she knows i love japan A LOT.. she said "Finally they taste the wrath of God for their sinful country that doesnt worship him" or something like that.. -_- And that got me pissed like hell.. so i told her "its not about God.. not everything that happens in this world is about God.." And she got angry coz of that.. and i told her "it doesnt matter if you are an athiest or not.. God wouldnt do so.. " it got her sooooooo pissed xD that i refused that idea.. o_O and she thinks now that im waaaaaaay away from God.. but meh.. who cares what she thinks v.v I could have backed up my sentence with many different facts and theories.. :S but she wouldnt understand any of them.. and it would jut be a waste of effort..
like many other stuff these days.. :S People keep getting religion in the subject. and i keep rejecting doin so.. and i dont even bother to explain coz it will bring me more headache from their bla bla bla o.o
Still.. o_O back to main point.. Reptilians exist as .. a friend of mine confirmed o.o so.. the idea is.. how you deal with them? o.O and whats their goal and such..
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus
Just a note: I have been to Japan a few time & I am friends with many practicing Japanese christians. As a developed democratic country, though obviously not as much as the U.S., I would say it's pretty diverse.
I suppose we shouldn't have thought police, especially since people are costantly evolving, even Darryl Sloan, lol:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
@Draspy: Yup. Just like you once suggested, we hug them reptilians .
I really enjoyed the "Adam's Apples" movie, where a prisoner was sent to a monastery for redemption.
Even if what Credo Mutwa said and all those Chupacabra stories and what not are true. In my opinion, even then should we forgive them just like the priest did to Adam. There might even be similar motives for these visitors feeling responsible for watching over us like the ones in the movie (regret).
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I must admit my pupils go weird when doing PK , really huge and slightly elongated, but I think this is something natural inside us that makes the brain recieve more visual information than we normally see.