I wanted to post this video to demonstrate how illusionists can use Gallium in spoonbending videos to do spoonbending. It is important to note all it requires is heat to liquify the metal.
Pre spoon bending one should demonstrate the spoon is not mad of Gallium by dipping it in hot water.
Yeah, I've seen that metal before. Didn't cross my mind it could be used for illusionist spoonbending, though.
So yeah, yet another thing for sceptics to blable on about. Now what? Prove them wrong again?
I say to you this just because a 3d animator can create the illusion of an airplane does not disprove that airplanes exsist. It simply shows another way the image of an airplane can be produced.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
James Randi is a good example here. He could replicate a single feat of Nina Kulagina's TK, then therefore blanketed her as a fraud. When, as you have pointed out, he didn't prove she was fake, he only demonstrated it 'can' be done through illusion. But left all her other feats alone because that one demonstration, i guess, proved that the rest where also fake.
When skeptics approach me and say, "No, Nina Kulagina was fake. James Randi proved it!". I often reply with something along the lines of "How? Because he could slide something towards him with thread? What about her other feats? Like moving objects around in numbers, towards and away from her? How about when she divided the yoke from egg-whites of an egg, or stop the heartbeat of a frog? All while the objects where covered and she was rigorously investigated for trickery and surrounded by scientists".
I think there was more she has done as well though.
........ lol, looking back on writing this, i could have avoided this entire paragraph and said... "Yeah! I agree with Shirak!". I guess my point was, i have seen a lot of people only want a single answer. This to me is not only suggested in "The Book of the Damned" where Charles Fort states scientists try and bring explanations down to the local, but also in sciences attempt at T.O.E.
Oh oh, random thought. (Sorry, i feel compelled to write). After thinking about the theory of everything, somehow my mind jumped to quantum physics and everything in the universe being fundamentally empty. Then thought about how science tries to find only the objective and eliminate the subjective for the most accurate and unbiased of answers. But as there finding, not only may that be impossible, because the very act of observing an objective experience turns it into a subjective one, but subjective may actually be a fundamental part of life and existence. Then i kind of thought of the dynamic of PK and the effect of consciousness on our environment and matter and thought (Here's the weird part) What if it's empty to allow room for us to place meaning, energy or intention (Or something else/forgetting) into it, which helps the flow and reciprocal part of nature? Sort of like a reason for it's emptiness is because there is no meaning until meaning is applied via subjective experience?
Nevermind, i lost myself now. Did that make any sense, or should i just go to bed already :P
Anyways, sorry.
Have fun!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
James Randi is a good example here. He could replicate a single feat of Nina Kulagina's TK, then therefore blanketed her as a fraud. When, as you have pointed out, he didn't prove she was fake, he only demonstrated it 'can' be done through illusion. But left all her other feats alone because that one demonstration, i guess, proved that the rest where also fake.
Which, in my opinion, greatly shows how easily most people can be manipulated. A lot of misconceptions have formed due to this. Life, religion, science, politics, war, etc. all suffer these misconceptions.
That's an interesting idea about it having no meaning until someone gives one.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.