I notice the skepticism of the article and the Geller's debunked page, but I am not interested right now to read it personally.
But I post it because I found it interesting that from a skeptics point of view an "unbeliever", while the "magician" was performing telekinesis, they found an increase at his gamma brain waves.
And when you do give them evidence because it does not fit their reality outlook. Immediately they will dismiss it without even considering, measuring or trying to duplicate the results themselves. This is the prison they have build for themselves a reality that is bound by preconceived notions that all is understood and explainable in their reference frame. This is the comment I left on the bottom of the page for all the ignorant skeptics that immediately dismissed the evidence. A facinating experiment. I have been able to create readable gamma waves for my Geiger counter.
* It is expected to run on The History Channels Stan Lees Superheroes.
"We applied the HHT to both conditional data sets. We used Microsoft Excel to graph the time-frequency data. The HHT is dynamic, working best on fast changing signals like gamma. Another advantage to the HHT is that we do not need to arbitrarily pick a frequency range for each band,for example Gamma = 38-43Hz. Here, Gamma was 38-54 Hz."
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.