I was just watching a video on Mind-matter Interaction and paranormal Phenomena, and one of the things that was uncovered was for mind-matter interaction or Psychokinesis to occur, Strong personal meaning needed to be involved.
So then i thought with everyone here who is able to do it, i got curious on what Psychokinesis personally means to you?
Have fun!
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Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
:) nox, that is a very informative video. I've talked a bit with Dr. Rhine about my geisting, and she shared these lectures with me and wrote a book too. It's interesting. Psychokinesis is part of me, like another sense, but very much part of my emotional world as well as the spiritual realm. It's kind of one of those things that is difficult to put into words. I really think it is energy that is everywhere that our energy can interact with, but it's like playing an instrument, it comes easier to some then others because of personality and life experiences. But that's my opinion today, and I reserve the right to change it as experiences make me question myself. :D
This video lecture is really good guys. What it PK means to me? I would say that my strong sense of personal meaning, is my own sense of personal greatness. I very strongly believe in myself. PK works for me basically because I expect it to. I have noticed that the more consistently I have the same expectation, the stronger the subconscious programming & PK manifestation as well. Sometimes I test this by coming up with an random theory, & convincing my self that it's true over time. Then low & behold, it becomes true:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve