Hey, I thought I would mention something I have been doing for a while now with my guru. In the past he told me that if I sent him a dollar with the intention of giving him my bad karma to deal with my Bad karma would go away. You see, he knows how to deal with the Karma so it dosent affect him.
As time went on I would occasionaly send a dollar and other times I would not. I did notice something though; whenever I would send money my life would work out better. I would have more money come in and such.
Just last week I sent 10 dollars, and now 3 days ago I sent another 10. My grandparents gave me a hundred dollars a few days after the first 10 and im waiting now to see what other benefits come to me.(I am now tithing 10% of all income to my guru)
I am going to continue doing this as it is making my life better and in the future I am going to be rich because of it.
Did you know that Swami Satchidananda (my Param Guru) with his Integral Yoga institute was in control of Millions of dollars? Swami Nithyananda has even more then that. Sai Baba was also very rich as well. All of these people donated money and time to others and so they were rewarded.
You see when you donate money you open up a rift in space which has to be filled! If you constantly donate this rift gets bigger and bigger and the universe will try harder and harder to close it by giving you what you want, either abilities, success or money.
So here's the deal; I am giving you guys the chance to test this out. If you send me a dollar or even 50 cents (you must feel comfortable sending it) with a message saying what you want (It could be money, or success with an ability). I guarantee it will come to you much faster. The universe guarantees this, Krishna guarantees this, God guarantees this!
Look at this quote from the bible:
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it (Malachi 3:10 NIV).
I have complete faith in this and have noticed the benefits in my life; I will post my paypal email below if you guys would like to try this. Remember, no more then a dollar!
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Friday 29th of June 2012 12:20:15 PM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Tuesday 25th of June 2013 01:29:03 AM
You should be careful, not only who you send your money to but also who you devote your time and energy to. Did you know that in 1991 numerous female followers of Swami Satchidananda came forward with allegations of sexual abuse against him? It's very common actually for cult leaders to manipulate followers in order to gain money and sexual favors from them. Just this month Swami Nithyananda surrendered himself to authorities after a video was released of him sexually molesting one of his cult members. Having a mentor to help guide you in the right direction is a very good thing, but be careful and never mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon it's self.
Guys! I understand where all of you are coming from and am now going to do my best to clear a few things up as this seems to have evoked a negative response.
First of all the thing with Swami Satchidananda; he was an enlightened being and enlightened beings are always doing gods will though it may not make sense to outsiders or even themselves! Let me illustrate this with a story my Guru told me. (I forget some of the fine details so forgive me)
There was once a sage walking down the road when he stumbled upon a family and was invited to supper with them. They were so happy to have a sage with them they did everything they could to please him. They were all having a grand time when the sage picks up a burning stick from the fireplace and touches it off of the daughters arm creating a mild burn. Now the family was shocked; why would such a kind man do this? The sage immediately got up and ran off after doing this leaving the family in complete confusion.
Three days later an astrologer came upon the same family and offered up his services to them. He went through the family one by one, telling them their fortunes and finally got to the daughter. He was in shock, according to the signs she should have died in a fire three days ago! This completely shocked the family and got them thinking about what happened. They then remembered the Sage burning the daughter with the stick and it all made sense.
What happened in this situation was that the Sage suddenly realized why he stumbled upon this family, he was meant to mitigate this girls Karma through his action. Once done though he did not know how to explain it so he ran off. God in his bliss redeemed the Sage by having the astrologer come upon this family and tell them of the daughters supposed death by fire.
There is another very similar story to do with the great sage Babaji. He was sitting around a campfire with his students when he suddenly picked up a burning coal and burnt his students shoulder. The student was shocked and asked in exasperation why he did it. Babaji looked at him and said "If I never did that you would have burned to death in that fire just moments from now".
You see, Babaji explained the situation to the disciple. It is not uncommon for great sages to take on their students Karma to work it out for them.
This is what Satchidananda was doing and did. Though he gained unwanted publicity for it it is what he was meant to do and so he did it. It made no difference to him as he was already in the highest bliss unaffected by outside events and influences such as negative press.
Swami Nithyanandas sex scandal was of the same nature; it was an event meant to be. He was doing that to work out her Karma.
My second point on Greed being the apparent desire in "charging" for services. I will illustrate this point with a short story as well.
There was once a student who was learning under a Guru. He spent alot of his time with his Guru and his Guru helped him through many hardships. The student began to feel bad though, he felt he could never repay what his Guru did for him. He asked him one day; "sir do I have a debt built up with you?" The guru told him he did and this dismayed the student. He asked what would happen if it wasn't payed in this life. The guru told him that there were many possibilities an example being the student being reborn as his servant.
There are many frauds out there who will charge money for spiritual services and they are simply put horrible people. They pretend to be great spiritual leaders but in reality are more deluded than most. Swami Satchidananda was not like this, he was completely detached from the world. You are all seeking to acquire psychic abilities but for what reason? Ultimately you are doing it to attain higher happiness in your life. What use are these happiness creators if you are already immersed in infinite bliss? There is no outside object or ability that can equal the bliss that is inside of you and that is where perfect detachment comes from. Satchidananda was in this state and so did not desire anything outside of himself; money was just another object to him. If a Spiritual Giant like Swami Satchidananda were to ask for money from a disciple you can be sure it was for a very good reason, and the people of these organizations who go to learn love to help the teacher! He gives them happiness and peace and so they naturally feel the need to repay him so they donate money. That is what I am doing now with my guru, it is an added bonus that it is tithing and I reap benefits a hundredfold that which I give!
I personally don't care if you send money to me or not, I don't even use paypal. I only want my own energy to get stronger and by offering an opportunity to help people it goes up and so I am happy. If you are convinced I am trying to become rich by taking money from people then go ahead. But how can I benefit from 50 cents, that's not even a coffee! I am only presenting the opportunity to try something new.
"I really don't like it when I have to beg or ask for something. There's some sort of a craving to help others without needing any help myself."
Sussch this is a very good point and I am glad you expressed your feelings, you have a strong will. There is a Mantra called the Hum Sa mantra which will suit you very well. PM me and I will tell you more about it, I'd like to give it to you over the phone if possible.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Tuesday 25th of June 2013 01:32:28 AM
Spreading goodness in the world is good. Charging to spread goodness, is greed. Suggestion is a powerful thing. One i use all the time to make each day better, without spending a dime. You don't need to send money to anyone to help open this positive rift. There are many ways one can go about doing this.
Did you know that Swami Satchidananda (my Param Guru) with his Integral Yoga institute was in control of Millions of dollars?
If everyone is sending him a dollar for good karma, then i'm not surprised he had millions.
Did you know that in 1991 numerous female followers of Swami Satchidananda came forward with allegations of sexual abuse against him? It's very common actually for cult leaders to manipulate followers in order to gain money and sexual favors from them. Just this month Swami Nithyananda surrendered himself to authorities after a video was released of him sexually molesting one of his cult members.
Holy crap... I don't think i would trust him after that!
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
I guess the idea is to use money to support constructs. In addition to the symbol of giving away bad karma, it also symbolizes detachment from the material desires.
I really don't like it when I have to beg or ask for something. There's some sort of a craving to help others without needing any help myself.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
It is interesting you mentioned giving money to a homeless man as I was about to make a post on that very thing!
I was thinking of a way to show you guys the benefits of giving and giving money to a homeless person was thought of. Consider it a science experiment and try this: Give a dollar or 50cents to a homeless person with the intention of getting 5$ back in that same day. See if it works, and if it does repeat it. Treat it like science and test it over and over until you come to a conclusion; this is what I did.
The only reason I mentioned myself is because I didn't think of the homeless man idea at the time. Go and give money to the homeless man I really don't care, as I said 50 cents is not going to change my life! I was just trying to show you a piece of the puzzle in attaining a psychic ability; this was a preliminary step. You need the emotional knowledge that giving with a desire for a return can create an immediate response!
Malachi 3: 10 makes this challenge: Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in My Temple. If you do, says the LORD of Heavens Armies, I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you wont have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put Me to the test!
Grengoshi why do you insist on calling me "child" and "young one"; have I not proven myself to some degree with my other posts on this board? Someone who thinks themselves superior and belittles others cannot talk about enlightenment.
Also it is very possible to take on somebody elses bad karma; read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda and you will understand.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Saturday 30th of June 2012 01:48:33 PM
First off let's say this is technically true and by donating you do lose bad karma. Hypothetly speaking. I would rather give a homless man my money then to you or your guru. If given is the karma remover then given to any one would be the effect to the cause. So if its specific to you and your guru to manipulate bad karma. Why money. Why would I pay to give up bad karma. I honestly think this is a fraud and I think by attempting to take money from others forbad kartma is like the church saying donations and god loves you. Think abouyt it joshua. I read your energy and I find you to be hazed and confused. Open your eyes one day and see your but a child.
Now I don't believe this is, the way to get rid of bad karma or negative energy is doing good for others who have less. Being there to help your peers, family and loved ones. At school I help people with home work and labs bc I choose to. Not bc I see good karma as a result. Not because I want to gain from it (besides the ability to better remember my hw). You do things for others for the joy of seeing them happy and fruitful. If I have bad karma then I need to live with it. I have to see the world for what I did. You can't pay your way to happiness!!! Dosnt work that way young one. Do not be naïve that the world is simple. I would give 1K to a honmless man if I knew tomorrow I could eat. I would be sad to lose that money but I know that man will be happy.
A man with no home. No food finds a gold coin one day and with his joy he dances because he knew he could eat. The man goes into town and heads to the market stalls. As he was there he could see children starving and woman struggling. Instead of filling his stomach he buys all the childrnen n woman food for thatday with his cold coin. The man died the next day. The people of the town who had very little decided to call him a hero for his generosity. In a single day a man gave a coin. A single coin that fed a few. It wasn't because he gave money to give away negativity but because he gave away his selfishness. This is a true being of enlightment. For all his faults he new what to do and what was important.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
Give a dollar or 50cents to a homeless person with the intention of getting 5$ back in that same day.
This doesn't seem right. To give a little in an empty gesture of generosity, expecting to receive more in return.
Shouldn't one who wishes to unload some accumulated bad karma, commit acts of generosity without personal gain in the fine-print?
But in the end the man is still being benefitted is he not?
If you were to see a man and give him money then a minute later realize and say "God/Universe I want to get this posistion at work, lets make it happen!" You still get the good karma from selflessly giving but then direct that amount of good karma towards manipulating your reality, get it?
If everyone knew that by giving you could directly manipulate your karma then everyone would start giving. What would be wrong with that? Would the homeless man care if the person giving him the hundred dollar bill was looking for a new posistion at work? Would the food drives care if you were looking for your true love? Would the families of third world countries care if you were looking to get better at telekinesis? Hahaha of course they wouldnt!
It is joyful to give, and to know you are benefitted yourself from giving only adds more joy to the mix. This causes you to give again creating in time a vicious circle of happiness!
This is only a test meant to show you the power behind tithing/ the Universe/ God to manifest what you want. This is one of the pieces of the superpower to control reality. If you learn to manipulate karma you can control reality. The universe wants this and so it will help you every step of the way in realizing this ability.
You cannot unload bad karma by doing good, doing good will generate good Karmas which will mitigate some of the bad. When the bad karma does come the good karma may be used to mitigate it and make it weaker in effect. I am living this and speak from personal experience.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Sunday 1st of July 2012 01:53:14 AM
The point of giving money away is to expect nothing in return. Just like the old man did in Grengoshi's story.
For me, helping someone just makes me feel happy. It's the joy of stepping out of the mainstream routine and doing something spontaneously. That's why I love asceticism as well.
Something that I really like to do: when I find a coin, I take my wallet and place another coin on top with the intention of it being easier to find for others. No thoughts, no expectations, just happiness.
Have been giving pums money too, even if they drink it off. Though, I stopped giving to one of them .. since he started to ambush me every day, telling the same lie over and over and asking for more each time. I guess I wished for him to become more wealthy on his own .. last time I saw him driving a nice car.
When there's something that I need because that's how it's meant, then it will manifest. Still, I often feel in debt when this happens.
-- Edited by Sussch on Saturday 30th of June 2012 05:59:35 PM
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Your point seems to be (At least to me); you are giving, so what's the harm in asking for something in return?
My point is, you are giving so you can get. These examples also always ends with the 'get' being more then the 'give', and this is on purpose. Because of this, it would stand to reason that without the 'get' part of this, there would be no 'give'. Hence the personal gain fine-print i mentioned in my earlier post. If one wishes to garner good karma, shouldn't this process be flipped? Get in order to give? Giving being the end intention?
You cannot unload bad karma by doing good
Then how does one go about removing bad karma from their lives?
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
The definition of a Yogic act is thus: It is good for the person performing, it is good for the person receiving and it hurts nobody. I believe my experiment follows this definition quite fine.
The greatest sin in life is to ignore God. If you ask God for something in return he must act, otherwise you have the right to ignore him the next time.
By that statement above it is many times better to acknowledge and ask God for a return then to simply move along without thinking of him.
"Then how does one go about removing bad karma from their lives?"
Karma has to be burned up and that is it. The effect of a particular piece of bad karma can be lessened by praying and performing good deeds. The much rarer opportunity is to give it to someone who is able to deal with the bad karma for you.
Grengoshi that is all very good I am going to PM you.
To everyone who reads this topic; you are all trying to become good at psychokinesis. Isn't a part of Psychokinesis the ability to affect things from a distance? I have the ability to change my reality to my will; whatever I want comes to me. I was not born with this ability but learned it over time with practice and determination. I am presenting the opportunity to learn this ability as well, this is one of the pieces which will when mastered allow you to shape your reality however you want it!
But anyways, I am tired of preaching. If anybody is interested in learning how to manipulate reality like I have learned tell me and I will happily oblige you.
Thank you
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Sunday 1st of July 2012 01:54:39 AM
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Sunday 1st of July 2012 01:55:51 AM
Josh I never said I was superior. I am nothing. I am bnut a human living a simple life. Nor do I believe I am enlightened. I am only saying that your perception of reality is but of a child. I have had many lives weather you believe me or not. Weather people care or not. I don't carew. I am only sharing my knowledge, I have been born and died many times. The only reason I believe in reincarnation is because of my onwn experiences. I follow no beliefes or ideas. If I had a guru I would challange him in every turn and way. I follow no dogma or code I only follow my own morals and beliefs.
Giving is not to receive, giving is love, giving is kindness. I am far from the most giving soul. I however see my flaws and faults. I see that I can not get rid of the negativity I have done bc of my own feelings. Life isn't black and white its hues of nothing. We create of perception. We make our lives. When you do good for others you don't expect things back or any thing back. If I gave you 50 cents then I be expecting more in return. But if I gae me friend a hour of my time to show him how to make groups in linux.
I have anger. Depression. Hatred, I have negtivity in my heart. I am a negative human. I am hatrted wrapped up in tin foil but!! But!!! I feel compassion. I feel love. I cry in a good movbie. I cry when I feel love. I protect my family and I protect the weel. Bc I beliee in moirals. I can't steal bc it hurts. Bc I no itd werong. I belive in karma as you do on to others as you expecxt to be on to. I help others bc I don't want ppl to hurt me and that's a flaw of mine. I shouldn't help others bc I want to recive the same. But I am a flawed being. Bnut I see my flaws. Do you
I call you a child, young one, because you perception is childish.
I wish you love josh.
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
I think everyone here helps eachother in a friendly manner, they read eachothers journals and give people encouragement on what they are working on , if you actually read what people write in other threads and not just your own you will notice that we can all do psychokinesis to a certain extent, and even from thousands of miles away over video feeds, or scientifically set up experiments, and we havnt sent any money to gurus to give away bad karma
This is a quote from you in May Joshua
I want you people to see these truths as well, to know the glorys of Samadhi and such. Right now, I admit to you I have no siddhis; I have tried to move things with telekinesis to no avail. But when I am able to see my abilites again and use them I will show you all, but not for my own ego gratification. I wish to convert you to a happier life filled with bliss and wonder, unmatched by even your greatest dreams.
I am going to change the world.
its best to read what people can do here b4 you tell us how we should be doing it because of what your guru says if you have no experience yourself, anyways just expressing my opinion, havnt posted much in a while as i am working alot as always and concentrating more on treasure hunting this year
-- Edited by Treasure Hunter on Sunday 1st of July 2012 04:13:10 AM
-- Edited by Treasure Hunter on Sunday 1st of July 2012 04:17:40 AM
Josh I never said I was superior. I am nothing. I am bnut a human living a simple life. Nor do I believe I am enlightened. I am only saying that your perception of reality is but of a child. I have had many lives weather you believe me or not. Weather people care or not. I don't carew. I am only sharing my knowledge, I have been born and died many times. The only reason I believe in reincarnation is because of my onwn experiences. I follow no beliefes or ideas. If I had a guru I would challange him in every turn and way. I follow no dogma or code I only follow my own morals and beliefs.
Giving is not to receive, giving is love, giving is kindness. I am far from the most giving soul. I however see my flaws and faults. I see that I can not get rid of the negativity I have done bc of my own feelings. Life isn't black and white its hues of nothing. We create of perception. We make our lives. When you do good for others you don't expect things back or any thing back. If I gave you 50 cents then I be expecting more in return. But if I gae me friend a hour of my time to show him how to make groups in linux.
I have anger. Depression. Hatred, I have negtivity in my heart. I am a negative human. I am hatrted wrapped up in tin foil but!! But!!! I feel compassion. I feel love. I cry in a good movbie. I cry when I feel love. I protect my family and I protect the weel. Bc I beliee in moirals. I can't steal bc it hurts. Bc I no itd werong. I belive in karma as you do on to others as you expecxt to be on to. I help others bc I don't want ppl to hurt me and that's a flaw of mine. I shouldn't help others bc I want to recive the same. But I am a flawed being. Bnut I see my flaws.
Doesn't sound like nothing to me :)
The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.
Triumph is not achieved through victory, but through the Attempt.
Believing will take you there, and Faith will bring you home.
When I say I'm nothing I mean I am nothing important to the world. I am a simple man who trys to live day to day. I have flaws. I'm inperfect and I try to better my self for my own wants. I have my beliefes and I respect others beliefes but at the same time I'm opnnionated and I feel when time is dire I need to express my self. As I have now.
My brother wants to open a box my mom sent me bc my mom put some stuff in there for him but its my graduation present. I'm upset, I threw a tizzy fit. I have flaws. I can't always control my anger. I've always had a temper when conditions are right. I am no better than any one but even when that is said I see things some don't perceive. Since there has been dogma or religion. There have been people to minpulate it to there own control. This is something I'm against and ill fight it even if it means I'm hated
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
Well said Treasure Hunter; humility is a virtue. Unless you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you shouldn't presume to know them.
I have invested a lot of myself into this forum, & have found generous people, who are also kind & talented. Some on the forum are skilled & educated beyond what they would ever mention. I have learned a lot from everyone.
Why not take the time to get to know people, before trying to change them into your own image of reality. Is it not better to earn respect, than to demand it:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve