It got me thinking it could very well be a programmed construct. We have seen how pk can do that. Whats interesting is that it has rain making capabilities and PK geisting and movement abilities reported.
Reported to be created by a gypsy father it immediately reminded me of the Pinoccio story. I would be interested in learning more about Gypsy lore and how they program items.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
On a different note, that is very interesting. Though Chucky comes to mind, at least this little guy doesn't seem as malevolent. Intriguing video... definitely food for thought.
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
I found this quite informative about the historical context and use of such doll they truly seem to be intention based anchors and I believe a channel for the Tulpa or mind construct. Perhaps a remote focal point for remote pk where the doll was used to represent a living individual.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
I love shows like this. They are so much more interesting than what is on TV now. Discovery canceled A Haunting or whatever their show was called so now there is really nothing like this that I have seen on recently. Those shows always had a great narrator with a unique voice to set the mood and it was wonderful. I grew up in the 90's watching shows like that about haunted stuff, I just wish those type of shows were still around. There use to be something called Haunted Lives years ago that this kind of reminds me of.
The story surrounding the doll reminds me of another similar story about a famous haunted doll named Robert.
I can see why a doll would make a good target for PK type energy to collect around. They look human like so it seems to me like it would be natural for people to treat them as such and in the process create a thought form associated with it. I guess the construct gains energy with the more people that have interacted with it and if it is 200 years old that must be quite a lot. Certain emotions are very strong and if the doll was created while someone was still grieving over the loss of a child I would assume the construct was very strong indeed even if it was made unintentionally. Though I don't know about the whole drowning thing they didn't make it very clear if two separate mediums came up with that idea isolated from each other or if only one did and the other agreed. I think it would be more validating if they had said it in separate occasions not knowing any previous details.
From what i could understand of the video, the second psychic mostly agreed with the first after she become interested in the doll.
Also, how can we be sure that this doll is just a PK construct?
Lastly, i kind of liked those shows too. Comcast not too long ago had a series on demand called, 'in search of' that i thought was pretty cool. I miss it; it was fun to look up what was new in that series each week.
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
That is interesting. I bet that island of the dolls in mexico has a lot of energy from the thousands of dolls collectively. They showed it on TV a while back. A little girl drowned and for one reason or another this guy started hanging toy dolls all around the island.
Wow, that's pretty cool, are you thinking of programming a construct like this, shirak? That would be awesome. Interesting that he also has the hazard of burnt out bulbs, we would have a lot to talk about. :D It made me think, when I was a kid my sister had this giant, soft puppet dog, she called it Suzie. I loved playing with Suzie, pretending she was our friend and stuff. But one morning I woke up just as someone tore all the covers off of me. I looked up to see who it was, and all I saw was Suzie running out my bedroom door with no people around (everyone was asleep, it was early). It scared me so bad at the time I wouldn't go near that doll again. My family thought it was funny to use this information to scare me and tease me for the rest of my life. My sister still has Suzie too.
Shy it would be interesting to do some pk experiments with Suzi if it is charged with pk energy it should respond with the right proding.
In answer to your question yes I am considering it. In dwarven lore. (Not sure how acrurate this is) and Japanese smithing lore they could imbue a weapon armour or Jewelry with spirit/intention in the creation process.
I have experience creating jewelry and have been considering getting into casting again.
This idea seems farfetched at the moment however I am considering forging a ring with an inscription that links me to the wearer. It gives permission for me to use the wearers biofield to assist in pk when I am in astral OBE form.
Suffice to say it is an idea I am working towards. There are many tales of jewelry and gems holding intention based effects. I am hoping to imbue such a ring or necklace with other properties.
I would be able to test if it works by trying it over skype once its finished to see if I can do candle pulsing at a distance. Essentially the person wearing it would be connected to me and act as an anchor transmitter for the projected intention. Ie radio light flame pulsing etc.
It should also work as an anchor for telepathic communication. (Just me playing around with ideas in this big ol imagination of mine.) Theoretical at the moment until tested.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.
Wow, that's a really cool idea. I've made bindrunes before when I was much younger, they are kind of like the same thing, right? I will be very interested to see how your experiment goes. :)
Scary lol. That is exactly why i hate going to houses that have such kinds of energy. I can't even sleep when i take something from abandoned houses (we have one here. And that is definitely haunted). But indeed, creating a construct sounds awesome.
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~