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Is PK the future of humankind?

The TV and the Cinemas are bombarded with the supernatural lately, from where to start from? Harry Potter? Lord of the rings? I m No 4?, Superman, Spiderman, Batman(even though Batman is not suppose to have super abilities , in the last movies I think he displays some supernatural abilities),X Men, even True Blood, etc etc....

The super heroes in comic books are thriving from the 50s, there have been even experiments from scientists about PK, some where good others were buried and others were fake.

What I have observed though lately is that so many people no matter religious or not religious beliefs, want to train themselves to have real Psychokinetic abilities.


In the historical documents there are so many with supernatural movements, we call it either fairy tales, or mythology or religion.

It is part of human History, Past and Present, so Im wondering, is this worldwide tendency for PK, the real future of Humankind? Are we going to understand it better?, are we going to evolve into that?  or we already posses it and with the movie industry to inspire us we can individualy find ways to actually cultivate it?



International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I think that it always has been a part of us. The skeptic movement of late IMO has actually protected the pk movement through disbelief the violence and murders perpetrated on the evolving have been subdued and the evolution has begun again.

If you look at countries where the Norm is a fear of the supernatural being exhibiting these skills are either worshiped or killed outright (The witch Monkey)


The only thing that does not change is that everything changes. The intelligence exhibited by kids using the internet today far exceeds the mindsets of those when I was in high-school. As knowledge is shared freely we have the bonus of a golden age of wealth of knowledge to assist in our own internal evolution.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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Nothing new under the sun; it has always been with us. If there is anything new, perhaps it's the internet, & the rapid transfer of information:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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i been wondering my self, what is every one could do pk? what would the world be like? how would we interact with each other? should only a few have this ability? or should all?

i honeslty find my self puzzled with the idea of every one having pk abilitys. would the world just fix it self and we would be like we are now or would it be a worse place. i honeslty belife all humans and all beings should be able to attain there true pottentail but i also find my self beliving that not every one should as well (hyprocisy mwuahaha). i honestly cant tell you how i feel on that subject. should child malesters and rapist have pk? should the rich use there talpathic abilitys to keep control over the poor. these are things i think of. however people like me and the people on the forums who are entering the unknown arnt those types of people (atleast i hope not lol). we are building a bridge for a tomarrow world. and maybe my fears are just fears. with that being said. i think the technology isnt whats making us become smarter its the communcation with each other. (like O!2 said so well, and shirak). we as humans are awkening to somthing awesome. wether ur from egypt america, england, canada, south america, or greece. etc etc (just naming places shhh) we are cummunicating. if it was not for shirak i would not have been able to do what i do now....(fight my sub concius in a pk match with a psi wheel SO COOL!!!) or want to exceed my abilitys so i can fly with O12 and shirak :P however my bigest goal is to teleport to my old friends house and throw a baloon full of paint at him and teleport out mwuahha!!

sorry for the long post but i find this very intresting charis :) i do believe humanity is evolving past the religus proaganda the supernatural ideocracys and really looking to the future. however i want to post a word of caution. we are on a fine line for destruction and alowing those who seek power to control humanity ones more. this is a time where facist is growing back and relgius ignorance is growing as well. IMO i forse both sides havign equal oppernuity to win. i just the good wins this time. i do not want to kill others to stop the stregthing of facism. and i have to say my country the USA is becoming very facist i see it every where. all the symptons and signs and it hurts. the american people are becoming ignorant and blind and i wish i had the ability to stop it. and O12 i hope i do not offend you or any one else in america..... personly my faimly is all ignorant and brain washed. its only my mom who has some inclantion to the truth. i have since i was a child felt alon in my belifes that things will go down a way i do not wish them to. in high school i told my history teacher america would fall in 2 years( this was in 06) he said no 100 years. i won that bet....

so to write my final view..... i see humanity becoming a great species in the cosmos if only we can wake up and see the world we live in as a living ornagism and not something to PROFIT OFF OF!. to stop looking at other people and seeing profit or next slavery to be used. if we can all understand each other and stop throwing rocks and money and foot balls at the fat kid walking home from skool (highschool sucked for me lol)

i hope we go down the right path. however nowing my self i cannot act because there is somthing stoping me in my mind. self protection or other things i do not now. but if i could reliquish this "fear" maybe i could do somthign to stop it

sorry for the spelling


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


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hi Grengoshi, I agree with your worries and fears, but I have notice that people who are molesters for example cannot do PK, PK needs something like Inner Peace, someone should not have fear, or "problems". Problems like being a molestor! Or be greedy.

This is my personal view ofc, God, or Universe, or whatever is might be out there, have design us in a way that those kind of abilities cannot be developed to a full extent when you lose your humanity. Greedy, lust, and all those kind of negative things, block your energy levels, and when your energy is blocked cannot flow and become more powerful.

Ofc, someone might grow his negative energy to high levels as well, but i think that results to sickness and death. Like Hitler, he had so much of will power, he almost conquer Europe, but what happen at the end? he died unworthy! All powerful and greedy poeple or countries have a bad fall. I have this theory, you might agree u might not agree, humans are born to be perfect and immortal, when we allow our animal insticts, like the instict of survival to rule over us, and we do not use our minds for spiritual balance, we become sick and old and die. It is like a universal law. In the story of Jesus, even if you believe if he existed or not, show to us that belief results to PK abilities and he became so powerful that he defy death, thats why he allow people to kill him, so he will resurrect. Thats why he said turn the other cheek, meaning do not be afraid when someone tries to hurt you, because you cannot be hurt! Turning the other cheek is showing power, real power.

Thats why the teachings of Jesus are my favourite ones. Is absolute power over everything.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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see i do disagre in the fact that there is a negative side to this power. those who use angier cant be very powerfull and those who use things to hurt others can in still greatness. i honestly worry what would happan if these people gain power. and btw hitler didnt die in gemerany he lived his life in south america.... theres been no evidence he was killed. (consipracy i think not :) ) just putting it out there


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

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To be honest with you guys, I have both dark & kind thoughts at times, just like every other human being. I have not seen any hindrance or boost to my PK strength based on morality or ethics. With PK, as with all things, I have noticed that I have freedom of will & responsibility of my own power. I'm pretty sure that if I wanted to do evil with PK, I could. This again means that I have had to be diligent in taking responsibility for my thoughts & actions, and don't rely on an outside moral force to control what I can & can't do.

I am responsible if I use PK in a negative way. However, I am also responsible if I use PK in positive ways. I wrestle with the ethics of power all the time, especially when it comes to telepathic influence, which is really a euphemism for mind control. This ability sort of developed on it's own, but there it is. I have noticed that I sometimes get people to do as I wish in ways that are personally advantageous. I discuss this with my girlfriend a lot, because when the skill 1st began to develop, it scared me. I just do my best to not abuse it though, I have no doubt that there will be times that I fail.

On the most mundane level, even before we get into psi powers; there have always been those with the advantage of physical strength, wealth, charisma, or beauty. People have always had to wrestle with their own heart concerning ethics, but that doesn't have much to do with the gift of advantage itself.

I could be wrong, but these are my honest observations of life & the imperfections of human nature:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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as always O12 as wise as a owl :). i hoenstly have to admit if i could use mind control id use it to not get a ticket (lol 2 tickets in one week that where warnings lol by the same city cops (bad sticker lol, was not my doing ) but if i could control i think geting a warning would be better lol. but besides that i could not moraly make some one fall in love with me. or kill some one if i could. i personaly could not minpulate some one into being a servant or any other unethical in moral standards that ive created for my self during my life. but thus that is me and not some one else. my worry is if pk becomes a dominant thrend there will be peo;ple who abuse it. maybe it will balance it self out like technology with guns etc 9pfftt bad use for a example)

im just worried that the moraly depraved will use there abilitys to hurt others. it bothers me that the rich use there welath of power to alow genacide for a profit. i guess as spidermans uncle once said "with power comes great responsability" and with this power i am attaining i wish to help those in need. i just wish i new how to gain these abilitys. and yes at times i would use them for selfish and childish needs i believe all humans are .like that regardless if you want to admit to it or not. its how u use those powers that say what about u....... flying a soon to be gf to some where romantic is abusive to ur powr is it not :) great first date ending well lmao


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


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well, with great power comes great responsibility.

morality is a vital part of all human beings, ethics are not man made rules that were created by religion  for example to control people. Ethics makes us superior.

And being superior, can make you powerful, and being powerful you can do anything you want.



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DUDE! thats what i was writing just now! lol, either we watch to many super hero movies or we are connected! lol


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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we are all connect some way and form charis i have had dreams about some of the forum members with out relising it was them hehe. but yes very intresting hehe. my first though was spider man for what his uncle said hehehe.


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


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also, even Jesus took the dinar under the rock to pay the taxes! it is not bad!

i mean, if u can like take a bus ticket using your mind powers and not pay for it, i don;t think it will cause to the gov great losses of money! ha ha, i don't care anymore about my gov  because they got what they deserve. Im Greek, it was about time things to get fixed around here!

do you know that right now, 2011, i have to come outside my house to get internet connection? my landlord allows me to you his, for free, but inside my house i do not get a signal, so i have to go outside. The main company that provides internet doens;t allow the smaller company that I apply internet servises to go throughfurious, thats illegal ofc, and tomorrow i have to go and yell, wear a mini dress, make up, and either play nice or bitch!


maybe i will focus and use mind powers to make them say the ok and do finaly their jobs!


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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you will deffintly have a advantage if you wear a skirt lol (sorry i had too lols). but ya alot of things are falling apart and i find my self wondering what will be happaning. however i am training these potentail abilitys for a selfish need. i want to grow pk to do things i always wanted. ive always wanted psychic powers and i always wanted to move things with my mind. i want to telaport, i want to fly, and even help those in need lol.

however i do not know much of jesus teachings because i have a dislike to any christain, muslim or judaic views. (i dnt hate them i just dnt listen to any thing that is said plz dnt take offence to what i am saying i respect all). how ever i ignore teachings of most. i find information through other idealism and construct them to my own. i believe shirak is fimiler with this. how ever all infomation and all knowlege is power so maybe i should asorb all i can. but ever since i was a child i believe things with a grain of salt (mmm salt) lol. (just explaining my view :) )


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

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Being aware of the moral implications of our actions is important if spiritual evolution is a personal goal. I have weighed my actions in the past re psi training and application and have even stopped doing training which felt morally wrong. For me doing morally wrong things always seemed to flare my ego making training over the next few days a struggle as I struggled to reconnect with my true self.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

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i find controling the ego to be the hardest of all training that and keeping my psi skill going. i feel so far away from my goals....


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


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owltwelve wrote:

Nothing new under the sun; it has always been with us. If there is anything new, perhaps it's the internet, & the rapid transfer of information:)

Excellent answer, are we evolving or perhaps de-evolving... Moses did many miracles, for example, he turned a staff into a snake, as far as history has been recorded humans have done psychokinetic feats. I see a lot of mention of ego, I agree, why be a beautiful angelic Jedi superhuman if it's not godly? Now Jesus, he only taught what a godly psychokinetic is. He only wanted to get people right with God and he healed people among other signs only so they'd know he was one with God. He didn't teach us telekinesis which would've confused us and would've likely been used for evil by primitive minds and caused schizophrenia. There is no fear of psychokinesis that heals people and saves the lost. I think Jesus is the perfect example of what we should want to evolve into. I think aligning with God enables us to be psychics naturally, e.g. prayer, meditation, otherwise we're just deformed mutants, freaks of nature. We should be amplifying God on Earth, not becoming war machines like comicbook heroes.

-- Edited by Nine-Tenths on Wednesday 25th of January 2012 11:49:48 PM

-- Edited by Nine-Tenths on Wednesday 25th of January 2012 11:57:22 PM



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I completely agree, well said. I'm not Christian either, I attend Church every Sunday but I'm an infiltrator, I study the wisdom of many religions, especially, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, and Hinduism. I go to church because I'm a psychic. I'm as much Christian as Jesus was a Jew, and Jesus taught in synagogues, was called Rabbi repeatedly and observed the Jewish holidays. I believe "Teachings are a raft to be abandoned when one sees True Being."(Buddhism) and Christ showed us, psychics beings, True Being. Christianinty, to me, is not a religion, it is a philosophy. I think those who fail to see the sanity of the philosophy are worse off then those that are insane from it. 

-- Edited by Nine-Tenths on Thursday 26th of January 2012 05:07:30 AM

-- Edited by Nine-Tenths on Thursday 26th of January 2012 05:08:55 AM


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Thank you Nine-Tenths:)

Though, I want to point out that not everyone on the forum is a Christian. We don't all come from the same backgrounds, nor share the same world views or philosophies.

I believe that there is inspiration to be found in the Bible, as well as from many other unrelated sources. Ultimately, people have to figure out inspiration & motivation for themselves:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Nine-Tenths wrote:

I completely agree, well said. I'm not Christian either, I attend Church every Sunday but I'm an infiltrator, I study the wisdom of many religions, especially, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, and Hinduism. I go to church because I'm a psychic. I'm as much Christian as Jesus was a Jew, and Jesus taught in synagogues, was called Rabbi repeatedly and observed the Jewish holidays. I believe "Teachings are a raft to be abandoned when one sees True Being."(Buddhism) and Christ showed us, psychics beings, True Being. Christianinty, to me, is not a religion, it is a philosophy. I think those who fail to see the sanity of the philosophy are worse off then those that are insane from it. 

-- Edited by Nine-Tenths on Thursday 26th of January 2012 05:07:30 AM

-- Edited by Nine-Tenths on Thursday 26th of January 2012 05:08:55 AM

 please do not be offned by what im about to say but i want to say this. as we all are human we are inperfect which means we are perfect. not every one has the same believe because no one is inheritly correct. i who been doing computers for 2 years now are still incorrect on alot of things. no one has the answer we can only share so by you saying some one does not following philosphy are worse of then insane is a bit jugmental. i follow my self and wat i see to be a gain for my self. i help other but i also help my self. i follow no law but my own or the law i must folo to stay conftable. i do read some philosophy but i do not follow it unless it fits me well.

i also find the bible personly writen by human and is not at all accurate but i wont get to deep into this because i wish not to offend people as i always do any ways lols. but when you post your beliefes be werys on how you state your words but some will get offended ( i am not offended but i always have to but in a convo :P just who i am).

so to sum up what i am saying is just this. you folow a beliefe and that is fine but do not penealise others wjho do not (not saying you are). every one is neither right nore correct and even as i type this now i am most likly wrong but i feel as though expressing my own beliefs as you have done here :D


good luck my friend

-- Edited by Grengoshi on Thursday 26th of January 2012 06:11:06 PM


If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


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I personally believe opinions can not be incorrect. It is only when they are declared as fact, that opens them up to criticism.

But that's just me...


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