Micro PK, infuencing probability, how far can we take it?
There's always that very small probability your head will explode right now. It's abysmally small, but it sure is there. Now using micro PK we can influence probability and it outcomes and all, right? Can we take this far enough to be able to manipulate life as we also do in lucid dreams (bend the world to your will)?
With that comes another question: Isn't macro PK just micro PK with physically visible results? Micro: influence outcome of a probability simulation. Macro: influence something physical.
There's always that one chance the pinwheel's molecules will vibrate in a strange way and cause it to move a teensy tiny bit. Are we, when we do TK, just significantly increasing that probability so we get the outcome we want?
Yes. At least that's how i see it for the most part. Pk to me is just PK with a sub division of micro/macro to indicate small and large change. Macro would likely be just a large scale micro-PK event. I think the use of Micro and Macro is used to differentiate between the targets of PK. Micro is often associated with RNG and chance, where as Macro is associated with objects in space.
As for how far we could take it. I suppose if we could manipulate small scale chance to have very large consequences, we could potentially split worlds in half or more. An atom has huge amounts of explosive power. It has, as you have pointed out with the head, an abysmally small chance to become unstable and explode, and how many atoms are there floating around in just a room, let alone the planet and beyond. But what about a chance to teleport, duplicate, change or vanish?
I guess the limitation would be our imaginations at that point.
These are just my thoughts though :) I may be wrong.
Have fun!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
I agree with Nox about the differences, or lack thereof. I also, think that we probably set our own limitations. At least this has be my experience so far:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I do like to believe that there truly are no boundaries, but in the back of my head I still imagine it impossible to do the impossible in one lifetime. I think the learning curve is also influenced by our trust and belief, but we just can't get around it because we've been taught everything takes time and practice.
If you could purify your mind and reprogram it with "I can do everything I want", I think things would go a lot easier.
But can't your willpower be blocked out by other people's willpower? If I try to do TK in front of a large group of strict non-believers, would their expectations of "this isn't going to work" cancel out my expectation of "I'm going to make this happen"?
I don't think that your will can be canceled, because energy cannot be destroyed. It can move & transform though. In the case of your will verses that of others, you can choose to agree with them thereby moving your will into alignment with theirs, but your will would still be in play there. So, is your greater will to perform an act of PK, or to conform to the pressure of the group & receive acceptance/validation?
Which story do you like best; which will you commit to? You construct your world through perceptual interpretation. Your brain is essentially in a black box, with no direct access to the world. Even what you perceive as the opinions of others, is a combination of interpretation & your own projected constructs. What this tells me, is that in every moment, I am creating my world, whether I do it decisively or not.
So, as long as I'm constructing my world; why not make one I would like? Of course most of us have habitual expectations which we project. Though, if you can learn to quite your mind, you can develop greater control of your projections or choose not to project when you don't wish to. An easy method for learning to quite the mind, is to choose a mantra & repeat it over & over. You don't need to become a yogi, or worry about what the mantra means. What matters is that you are basically filling your mind with vibrational fluff, which will habituate your mind into a one pointedness. You may then discover that you have greater access to your power. Hey, I've often heard that the universe began as a sigularity:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
The more I learn, the more I realize there are no limits but the limits we impose on ourself. When one contemplates on the nature of matter, one soon finds all matter arises from the same source. Matter can be transmuted, by a change in consciousness towards it. Limits are for the limited!