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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Psionic Children

I found this video today some awesome videos enjoy :)

It got me thinking are there programs where gifted children are kept locked away? I know China has a program for gifted children with levitation. At least its refered to in the Airofce document on levitation.

I wonder if there are in fact children being held against their will for study...


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International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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That is a very cool video, loved the sungazing at the end


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Very cool video, shirak. I wouldnt be surprised if they kept some gifted children locked away. They already lock most kids away for most of their childhood to be conditioned in a thing we call the public school system.


International Psionics Journalist

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Loved that video! In-fact, after i'm done writing this, i'm going to watch it again. Definitely inspiring!

As for locking kids like this away, they probably do. Had a strange thought after reading shy's post above me. It reminded me of the movie blood diamond. In it, they spoke of diamonds being bought and stored away in vaults to keep diamonds a rare commodity, thereby forcing the market value to stay high.

If we venture slightly into conspiracy territory, and apply the same concept to highly gifted psionic children. Giving the potential damage they alone could cause by destabilizing the commercial paradigm, not only by their power alone, but also by the inspiration they would quickly cause. It would be in 'their' best interests to keep such things under lock and key, and deny or explain away whatever else that may trickle out into the public unnoticed.

Just a thought though :)


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Psychokinetic Researcher

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Its the kind of thing. We have no ways of knowing if it happens of not. But one thing is sure, IF there are ultra psionic children being born, the government WILL held them, no doubts about it.


Psychokinetic Researcher

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I agree also, it is possible that it is happening but I am sure that it is not very likely. In the book "Patanjalis Yoga Sutras" Patanjali talks about the Siddhis (powers such as levitation) and how to achieve them. Once they are achieved in one life they are never lost; as Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita "Nothing gained is ever lost". Now, Krishna is speaking about spiritual progress here not material objects.

This relates because these children being born with powers more then likely did work for them in a past life. But I find it very strange because to achieve feats such as this, from my experience you need to be on a spiritual path which 9 chances out of 10 means you are a good person generating good karma.

That person in their past life could have begun using their gained powers with evil intent thus generating bad karma which eventually had to be dealt with. That could be the reason for this occurrence.

I thought I should mention something here also; the reason you don't usually hear of people with these abilities is because of a few reasons.

People in India for example, enlightened masters, it is nothing for them to use a power such as levitation but what would be the point? It is said in Patanjalis Yoga Sutras that the Power's can be an obstacle. If you become attached to the powers then how can enlightenment ever be achieved?

Second, the attention that would be gained from demonstrating these powers in public is something that has to be thought about. I for one would not demonstrate these abilities because I could very well end up like one of those children or never left alone by the media.

Thats all im going to write for now

I am not trying to push beliefs on anybody I just want to put forth what I know.


Vijaya the Gatekeeper of Vishnu

I and my Father are One.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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The idea you presented is very similar to the effect experienced in the dreamtime. Once you learn to do something it stays with you such as flying even if you don't remember straight away you start doing it then its like it was always a part of you. Perhaps it is this way from existence state ot existence state.


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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It's interesting, because there are many meditation & energy work techniques that I've known from childhood without others teaching me. I often thought that I had invented these techniques to discover later that they were disciplines which have existed for 1000s of years already.

Another interesting thing, is that like many felt that flight way something that I knew how to do but forgot. I remember a 3 years old, feeling like it was a memory on the tip of my tongue. I now feel that I may have been having OBE memories at the time, but didn't consciously make a distinction between going out of body & being physical at the time:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 147

Dreams are an interesting topic; my guru wanted me to practice lucid dreaming actually, for the benefits.

 You see, everything is reality, this waking reality is one as you're dreamt reality is another. Beyond that there are billions upon billions of other realitys, worlds if you will. By dreaming you are entering into another reality, it is no less real then this one you are experiencing right now.

 I will ask my guru about why you can fly and such in the dream reality and not in the waking reality and get back to you guys if you're interested. He told me before but I have forgotten it.



Vijaya the Gatekeeper of Vishnu

I and my Father are One.

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 147

owltwelve wrote:

It's interesting, because there are many meditation & energy work techniques that I've known from childhood without others teaching me. I often thought that I had invented these techniques to discover later that they were disciplines which have existed for 1000s of years already.

Another interesting thing, is that like many felt that flight way something that I knew how to do but forgot. I remember a 3 years old, feeling like it was a memory on the tip of my tongue. I now feel that I may have been having OBE memories at the time, but didn't consciously make a distinction between going out of body & being physical at the time:)

 Chances are in a past life you experienced the OBE experience and now in this life it is manifesting itself again.


Vijaya the Gatekeeper of Vishnu

I and my Father are One.

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