I do believe PK is real. I have tried my luck with online retropsychokinesis experiments, and I can influence RNG's. I am also very good at cloud-bursting. However, I am not really sure where to start. I do not know whether I should start with websites or read books. I feel like I need to read some books since they will go more in depth than a website will. Any suggestions?
You should read the journal section, especially owltwelves and others. Additionally, pm me for the psipog archieve and I'll send it to you. There are plenty of methods and ways of starting. It's a long road you wish to travel on, just be aware of that fact.
Active psion, now and forever. A life which not even death can take away.
Many new psions, begin with a psi_wheel & work their way up from there. This forum actually has more information & people sharing direct real experience than most resources out there. There are not to many books specifically focused on psychokinesis, though all you really need to work on is the development of your concentration skill; PK & every other mind power will follow.
Very good books on object concentration & associated mind powers are: