I began a spiritual journey nearly 2 years ago because of strong curiosity about things I have experienced throughout my life which no one I know can compare to. I have always known in the back of my mind to just trust my intuition. I have found strong interest about life in general, for example things such as; why we are here, what is our purpose, why do I dream, do dreams have real meaning, how did the universe even begin, many other things which aren't coming to mind ATM. Then it became like even more interesting because most people in this world dont even care to pay attention to or even learn about them. I think that is insane. They only care about physical objects like money for example amongs many other things. Can you take money with you when you die? No...so maybe you should focus on the spiritual aspect in life because many people have experienced ghostly, paranormal, spiritual and other unexplainable encounters through many means but mostly going to haunted houses or using psychedelics or just in general, at home. There's enough circumstantial evidence to strongly suggest things that are not tangible are very, very real and exist, but nothing has 100% proven it. I know that these are things that have a close relationship to our existence as we think we know it. I have since realized that this spiritual journey is something I was meant to become part of.
Now, I cannot say that I was born "gifted", some out there claim to be gifted spiritually. They naturally communicate with the physically deceased, some can move objects mentally on first day of training, and so forth. I must say, congratz for you if its true cause truely your energetic abilities are meant to benefit many in this world. I meditate daily, have been for about a year and a half now. I applied this discipline to the psi wheel nearly 2 months ago to see if it actually can happen for me, moving it mentally that is. I believe that moving objects "mentally" is real, im very open minded and very reasonably logical, but couldn't decide if its true that everyone can tap into this potential. A week ago I noticed that this really is a real phenonmenon for me, if thats what you want to call it. I can't make the thing spin like crazy like some on a very few videos I have seen which appear to be legit, but i have gone from staring at a very still psiwheel while really trying to figure out how to move it intuitively and through suggestion to it jiggling most of the time and have spun it a few times when i know for a fact nothing is influencing it.
This introduction so far has now led onto my first official question for this forum, I have noticed over the last week and a half now that the right side of my head, mostly on my right temple to above my right ear will get an itchy spot many times throughout the day. It's an itch that simply goes away to a scratch on it, its not an intense itch. But it has most definitely caught my attention because it's said an itchy spot resembles energy transfer, and the right side of the brain resembles telekinetic ability, while the left side represents telepathy. I am feeling like I am seeing a real connection here and wonder if any one else experiences this itchy feeling on the right side of the head or did when they started to work with psi ability or has a clear explanation. Its a combination of this itchy thing, and me just knowing for fact nothing is moving my wheel other than my mind cause i have spent enough hours trying to move it unsuccessfully with it staying very still to it now wiggling most of the time and few times it actually moving. I have not been successful, i dont think, with it under a glass bowl. A couple times I swear I seen it jiggle but wasn't able to fully tell cause of how small the movement appeared to be.
Anyhow, I appreciate anyone who reads my intro, provides feedback and I just want to say thank you for your moment of time.
I get similar as well as skin irritation. I found it similar to RF burn and suspect for myself anyways that where there is resonance with the environment there can be a reaction with the skin. Moisturizer does help. Mainly I have experienced this in winter. This is when I do most of my electrokinetic experiments due to reduced humidity which can also cause dry skin.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.