This guy does not entirely know what he is talking about. He is speaking about in 2012 you will be given a choice to leave this physical body, take on an astral body and live in ecstasy. This is simply not going to happen, there is no Extreme shift in 2012, nothing of that sort. We did not decide long ago that everyone would come home at 2012. Let me explain the TRUTH of life beyond this guys lies.
When a person dies depending on good or bad karmas they either go to a Heaven, a Hell, or become reborn as Human, Worm, Cat, Rock and so on. Lets say you have good karma upon death in this physical body and you go to a Heaven. In heaven you take on an Astral body which seems to be what this guy is talking about in this video. You have the abiloty to create whatever you want, it will just manifest instantly out of thin air. If you want an apple it will appear in front of you instantly; or if you want to see a certain person he or she will as well. This is the power of Heaven and because of this you are very happy.
But there is a downside to Heaven; while there your time is constantly ticking away. Your good karma like sand in a hourglass is constantly running out and this good karma is what keeps you in heaven. With this being said eventually you have to leave heaven and be reborn in a physical body again.
But lets say you want to become infinite like this guy is talking about. To do that you have to leave behind the Human body, The Astral body and finally the Casual body. You then are the Self, God, Consciousness, Everything. You become absolutely everything from your mom to the sun to the specs of dust floating in space. This is what this guy is actually yearning for though he does not know it; it is what everybody wants! Human desires are actually a desperate search for this feeling of God, of complete and all consuming bliss.
There is hope, more then you could possibly imagine from this video. Google "Autobiography of a Yogi", read it and begin to understand your TRUE Divine potential.