I have seen that there isn't anything about lightwork on this forum. So I will try to touch this topic a little. Lightwork is not like a type of kinesis such as pyrokinesis or things like that. Lightwork is using the power of love. Believe this is very powerful. It seems to connect the dots between spirituality, creation, psychokinesis and many others.
First let me tell you that love is more than just a feeling, or at least more than what the media is telling you. Love is not when you have a feeling in your chest that is 'pleaseant' and makes you happy because someone else is making the effort to think positively about you. That can be a product of love. Love is almost anything positive. It can be when you think positively of water for example. Thinking of how much pollution we do to it and at the end of the day it gives us life and heals our planet,etc. The thoughts and emotions that come with this process are energy. They are love energy you are sending to you surrounding and to water. This is love. Love is also when a single mom works her ass off so she can keep her daughter is school because she believes that school will do her good. So she sacrifices herself and spends all this time and energy for her daughter. This is love. So I am guessing you got the point by now. But this can be taken to a whole new level.
You must learn to live out of love and understand that without love there is nothing. Even things like law of attraction need and require love. You must think positively and love yourself by trusting yourself that you can do it. That you can become rich or whatever you want to manifest,etc. Ok so to take this more practically now. If you quite the mind and start doing some form of meditation you can do wonders. It is as easy as imagining 'love' surrounding you and healing your body and all the negative things in your life and in your surroundings. Here is an easy meditation you can do everyday. Imagine love coming out of heart and healing you and everything in your life. Pure unconditional love, not arrongace, not hatrence, not jeaulosy, not fear not any of that. Just pure love. Imagine it healing your body from all diseases and recharging your body. This is actually use very powerful energy of the power of love. If that for at least 2-3times in sessions of 5min it will have drastic, positive changing effects on you life in general.
Advanced alien races understand the power of love and use it. This is the power that the creator/source/existence/god used to make anything. It is the power of creation. Without love you cannot create relationships, you cannot create trust, you cannot create anything at all actually. The pleiadians are know for being very benevolent beings and for using the power of love in anything. Who are the pleiadians? They are a race of galactic humans (aliens if you prefer) who very advanced spiritualy and technologically and want to help us humans evolve and understand love. They are here to assist us. You can do more research on them if you want. Anyways, they are an example of a race who uses the power of love.
You might know about this already, but here it is. The videos of ALAJE on youtube. This guy is a pleiadian starseed (a pleiadian who incarnated on earth in a human body) who made great videos to help people. This is his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/777ALAJE on his channel he has tis great 20 videos series of videos with subtitles in many languages. I suggest you watch them all, they are great videos. You will see that by watching the videos you might feel energy around. This is because in all his videos he has send powerful vortexes of love energy that will send love energy to anyone wtching his videos anywhere in space and anytime in any timeline. This is because time and space do not exist, they are only illuions. Sending energy through a video is not a new concept something that many people are aware of. Anyways I strongly suggest you watch his videos, all of them, at least once and absorb the great knowledge that he gives. You can only just watch them randomly to recharge your heart with love if you want. I sometimes do this when my love is weak and I can. I watch some of his videos to recharge myself with love and remember myself of my spiritual nature. This is not a scam. I am telling you from experience, that love is the most powerful energy that exists.
This is not a cult or anything like that. Not something looking to get your money neither. There are many articles and forums about lightwork on the internet. Here is a nice book about love: BOOK
I know many of you are already aware of this and practing love in many ways. Like recently someone on this forum showed loved even to a dead cat. Love is something that we do many times in our lives but being aware of it and using love everyday will change you and your life in a positive way. I know many of you alreayd know about this, well at least you have alaje's videos. I really recommand them, they are great to watch! LOVE to you all!
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
I did some experiments with crystals meditating using love as the intention on the crystals. The difference between them and the hate and control crystals is clearly visible. Yes love is a changing force and I believe a part of pk.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.