Hey everyone it's been a little while since i posted anything but I didnt feel I had anything to say at the moment. So as of late I am learning about the Shakit or feminine energy from my guru. I would like to tell you guys a little about it.
Have you ever heard of the drug DMT? It is produced by your brain naturally but is one of the more illegal drugs you can do (here in Canada at least). But it produces some very good effects which you can learn from.
When I did it with my gurus permission I wasent able to take a full hit of it as I kept coughing. I dont do drugs you see and my unconditioned lungs couldnt handle it. So after taking partial hits I just layed down and closed my eyes. Usually you are transported to another reality where you temporarily live another life according to people and sources but I didnt experience this.
I experienced this immense energy, buzzing and the sudden vision of strange geometric shapes. It felt as if a rapidly flowing river was moving up and down my spine. It was so warm and pleasent, the buzzing was also insane, it almost sounded like a word being repeated over and over. All the while there were the crazy purple geometric shapes in my vision/mind/ whatever it was. My throat was totally destroyed from the smoke and I felt as if I was choking but I didnt care, the discomfort of that didnt matter anymore.
Now a few months later in my incovering of the Shakti energy I have found out that this immense energy was the shakti energy. This shakti energy which the drug temporarily revealed to me is the Kundalini also! This energy is that which creates your reality, you will notice that in deep trance states your reality will rock and shake, this is because you are affecting the Kundalini or Shakti energy!!
I do not endorse the use of drugs as if taken wrongly they can lead to great misfortune but under the right circumstances they can be very valuable learning tools for Spiritual or Psionically minded people.
So now you may be wondering about this energy, how you can manipulate it and so on. I will explain briefly it.
Man and Woman are both made up of 2 energies, Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is the dominant energy in man and Shakti is the dominant energy in woman.
Both energies are present though one is usually in a dormant state, for example a man may have fully realized Shiva energy but his Shakti energy could be dormant.
The Shiva energy is the will in a man, his dominating and leading nature but he lacks the tremendous energy of Shakti.
The Shakti energy is tremendous, it is the Kundalini which creates your reality, your body and you emotions. It lacks the will and leadership the Shiva energy provoides though.
This is why women like bad boys, the bad boys control them. They are subconciously looking for the Shiva energy to guide their Shakti energy. This is also why a man who obeys everything a woman says is quickly thrown to the side and forgotten about.
So this may make you wonder why the Shiva energy seems so lackluster next to the Shakti energy, I mean the Shakti creates everything right? Well think of it this way, what good is the greatest fortune if there is nobody to spend it? What good is a mansion if there is nobody to live in it? You see the Shakti energy is useless without the Shiva and the Shiva is useless without the Shakti energy. They are forever bound, intertwined and dependent on each other.
So right now if you are a man as I am you are manifesting Shiva energy, when you speak to a woman they see you as a man. You have the Shakti energy inside of you working but it is completely hidden from your awareness. If you want to experience it you must realize that you are not only a man but a woman also.
This is where things get very strange but I will give you an example of a great being who did not realize his feminine side and because of this suffered.
Jesus Christ, he was a man of immense power, he was able to use Siddhis such as healing the sick and this is because he was aware of the flow of energy. He was not completely aware of the Shakti (feminine energy)though, he knew of it but did not emotionally understand it so that power was not able to be used by him. If he did know of the power things could have been different for him.
His guru knew this lack of understanding was in christ and said so; Jesus did not listen and left. Because of this he suffered his crucifixtion and so on.
To realize the Shakti energy inside of you I would recommend this technique. It is called a 40 day Sadanah and is an extremely powerful spiritual practice. This practice can be compared to making a wish, when you complete the Sadanah you are granted the boon which you were wishing for as a reward.
This is what you do, I want you to envision yourself surrounded by massive amounts of energy. If you youtube a Super Saiyan Transformation you will get a very potent visualization. But make sure to mentally repeat "I am able to control the Shakti, my feminine energy".
You must do this every day without fail until the 40 days are up, if you miss a day you must start over. You should sit down close your eyes and think of this for 2 or 3 minutes. So set the appropriate end date for the 40 days on your calender and get started, it is only a few minutes out of each day and for tremendous benefit!
Good luck my friends and please ask any questions if your left wondering about anything.
Quite interesting I like hearing about alternate records of historical figures. I am always comforted bey the parallels of Eastern techniques in the duality energy types and so on. Thanks for the share it is certainly an interesting story to ponder.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
This book is written by my grand guru Swami Sivananda. It is about awakening the Kundalini which is the Shakti. I highly recommend reading it if you are at all interested in awakening your dormant powers.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Monday 13th of February 2012 11:17:30 AM
That's a great book; haven't finished it though :/
Reading yoga books progresses rather slowly for me. Read something like 10 pages, meditate, sleep, practice, think on it for months, read another 10 pages and so on..
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Is it possible for a woman to have alot of the "shiva" energy and vice versa for men? (IE, could a man have dormant shiva and dominant shakti?) After all, not all people are the same in their behaviors.
Unless of course, these energies are not the cause of the behaviors, but have 'traits' of their own typically associated with what's considered normal for men and women (depending on the culture)?
Or are these extensions/projections of behaviors found in people?
Is it possible for a woman to have alot of the "shiva" energy and vice versa for men? (IE, could a man have dormant shiva and dominant shakti?) After all, not all people are the same in their behaviors.
Unless of course, these energies are not the cause of the behaviors, but have 'traits' of their own typically associated with what's considered normal for men and women (depending on the culture)?
Or are these extensions/projections of behaviors found in people?
Am I thinking about it too much?
No its good that your thinking about it, I'll explain a little bit and see if it helps.
The Shakti energy is what your body is made up of, all the energy you feel is Shakti and everyhting around you is made up of shakti. The shiva energy is not actually energy at all but will, it tells the Shakti what to do.
A man who is adored by women is a man who does what he wants when he wants and does not mind telling women what to do. He dosent bend to anyones will and makes his own decisions. This kind of man is manifesting his Shiva or will over his enviorment and the women who are lacking Shiva energy themselves. This is what makes him so attractive, his ability to control the energy.
Im not saying that a woman is going to love you if you can make a psi ball, thats not true. What I mean is that eveything is made of energy from your computer to yourself. The ability to control your enviorment is really the ability to control energy.
It is possible for a woman to have copious amounts of Shiva (will), you will notice this in gay women and men. A lesbian will sometimes dress like a man and be large in size, she will push around the other girl. This is an example of a woman who has copious amounts of Shiva. A girl does not need to be a lesbian to have large amounts of Shiva but it is to a greater degree in a lesbian.
A gay man has copious amounts of Shakti energy which is why he gets along with girls so well, he acts like them. But you do not need to be gay to have lots of Shakti energy this is just an everyday example I am using.
These energies do have traits, as I have explained very briefly above.
In summary while you are making a psi ball you are controlling your shakti energy with your shiva (will).
True power does not dwell in the Shiva aspect, true power dwells in Shakti, all your power dwells in the Feminine aspect known as Shakti. The reason women dont go around flying or using telelkinesis is because their Shakti energy is dormant to even them!
So as a man you must find a way to realize your feminine side as strange as that may sound. But if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Instead of chasing a woman (outside source of shakti for completion) find her in yourself. Meditate on this, imagine the Kundalini snake at the base of your spine being the ultimate source of power!
Your Kundalini is female, and by understanding the female view on things, by realizing your body is made of Female energy you will awaken the Kundalini! Do not disregard this as bogus as I once would have, this IS the path to all your dreams so embrace it!
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151143006935121&set=a.10151143006915121.804296.140971995120&type=1&theater This picture illustrates what I am saying very well