First of all, sorry for my English, I call them greeklish!
Anyway, my real name is Charis, and I have started a research on PK 2-3 years ago.
I have had experienced like most of you things, that defeat the law of odds, and that lead me to thinking maybe PK is real stuff and maybe it would be awesome to learn, control and grow the abilities to greater levels, maybe some of us will claim that 1 million dollar prize, not for the money necessary, but to get to Mr Ramzi's nose! He claims there are no PK stuff and they are all lies!
So, where should I start..... Ok, I have done some pretty good research, like I said the last 2-3 years, I read many spiritual, religious, and other stuff about PK over the Internet, and i have tried to start with exercises on telekinesis, but I was always had the feeling that something is not right.
I realize, that do start with PK, I need pretty high energy levels, and to have good energy levels, I need to have a healthy body, and a healthy mind.
So to have that, i change my diet ( I am on vegetarian diet right now, because I personally believe that I don;t want to have any negative energy from a dead animal, especially if that animal die with cruelty and live with cruelty)ofc i eat milk produts like crazy, I started to do some ancient Chinese exercises, called Qigong, they are pretty good, it is like dancing, and some of the exercises are like creating energy balls.
And most importantly, my goal right now is to have peace, inner peace, to feel joy and serenity. I know, that when we have that kind of state of mind, our PK is way much stronger and noticeable. I know that because of personal experience in the past.
I am a believer of some of Jesus sayings, because i believe that Jesus was a strong Psychokinetic person, to the point that he defeated death. So some things he said, I think it would be wise to consider and follow. One of them is simply faith. To have faith must trigger a kind of positive emotion that allows our mind and our thoughts to become real. In the gospels of Thomas and Marys, he says things that are, I believe, of great importance to understand and even follow, for example 'if you make the two into one, you will say to that mountain to move and it will move", I think he means, either good and evil, or your physical body with your spiritual body, or something like that , the problem is that some other things don;t make any sense, lol, but it is good to have the knowledge , not as a religion, but they might help to do PK in the right way to have results.
Psyche, means soul, in Greek means also breath, and that lead me to think that the soul has power, or energy, that the mind can control. That energy is not unlimited to humans, but the good news are that we can grow it into the kind of levels that we can even stop a storm from happening! Ofc when someone rests can re - energise!
I know Pk is real, and I believe many people in history either master it, or they just had it uncontrolled. While others don;t even notice it.
One personal experience of mine, was the around 10 years ago, when me and my mom run out of money, and we needed to go to athens with the car. The city our house is is named Oropos and it is about 50 Km from Athens.
My mom notice that the car doesn;t have much gas, but she thought that it will be enough to go to Athens, Ofc she was wrong! The car while driving was making wierd movements indicating that it was using the last drops of gas in the tank, I told her to stop the car so i will find some money. She answer, that's not going to happen, I yell at her, STOP THE CAR NOW!, she stop the car, I went out and I start walking, in about 10-20 meters, i found 10 euro, my mom was very happy. That was enough for gas and also for oil change, it needed oil as well!
Now, the area she stop, was dead, no houses, almost to nothing traffic and I found money for the car, not by accident, I was looking for money!
If this is not Pk, then what is it?
I believe that Pk, is like someone who wants to be a doctor, or a master in Martial Arts, it needs years of exercise, and even then only few are actually good at it.
So a small advice to people who are very new to this, do not stop if you don;t start moving that pen, maybe you need to do more research, or maybe your mind is already troubled with school or work, or relationship. Pk needs peace and serenity.
So, thats about me and Pk and my beliefs.
I would love to have feeback from everyone, and to share your stories as well.
Hi Charis, Welcome to the forum that was a great introduction! If you are interested in affecting statistics with Psychokinesis there is a great thread about it here. Retropsychokinesis
I believe many of the stories in religious texts are about psions and really like what you had to say about PK.
I hope you have some time to check out the journals and specializations section and hope to learn more from your perspective. :)
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Hi Charis and welcome! :) I have seen and found things before that I wanted to see. There are many things that could have been going on with you finding the money, some people can manifest objects. Definitely check out the journals and videos people post. It helps a lot.
Awosome! I downloaded and I already checked it, out, one thing though, if you make it go more than "50", is a PK effect? it went while I was looking at it and focusing around 70-80, or do you need to make it stay over there to be a PK effect?
thanks for the app, I will do it after my qigong exercises!