Alex Kaivarainen University of Turku, Department of physics Vesilinnantie 5, FIN-20014, Turku, Finland
Just reading it now very interesting modeling!
- TE and TF are Tuning Energy and Tuning Force of Bivacuum, driving the matter to Golden Mean conditions and slowing down (cooling) the thermal dynamics of particles, driving their mass to the rest mass value.(Sound familiar? Can you say stasis field? And cooling discipline?
Such Bivacuum - matter interaction is responsible for realization of principle of Least action, 2nd and 3d laws of thermodynamics;
17. The telekinesis and remote healing, as example of mind-matter interaction, should
be accompanied by strong collective nonequilibrium process (excitation) in the nerve
system of Sender. The excessive momentum and kinetic energy are transmitted from
Sender to Receiver or Target due to superposition of VRMr, tS VRMr. tR and
multiple bundles of Virtual Guides, connecting tuned elementary particles (electrons,
protons, neutrons) of [S] and [R]:
e,p S R Psi channels
We put forward a conjecture, that even teleportation or spatial exchange of
macroscopic number of coherent atoms between very remote regions of the Universe is
possible via coherent Psi-channels. If this consequence of our theory will be confirmed, weget a new crucial method of the instant inter-stars propulsion.
The correctness of our Unified Theory (UT) follows from its ability to explain a lot
of unconventional experimental data, like Kozyrev ones, remote genetic
transmutation, remote vision, mind-matter interaction, etc. without contradictions
with fundamental laws of nature. For details see:
-- Edited by Shirak on Wednesday 13th of April 2011 12:33:17 AM
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Read some of the intro o.o and it looks amazing already o_O i definitely have it now on my PC o_o ill read as much as i can from it (if i understand xD) o.o thanks shirak man!! you are epic!!
"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6 "The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus