Hello everybody, I havent posted anything in a while because I have been very busy. I wanted to impart the truth to you though about energy and its use in Psychokinesis. The more energy you have the more energy you have to use in your practices. You can have collosal amounts of energy but if you are not trained you will not be able to do anything. The oposite is true as well, you can have collosal amounts of training but without energy you will not be able to do anything. I am going to talk about controversial topics and possibly make you think I am crazy but this is truth; I will link you to my other topics and bring it all together here in one comprehensive guide. I will not waste my time writing these things out if they are not going to be heeded. I would not waste years on foolishness or something that is false. This is the Truth, if you choose to follow you will succeed!
I will tell you a little about myself first so you can decide if you want to listen to me or not. My name is Joshua Tucker and I am the reincarnation of a biblical Saint. Whether you believe that or not is up to you but it is the truth. The Roman Catholic church is about to fall and the Apostles are back to see this and reform what was taught. But enough of that; Growing up I always had this memory of super consciousness. I would cry and cry thinking there was something wrong with me; I searched for an answer all my childhood and into my teenage years. I played with Pk and various forms of brain enhancers but nothing came close to what I remembered. The doctors all told me I was perfectly healthy as well.
I then discovered through my Guru that the state was Samadhi and I experienced it in my previous life.
I have trained intensely for over 3 years now in Energy and Spirituality. I have learned alot from my own experience in that time. The key things are what energy feels like, how to gain it and how to use it and how to achieve Enlightenment.
Enlightenment "Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall come unto you."
"Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall come unto you." This is quite the statement and I can guarantee nearly nobody realizes the power behind this statement. Honestly I myself never until 2 nights ago.
You see 2 nights ago during my evening meditation I came into a familiar state. I was renouncing my mind as Joshua and such when I began to feel energy in my body. My body began to feel huge and a very thick powerful energy came into my awareness around me. I stayed in this state for 10 minutes or so just taking it all in. I was losing awareness of my body and I was beggining to get lost in the energy but I was confused. I did not know what to do next to go deeper into the state. My mind was chattering and as such I couldnt go deeper at the time.
I came out and called my guru; he began to tell me how amazing this state is. He told me "Joshua with this state you can do absolutely anything". I asked, "but what of people who attain superpowers and not Samadhi; do they go into this state?" He said that they do not; there are herbs, gems and mantras that bring about superpowers. It reminded me alot of the Spiderman movie actually and we joked around a little. "With great power comes great responsibility". My guru made a joke about how with Greater power comes even Greater responsibility. So basically the state makes Spiderman seem like a house fly.
This state was not something new as it was always there; all I did was realize it. You see everything in creation is made of the One energy. All I did was quiet the mind enough to realize and feel this. The energy I felt around me was Creation itself; I tried to move it but could not budge it; the energy was extremely solid and strong.
So Basically with the state of Samadhi (which I was nearly in 2 nights ago) you attain ultimate peace and can attain all the powers as well. I am so confident in the energy that I can without a doubt say that if I desired I could destroy the world. It is That powerful; but I could also create a world if I so desired.
But you see once you become one with the Source, God, Creator or Energy you sometimes dont even feel the need to change it. The creator made all of this a certain way for a reason; and so there is no reason to change it.
Also, the reason you do not see people flying around displaying super powers is because like me they are beyond material gain. No true man of enlightenment cares about Telekinesis or other super powers to the point of derailment from the path. That is why I will not be displaying superpowers unless it is required of me by the Creator.
BTW; I had an experiment earlier and orgasmed. Normally this would result in a loss of energy and it did a little. But shortly after I was right back in top shape again. This leads me to realize that the subconscious mind is tapping into the infinite for energy now instead of only the body.
Phew, now here is a controversial topic. I am going to break it down as best I can.
In men you have Semen and that is where your psychic energy comes from. When you orgasm and ejaculate you are removing that energy from your body. If you were to become celibate the semen would turn into what is called Ojas and travel up the spine to nourish the brain. This is not an ideal though and as Tantra says "When on the Earth you must push from the Earth". This means on the topic of sex that you use this energy by embracing sexuality. Instead of having the energy come out you keep it in and strip it of the Ojas for immediate use by the body. You may feel physically drained but you will feel energy swirling around and throughout your body with practice.
You do this by embracing the Feminine aspect of yourself. There is the male side which is control and the female side which is energy. In an ideal relationship the man is dominant and directs the woman; they are both very happy and successful. This is the same inside of you, you have control (Shiva) and energy (Shakti). In males Shiva is dominant and females Shakti is dominant. I will speak as a male on how to bring about the colossal energy hidden inside of you.
Simply put you must realize you are women and man, you must embrace the female aspect in masturbation and act as a female would. This is a very far out there topic but it is required in order to preserve the Ojas which is extremely important. Ask yourself if you ever heard of anybody consciously moving a vehicle with Tk. The reason is because you have such a small amount of energy to work with without the Shakti. It is like a water fountain opposed to a fire hose, a pond opposed to the ocean. To succeed you must do this; if you choose not to you will simply move pencils and other office supplies for the rest of your life.
If you choose to forgo sex all together that will also bring results but it will take much longer for the semen to convert to ojas.
If you want to know how to do this Black Tantra pm me and I will give you a guide on how. Do not waste my time though; "Do not throw pearls to swine".
Here is a link to my topic on this: http://psychokinesis.activeboard.com/t47792512/dmt-shakti-energy-and-how-to-unlock-this-tremendous-power/
Energy, Chi, Ki, Prana,Life
I have copious amounts of energy flowing throughout my body now. It feels as if a cloud is inside of and surrounding my body, it is thick and feels neither hot or cold. I can move it around and direct it outside of my body. If I wanted I could use this energy for Psychokinetic practices but I simply do not care. It is a pleasent side effect on my path to complete Enlightenment.
You though have the potential to be different; if you ask it will come. My energy grows stronger the more I help people; this is Truth and it happens in everyone. When I am doing the right thing the energy grows so strong my mind begins to shut down and I sit on the verge of enlightenment. For you see the Energy is the closest thing to enlightenment the mind can achieve. The energy can act as a road to Samadhi.
Meditate morning and evening for 15 minutes reciting the Gyatry mantra; this will bring about the energy over time in you. But if you ejaculate you will waste this stored energy. It is not like Naruto where you have a set amount of energy; it is like a bank account where you have saved up money. Once it is spent it is gone unless you put more in. You gain small amounts of energy from food, air and other things but Semen is the massive supplier.
By constantly doing good, meditating, practicing Black Tantra you can have a continuous supply of collosal energy. It is all about following Truth and Dharma.
If you wish to see what this energy inside of me is capable of I will show you. I will not do this for my own satisfaction but for your sake. I will need a month if you are interested in seeing what God is capable of. (Not to speak of myself egotistically but to give the credit to Him; for I am nothing but His tool)
For now I have to go, I will update this later.
-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Tuesday 18th of December 2012 02:07:24 AM
Hello I am very interested in seeing what is capable. I just started with my TK abilities yesterday and I am already capable of moving small tin foil objects suspended on a pencil. I know this is child's play for some but I feel the energy growing stronger in me already. I am a true believer in love and let love. I believe that this is how man is supposed to evolve, with love in his heart and mind.
Sincerity/honesty/truth. Recognized words for the sensation that arises when one simply doesn't lie or pretend.
As for the whole Jesus thing I'll only quote the scriptures he's claimed to have inspired to portray the point I see most effective.
"The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him."
1 John 2:4
I know nothing about yall's past, but I once really admired and followed a pker only to realize my safety was completely outside of his genuine interest.
The morality expressed in the bible has intensified everything effective about my character.
I'd say Shakyamuni Buddha's 8-fold path is not the worst place to start.
But simply staying with the sensation that arises when one doesn't lie or pretend is itself the guide to the Truth.
I can refine myself.
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Psychokinesis -> Psychokinesis -> A Guide on the Truth: How to succeed in Psychokinesis. Major Update December 17