Hey everyone, in a post a little while ago I mentioned how I have aquired the Siddhi to see the future. ( Siddhi is Sanskrit for perfection, it basically means superpower) Now, once a Siddhi is aquired it is not always fully developed.
I currently have 3 Siddhis, the foremost right now being the ability to read people. This ability is starting to grow stronger as I realized last night when hanging out with a girl. I picked her apart within the hour we hung out and needless to say I didnt like what I saw.
The second which is less developed is the ability to know the past and future, this ability is used by asking the energy a question to which it will reply with either an increase for yes or a decrease for no. I am still practicing asking it questions but my readings are not always correct. With more practice I will be able to use this siddhi for incredible benefit as I will go into more detail with soon.
The third which is my least developed is for super hearing. Ever since I was a kid I remember randomly having everything get really loud. I remember being in school during a test when everything is quiet, then I'd enter into a strange conscious state and suddenly I could hear everybodys pencils scratching. I remember being shocked by it. Another time I was in bed and entered this state just before my mom dropped a pile of pots and pans downstairs, needless to say as a small child the thundering sound terrified me. I thought there were giants downstairs destroying my house. This siddhi is directly from my past life and I dont have control over it.
So, about the second siddhi; simply I am planning on using this to bet on sports games and become rich. With this money I will move back and forth from California to live with my guru and travel to india with him to visit the enlightened masters there. It is said in the bible "But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you". I have been spending the past 2 years of this life seeking Godhead, Samadhi, Union with the Supreme or whatever you want to call it and now this idea has come to me.
A few days ago I decided I was going to become rich, so I started fervently praying for it and this idea came to me minutes later. I called my guru and told him about my ideas and we have been talking about it for the past few days. He is encouraging me with this and trying to help me. He told me though to help you guys do the same, as I have mentioned you guys on this board to him.
I was told to talk about what is called "The Pointer". The Pointer will always move towards the higher energy and this is how you tell the future. If you say something like "I will master telekinesis" and you feel the energy move upwards or grow stronger then it is a yes. If the energy plummets or moves sideways/down then its a no.
I myself am practicing almost every day predicting which sports team will win or lose a certain game. I am keeping track of my progress now and when I become more exact in my predictions I plan on bidding money. It will take me 3 months to become exact enough to make multiple predictions in a row without error. It is at this time I will start to win hundreds of thousands of dollars.
But if you are going after this money without god in mind the pointer may point away from the correct predictions in an attempt to move towards the higher energy which is psykokinesis, god, the universe, whatever you want to call it.
I want you guys to practice using the pointer in this way. Close your eyes and relax yourself then say the Gyatry mantra 3 times to get the energy flowing. After this bring the energy to your head and say a statement to which you can easily find out the truth behind. For example, this die will land on a 6, or, it will be sunny tommorow. Just practice with simple things at first until you get a feel for it.
Im tired of typing so I'll stop now, ask any questions if you got em, see ya!
Have you tried to change the direction of the pointer?
Owltwelve used to say that the difference between predicting the future and manifesting it is only a matter of perspective. Or something along these lines :).
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Have you tried to change the direction of the pointer?
Owltwelve used to say that the difference between predicting the future and manifesting it is only a matter of perspective. Or something along these lines :).
You know, changing the direction in which the pointer actually moves is not possible. It will always point towards the highest energy. But you can change the way you look at the object in question to have it be a higher source of energy.
For example, when I first started this sports game prediction exercise I was thinking mostly of the money I could win. Needless to say the pointer did not move towards this because it was a lower source of energy.
But after speaking to my guru about this whole case over the course of a few days I have started to view this sports predictions exercise with a new light. I think now about how much positive energy will come from this and its relation to my mission in this life. Now the pointer moves towards this because it is now a source of higher energy.
Nothing changed, only my perspective on the situation.