Hey i've been studying meditation for a couple of years i've had dreams of being able to do TK very efficiently and have been on and off practicing for a while this is my serious ditch attempt where i've been practicing for hours a day everyday for 2 weeks - I can turn a psi wheel from a good distance away somewhat consistently and i've knocked over a birthday card from a distance
Since unlocking this ability I find myself laying awake at night trying to move things like a bedroom door, my mobile phone on the bedside table with pretty much no immediate results but throughout the night my girl friend and I will hear things move and bump loudly phones and water bottles and other things that I had focused on half an hour ago do end up moving/falling on the floor of their apparent own accord
what is going on? I have a theory that amateurs like myself if we're focusing on moving objects are throwing a lot of poorly focused energy into the surrounding area and the effects are not immediate and there is a lingering energy like switching on a light that fills the room as opposed to a laser which is refined and focused to what its aiming at I've started measuring the emf in a room and I have seen it spike when trying to use this ability. My girl friend thinks that i've invoked ghosts because she is more inclined to believe in ghosts than TK
What you are experiencing is called geisting. Geisting is emotional/unintentional PK. There's lots of people who geist in here. Check the "Personal logs blogs journals" section. There people talk what and how they've been doing. Quite often about geisting. The geisting can be supressed by meditating. But you should get used to it. :D
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
wow thank you everyone that really helped! and quick response too i'm really glad i joined this forum! Much less scary when I understand it! will this geisting get more intense the more I practice or will it taper off as I get better and control it? Or does that sort of depend on the person?
I've geisted my entire life. There are times it lessons or seems to go away completely. Make sure to read in the journals section. Reading about what others have experienced is helpful.
I think that everyone is different, in terms of psychological triggers, & poltergeist manifestations. Like shy, I have geisted all of my life; the intensity has definitely increased over time for me, but that isn't the case for everyone.
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
WELCOME! and hours? i never really understand how people train for hours. i get headaches after 1-2hours...and it takes about 2 days to fully recover. to feel pressure on your forehead/brain anything? pain? if you do maybe you need to slow it down. otherwise i guess you are just really strong and continue!
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
hey andreid - it takes me a good 40 mins to an hour to even calibrate getting in the zone with what im doing and yer I have started getting headaches at the front and top of my head with a lingering headache for a couple of days after but its a great feeling of accomplishment when something finally reacts I find once something reacts my confidence is restored or belief in the possibility and the energy flows alot better at that point :)
im unemployed at the moment so i've had lots of time to practice for long periods of time haha
i find that a disipline of putting away toys at the end of training keeps things from happening after and i find a much quicker start to the energies intensity at the beginning of a session.
oh so you have the pains.....what that means is that you have pushed yourself to the limit. WELL DONE!! but now i suggest you stop. im not sure if you are even giving yourself enough time to recover after. i am/i am training to become a bretharian. to live without food or water is what it means. and i cannot leave without food for about 3days after i would push my self to the limits like this. this is an effect i have seen on me. and i am sure there are many more, i suggest you dont do more than 40min/day . but you do whatever you want to do after all, im just suggesting you.....and well done for trying so hard!
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p