Aside from psionics, whats your favorite activity (ies) that you participate in, if any! What do you do best at. If you practice martial arts does it help/effect your ability to practice Psionics? Thanks, just randomly trying to get a feel of everything on the forum! :D
Oh and if your martial art that you practice isn't up there, tell me or just say it in a reply! :£ Sorry I'm a little busy so I couldn't put down a lot!
I used to wrestle for several years. It's really similar to Aikido and Tai Chi. Simply using one's energy and redirecting it. It's nothing like that crap you see on TV. Tho it started boring me at one point since all you did was practice the same stuff over and over for years. So i dropped it. Later i just started observing moves from videos and games and learned them (in my mind, in trance/meditative state).
I think what martial arts have teached me is to redirect\help energy, instead trying to fight it.
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
Alar, NOTHING'S like that crap you see on TV! Nothing! But I'll admit, its interesting to watch and see all those guys get beat up and smashed as well as them getting "knocked out" with hammers and chairs and even tables lol! I used to watch I haven't in over 4 years I play the video games once in a while but that's about it. I may start watching again though....
hey sorry guys! Wrote this when i wasn't in the right state of mind (not drunk, just really busy and tired! :-/ 0, 0) :B and couldn't fuction at all let alone submit a poll! So I'll try later sometime to fill in more martial arts branches and fighting styles once I have the time as I said I would. :)
I don't practice Bagua but I've heard from it can really work on deep internal body levels of energy. Specifically the rotations. At some point in my practice, a while ago, I did end up doing a lot of rotations/spins to help process some higher energy. If I remember well, Gurdejeff also used rotations in his supposed dances that could take one to awakening/enlightement. Perhaps, that's there is something to this after all. Consider how easy it is to loose balance while spinning, compared to ANY other movement of the body.