I am not sure how anyone else has seen this but it seems that for me music helps creating different realities. For example a poem or a song that I create on the spot even if the words aren't coherent but with a puprose for me seems to make things happen in my favor. I am not sure why or how but when I need something, like for the rain to fall I sit outside and I close my eyes and sing quietly to myself and then in an hour or two it rains though it is forcasted to be sunny and clear skies all day. When I want the sun to shine I would gaze up at the skies where I desire the sun to be and I give a small lymric or song, maybe even a story on the spot about the rising sun and then all of a sudden the clouds part and the sun shines. I didn't know if anyone talked about it or even experienced this before since I have been very out-of contact with everything for a very long time but for some reason I felt that this was pertinent.
I can't help but respect this quote from the first post, "A story, if broken down into the simplest form, is a connection of cause and effect. And that is exactly how we think."