The write gives a very good use psiball to recharge the body by using energy in the environment and psiball. Then it gives some good intro on mediation and some basic meditations that anyone modern man can do. Then it talks about the chakras and quite a lot about AP. He gives very good descriptions of astral projections he has had and that he thinks it would be usefull to share with the public. He has had thousands(literally) of projections, so I guess we can call this info realiable.
Anyways there is something which has caught my interest. Since his early APs he has been meeting this greys on the astral plane. The grays are an aline race(the popular gray,tall,black-eyed alines in the media). He says they are governed by the negative Reptilian races that invaded our solar system. They work for the reptilians - well..3 races of the greys to be more specific. The write says he posses this special 'meta' gene. This gene only some humans have. It is the 'god' gene that gives humans very awesome abilities. I am not talking about pk and stuff. I mean like teleportation, being able to teleport a whole ship far away in a safe solar system. Not lifting tanks with out minds. Well that how the author describes it. He also talks about other cool stuff too but thats what I really found interesting. I tried searching about it but it seems like the world is full of things that go by the name of meta. Anyone know anything about it? If not you're welcome to enjoy reading the book :)
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
Looks intriguing. I'm gonna read that soon. Thanks for sharing! :)
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~