Hey guys I know you are all from different backgrounds with different beliefs and such as am I. We all have holes in our knowledge, its part of being human. But with my effort I am going to try and fill some of those holes for you people. I am going to do that in this topic by telling you my story, how I got to where I am today.
A word of warning, if you are a skeptic you will most likely not believe this. But for those of you with a yearning for more then this human life, more then this simple existence; you are going to eat this up.
I remember as a kid thinking there was something wrong with me, I didn't think I was normal. You see I felt dead, asleep, not truly alive. I remembered a higher state of awareness where my body was screaming with life and I was free of limitation. From that state I remembered there was no human body to limit thought or awareness. The ability to know anything at any time was paramount for I was all things.
It is the human machine which limits the consciousness and ties it to this reality. Without the attachment the mind becomes silent and the consciousness is able to realize itself and thus freedom is experienced. The mind is meant to limit awareness so you are able to act in this world. Without it there would be no world, there would be no play.
It felt as though I wasn't fully conscious. When I was younger this felt like a curse, to know of something so great yet knowing nothing about it, not even what it is. It was ruining my life; I remember crying, and experiencing intense periods frustration and sadness. I went to the hospital in my teenage years to see what was wrong with me; they said I was perfectly healthy.
You see there are multiple lives, we all have past lives and almost all will have future lives. You are born to die; and die to be born, this is unless you break free of this Illusion and merge yourself with the infinite which is the absolute goal of life.
In my past lives I have had the state of Christ (Enlightenment) which I only remember in this life. I never achieved liberation which is complete freedom from the world by complete renunciation. This is spoken about in Patanajali's Yoga Sutra's in the fourth book (Fourth chapter).
After death I went to heaven because of my good Karma and Spiritual merit. Heaven is a place of physical bliss, you can have anything you want. If you imagine an apple in front of you it appears instantly. You are in the company of gods and angels and enjoy physical sights and landscapes which make the most beautiful places in the world look lackluster. You do not age and your body is healthy at all times. This is why Christians experience a different heaven from Hindus or Muslims. They desire it and so it manifests immediately. Everything is right for it is all real.
Though with all these tremendous benefits there is a tremendous downside. You cannot progress spiritually in heaven, you cannot reach enlightenment while there. This is because to attain liberation the mind must be burned of all desires. The attachments must be released. In Heaven where what you desire manifests instantly this is not possible.
If you look around in Heaven you may see a person burst into a sweat and look uncomfortable, this is because their good karma is nearly up. When it is they are sent back down to earth to be born again. It is not a place of permanent residence or utmost peace for there is an end as there was a beginning.
- I am not expecting everybody who reads this to believe it, but for those who do. For those who inquire about this and want to experience these things also. I promise that you will be filled with the greatest bliss you will ever experience, this path though hard leads to the most beautiful ending. It is a more beautiful ending then any story, any romance, anything! Nothing compares, nothing comes close!
Growing up I was always interested in the paranormal, I was very interested by cartoons depicting super powers. I used to cry because I was not like them! I always felt there was something more; I remember looking at my hands convinced there was more to life then this.
I met my guru around 17, I would ask him questions and he would readily answer them all for me. A few months later I finally became his disciple.
I was learning rapidly about energies, the Kundalini, Enlightenment and many many other things. I learned that the state I remembered was a high form of Samadhi (enlightenment)
I am going to become Liberated in this life.
Please ask questions!
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Thursday 1st of December 2011 02:05:21 AM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Friday 2nd of December 2011 12:51:27 PM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Friday 2nd of December 2011 12:53:45 PM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Friday 2nd of December 2011 12:54:16 PM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Wednesday 30th of May 2012 12:22:23 PM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Thursday 17th of January 2013 09:19:02 PM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Tuesday 16th of July 2013 02:17:03 AM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Tuesday 20th of August 2013 01:45:56 AM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Friday 29th of November 2013 11:19:03 PM
A very interesting story! I find it to go a lot sync with mine. I mean i used to look at Pokemon and Dragon Ballz and try doing such stuff. Just a quick question... How did you remember who you were in your past life?
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
The only thing I remember from my past life is that state of higher consciousness, the rest has been through my guru giving me bits and pieces over the years. I have confirmed these things myself, so I know they are true.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Thursday 1st of December 2011 11:36:29 AM
It is good to know where you have been so that you can learn from this and know where you are headed. It is even better to have direction and record your success. Recording success regardless of who may accept it inspires those who are ready to. Each time we as psions/humans succeed we move the connected human consciousness we all share forward. In my opinion we are all connected each time there is an advancement all can benefit depending one the individual and what they would put their awareness on. It only took the belief of one man that the world was round and the courage to pursue that belief to cause a shift in the awareness of all.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Interesting read. I went back and read what you edited. Without telling how you did it, could you tell me your teleportation experience at least? I'm curious to see how it matches up with an experience I had.
I have not teleported in this life nor have I attempted it. After completing the Spiritual practice to aquire the ability my guru warned me strongly against its use. I have made no attempt to use it and will not until I am ready some time in the future.
You see when you teleport you must be able to recreate your body in a different location. I do not have the energy to do so, so in essence I would just die.
If you read the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" you will notce instances of teleportation and other supernatural powers.
You will also notice that the people with these powers are the ones immersed in enlightenment and devoid of desire to "show off". They use their abilities when it is helpful and with the utmost care.
What do you think would happen to them if they were discovered to be able to use these abilities? They would lose their peace, so you can imagine they do not use them often. Any why would they when they are already immersed in the greatest bliss?
I have read that book "Beyond the Himalayas" and thought it is a very good find it is not the end all. In Tibet the practices are Male oriented which leaves out the huge amount of energy the Female side brings. This causes them to fall short of true enlightenment. The states of peace they speak of are not complete Enlightenment; Buddhism though a great religion falls short of true greatness because of the lack of Shakti.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Thursday 31st of May 2012 10:37:45 AM
I am now reading "Paramhansa Yogananda an Autobiography" by Swami Kriyananda. In the book there are numerous examples of super powers though more subtle. For example there is a story of Yogananda taming a tiger.
"Yogananda was standing between the tiger and the open stall door. Well you can guess what the tiger did then? It simply transferred its attention from the bullocks to this intruder. Slowly it approached the Master, its tail twitching. Yogananda looked at it. Uppermost in his mind was the thought, 'God is coming to me in this form.' He gazed at the tiger with divine love, seeing nothing of menace in its approach. Suddenly as the tiger reached Yogananda, the great beast lay down and rolled onto its back. Yogananda stroked and patted it a little then went and secured the stall door.The tiger rose and walked calmly away."
This story illustrates the power of Samadhi in that no harm can come to you. There are various other instances in the book where Yogananda was help up at gun point to only have to attackers run away seconds later. I highly recommend picking up this book.