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Post Info TOPIC: Are your PSI and PK abilities dependent on belief?

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Are your PSI and PK abilities dependent on belief?

A while ago a brother of my friend asked me if he could do a documentary on my research for his uni class. It often took extended amounts of time before my mind could settle and get results with the distraction of the other. I am unsure if his observer effect was effecting it or my ego. I never got to see the documentary as another one of his brothers deleted it for space for a tv series. The point i'm making is that I did observe a change in the trigger time. The other thing is that I put a lot of time and effort doing demos and explanations into his documentary so when I did not get to see the finished product I got a bit over trying to video document my results for a while.

The current orthodox skeptic consensus that psi does not exist is actually bias and not true skepticism. What I do is present my results state what I think it is based on my observations and personal subjective experience and sometimes I will get reasonable suggestions to improve the experiment which I do do when I have time.

As a largely fringe experimental process I came to the conclusion that it is better to bounce ideas off of open psionic researchers for the motivation effect it generates. Spending time with negative people is very demotivating and not conducive to progress IMO. Constructive suggestions always considered. There is almost a cookie cutter response similar to the class lesson you referenced by many who consider themselves or call themselves skeptics where it is clear they have not even considered the variables or the context of a demo experiment.

I have a large vault of video at home which I just don't have the energy to even edit for explanation to the youtube community but that I find useful for my own experiments.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


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Once upon a time, way back in my college days, I got to play a role in a delightful experiment that was designed to demonstrate the amazing power of beliefs.  As I remember it, our professor told the psychology class that I was attending that one of the students was going to be a few minutes late to class as he had arranged her delay to do a quick errand for him.  The purpose for delaying her was to show us by experiment how group think reshapes our experience of reality.

All we had to do was play along with the professor and agree ahead of time that after the student arrived to class, the Professor was going he was going to carefully draw three long lines on the marker board in front of class and ask us to all vote if these lines were the same length or were different lengths.  We were all supposed to vote that regardless of what he drew, all the lines were the same length.

So, a few minutes later, the unsuspecting student comes into the classroom and takes her seat.  In a few minutes, the professor starts drawing the lines, one on top of each other, with one line being considerably longer than the rest.  He calls for a hand count of all the students who see the lines as being equal length.  At that moment the entire class, minus the late student, raises their hands to vote yes and while he was doing a count, the late student likewise raised her hand as well.

The professor then asks her in front of the class if she is sure of her answer.  She replies: "yes they all look the same length to me."  The professor then asks her to come up and measure the lines.  She is then embarrassed as she can now clearly see that the last line is about a foot longer than the other two lines.

The lesson we learned was that our view of reality is strongly influenced not only by our peers but our beliefs.  The question relevant to our group is does our belief or lack of belief in PK and PSI abilities make any difference?  Do these beliefs and social interactions work against us at some level?

I've noticed from many of the past posts that there are a lot of true believers on this site.  Is it possible that your PK results are being exaggerated by your wanting to see better results?  How do you handle the times when nothing seems to work?  Does it create cognitive dissonance for you or do you dismiss it as having an off day, sunspots, and psychic vampires or do you perhaps see your psychic gifts as rather hit or miss?

I'm not trying to be negative here.  I do think that a certain amount of belief in your abilities is essential to producing intentional phenomenon or is it?  Do you think that nonbelievers can show even more PK and PSI abilities in the right circumstances?


Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Belief has an effect, but skill with concentration is much more fundamental. Belief, is concentration dependent on consensus validation. Most people have scattered attention, unless they are pressured otherwise.

I have found that when my concentration is strong & radiant; my results are consistent:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psychokinetic Researcher

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I had much less interest in morality back when I first uploaded yt vids of my pk wheel and stress ball practices.

I came to a conclusion, that with the mindset, anyone, content or discontent, could do that same stuff.

One night I stole an expensive looking jacket I liked and practiced pk via ustream to test my conclusion. I felt like a petty jerk but I still had little if any problems affecting the pk wheel via ustream like the practices in my dorm.

Others on there having no idea what I did congratulating me and others. Not knowing I was just a petty thief lol. Totally undeserving in my own eyes.

I realized that that "power" really didn't seem to care at all about how it was used.

I returned the jacket and felt ill about being so petty and lustful.


Hence my interest in total satiety, which led me to expressions found in many religious texts.


From my experience and reading so far, honest attention to power alone seems to be a pretty sure shot to satiety from my lustful awareness. 

And my logic followed that power, being all potent, would never have a reason to lie.

Hence my reasoning such that honesty becomes power becomes satisfied.

And my happiness for those I see living this realization.


I can refine myself.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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It is easier for one to record ones results in private. Introduce a second cameraman and the results take longer to initialize (From experience) Introduce a room of observers the results become sporadic. Intention projected can be interfered with by other observers especially biased ones.


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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You may be right about negative the intentions of others; I am not sure. Though, I as an artist I want to apply Occam's Razor here, & suggest that it could also be performance anxiety, which as any performer knows can be quite paralyzing. I know some famous people who have confessed to me privately, how much performance anxiety plagues & inhibits them:)

"when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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For me, pk results probably are exaggerated due to belief. However, just a few years ago it used to be the other way around. Regardless of disbelief, after a few months of experimenting I still managed to prove to myself that pk is very real.

Recently, I've gotten the impression that everything is a system with a feedback. In that sense, pk would be similar to eating .. communication with the object. Suppose there's a cake on the table. You look at it and acquire the feeling of what it most probably would taste like. The taste of the cake manifests. First bite, again, the cake becomes what you smell, taste, feel about it. The cake is constantly being refreshed or redesigned while being eaten or digested.

Here, belief would fit in as a predefined feedback pattern. While practicing pk, one can tilt the feedback to be positive (amplifying effect) with belief. Hmm, it seems to be a bit more complex than that, actually. Any changes or non-changes in feelings or concentration is feedback, so in this sense there's no positive nor negative feedback.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Vindicated when retested by unbiased researchers. When you research how the skeptic society did their"Test" on this girl at a young age. 4 out of 7 correct diagnosis from absolutely no prior knowledge is quite substantial.

"British and Japanese scientists acknowledged that the girl possesses an astounding ability to see people through Pravda.Ru has already reported about 17-year-old Russian girl, Natasha Demkina, from the city of Saransk. The girl has become known for her astounding X-ray ability to see people through and diagnose diseases. Scientist became interested in the Russian girl's phenomenon: Natasha Demkina was invited to come to London and New York for scientific experiments. British researchers unanimously acknowledged Natasha's remarkable gift, whereas American scientists hesitated to come to such a conclusion. They did not like that fact that the girl successfully diagnosed diseases with only four patients out of seven. Natasha Demkina has recently passed a similar test in Tokyo, where Japanese scientists confirmed the gift of the Russian X-ray girl. Natasha is currently a student of the Semashko's Moscow Medical University. Yoshio Machi, a professor of the Tokyo University, invited the girl to come to Tokyo to have her abilities tested again. Professor Machi is known in the world as a scientist, who studies unusual human abilities."


Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

Dedicated PK researcher

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BELIEF is everything for me as without it i would not be able to carry out the intense training that i do



International Psionics Journalist

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I have to agree with Lee here.

For me, belief is integral, not only for me to approach TK in the first place, but also to concentrate and work with energy. I would argue that one could not accomplish anything if they truly believed that they couldn't. As I've been discovering, anything you do, has far more to do with how you feel and what you believe, then how or what you think.


Have fun!


The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.

Triumph is not achieved through victory,
but through the Attempt.

Believing will take you there, and
Faith will bring you home.

Psionics Journalist

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I think belief helps but sometimes I have surprised myself by doing something I didn't really believe I could do until I tried.

I think everyone has off days but most of it is do to having to many things on the mind to reach that spot. Even on off days I can go back to something I know is easy that I started with like a Psi Wheel and can always get it to work even if the harder things are not working so well on a particular day.

Regarding the effect people have when viewing something live I have experienced that to a small degree and I think it is due to being nervous about them watching and their expectations. You want to prove to them it exists and that small point makes a big impact on you getting too emotionally attached at the demonstration to allow it to occur. Sometimes it takes me forever to get a video of something that I am doing on a daily basis because as soon as I turn the camera on it is like a second person viewing which makes me try harder and get less than satisfactory results.

It is funny that you have to balance everything so well to get it to work and the slightest thing can throw that off. You can see this at play when people first start with the psi wheel and can't understand why it changes direction on them and it makes some people think it is an outside force when in truth it is just such a delicate mental state that it takes a lot of time and practice to learn to control to any degree.

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