ok, so i am currently taking part in a program for me to be able to teach up to 10 students who have no previous telekinesis experience who are serious in learning and are committed to learning. this is completely free and is similar to the training methods used in the institute of bio sensory in Russia
Need to be 18 years of age.
need to have skype and a good enough webcam to see small objects.
need to be willing for me to record lessons
need to report back to me with recorded skype showing me the progress.
need to have no or very very little experience with no success yet.
need to train under clear thick glass
no hands
weekly updates and one 1 hour lesson per week
enjoy the learning :)
PM me details of why you wish to learn and for full details :)
@Lee, what's the point of "Need to be 18 years"? That's kinda stereotypic. Either way, good luck.
@dustpetro, Welcome! And i'm guessing he does Psi-wheel under the glass. As he said "no hands".
~In order to gain something, you must present something of equal value.~ ~There is no such thing as good orevil. They are the same thing, just with a minor difference.~
@Lee, what's the point of "Need to be 18 years"? That's kinda stereotypic. Either way, good luck.
@dustpetro, Welcome! And i'm guessing he does Psi-wheel under the glass. As he said "no hands".
Oh, I used to use the psi-wheel a couple years ago when I was into psychokinesis and I just stopped for some reason. But, I am willing to learn a few new things on this forum to help myself in training.
@ dustpetro I will be teaching certain energy movement exercises, energy feeling, 7 different ways to use telekinesis and more :) just the abc's of telekinesis that will get you moving under glass with hands and without. you should be able to move things within a month maybe quicker. all teaching will be over Skype :)
@ alar34 I need participants to be over the age of 18 because I have been set an age group and already have participants under the age of 18 already :)