I'm trying to figure out how I can make my aura work for me in terms of enhancing whatever activity I'm doing, instead of it simply being expended just by going out and interacting with people.
Right now, I only feel proficient in calling back my energy. But besides giving myself a protective 'shell' of energy, I don't really know how to apply my aura for practical purposes. How can I use it so that I'm not expending my raw, physical strength? How can I use this energy to act on other energy, such as a pen, or a chair?
Essentially, what is the best way to focus my energy into myself or an object with the intention of making myself more strong and durable, or making an object bend to my own energy?
-- Edited by Sinewavelasvegas on Monday 22nd of September 2014 07:14:03 AM
To make the object bend to you: Try using the energy technique for Psychokinesis. You do that by picturing all of the energy all around you and target it at the object and sort of shove it if you want to move it, and that sort of thing. Instead, try using your aura as the energy.
For making yourself more strong/durable, there is a form of psychokinesis that i'm trying to learn to do called biokinesis. It's the ability to manipulate and move around your genes to change yourself. One of the simplest practices i have heard about is eye color changing, but theoretically, using it, you could make yourself stronger, increase stamina, increase the senses, and possibly even regrow your cells so you become immortal(don't die of age). I'm not sure how far anyone has gotten, and i've started a topic on that if you want to check it out. Let's see what happens.
If biokinesis is possible, it seems far off at best. Right now, all I need to know is how to use my energy to enhance my activity and interactivity.
Taker something like a martial art for instance. If I'm sparring with someone, it makes sense to punch and kick not only with raw physical strength, but also with the aura/energy propelling the attack. Or if I am being attacked, it makes sense for my aura to protect my limbs.
Yeah, i guess that does make sense. I guess for punches, you could think of it as a comet or something, with your hand covered in energy solid as rock. And you could use energy shields too for blocking, again enveloping your body in energy that is solid as steel. Try coming up with things. Use your imagination. The sky is the limit. You could do whatever you want with enough practice.
That sounds good. I wish I could get a broader prospective though. I have severe attention problems, so it's difficult for me to really focus on a visual. I can focus on a suggestion of the visual at best.
The word visualization, is misleading; you only need to develop concentration skill. Concentration is inherent to the human condition; everyone does it whether they want to or not. I bet you can't get the fact that you have to pee really bad out of your head, when you have been holding it too long. How about the thought of a specific meal when you are famished? How about lustful images when you are aroused? How how the toy you wanted really bad as a kid? How about the anger/irritation you feel when stewing after an argument? What if I say, "don't think about pinkelephants?" How did you do; did you manage not to think about pinkelephants?
All of these are examples of unintentional concentration, which require sense memories to process. When people say visualize, they are usually being imprecise. You concentrate your attention through the medium of sense memory & interpreted perceptions of the active world. You access this sense memory through practice.
Take a physical object into your hands, two opposing magnets for example. Spend some time playing with the springy resistance till you are familiar with it. Then set the magnets aside & imagine you are still playing with the magnets by remembering sensations you just experienced. When the memory fades, go back to the physical magnets & anchor the sensation in your memory again. Keep doing this till you've got it.
Guess what? This would be an example of concentrated "visualization" of pinkeleph..., just kidding:) You know what else, you will also know how to make a magnetic force field.
P.S. The act of continually coming back to this thread is an example of concentration. Also, you must visualize your ideas in order to express them coherently, which you have done.
Don't over complicate things, or label yourself as incompetent; you can pay attention to anything you want; it is just a matter of how much it means to you. Even if it means very little to you, you can still form a habit; you are hard wired to be habitual as well:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
You could, but it was meant as just one example among many. Yogis discovered long ago, that prolonged attention to various objects lead to the yogi's embodiment of power & information associated with the object. If you want wind powers; concentrate on wind incessantly, super strength, concentrate on something like an elephant, fire powers, concentrate on fire. The mind coming into resonance with the forces of the manifest world, is often called entrainment, & possibilities for mind powers are quite unlimited.
The practice of concentration is very simple. Pick an object & pay attention to it. When your mind wanders, just bring your attention back to the object without getting frustrated or judging yourself. You don't have to push or use force, just relax your attention on everything else & your mind will gel on the chosen object, because your mind likes having something to do. It's sort of like watching a movie while paying less attention to other things. How much effort does it take to watch a movie? Not much, & these days movies commonly last for 2hrs or more; that's two hours of concentration.
You can also apply passive concentration to maximize all the hours in the day for faster & less stressful progress. For example, if you are working with the sense memory of magnets; you would keep that awareness in the background of your thoughts throughout the day even while doing other things.
The only real work left is being creative about which objects in the world best represent powers you are going for. There really are no right answers except what is easiest for you to conceptualize & feel. Once you figure out the object which represents your goal, & concept of how the powers work; stick to it so that your brain has a chance to solidify a strong habit:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Hmmm I recently started to gain an interest with the aura since I read somewhere about this cool anime HunterXHunter. Its basically using auras to do all kind of things. But don't watch its full of illuminati stuff I mean the psychology and mindsets that the anime uses and imposes is making you get closer to zombie state....anyways, I started by feeling my aura and it worked :) You too try to put some of it to surround you - not too much. VIsualise if you must but try to control it. When you control it you kind of feel it. When its covering you dont program it just feel it should feel like a fluid. Now well assuming you got this kind of control try to program it for something. For psychical strength, psi. I find the aura that it can be send in the body inside. I usually sendi t there for most of the day and program it for health. When I train or anything else I program it further, but I leave it for health.
Thing with it is that it can take your life essence to create it so don't waste it. When it is outside it tends to be vulnerable so unless the aura outside the body is programmed to do something and you using it. dont leave it outside coz you slowly leae aura debris around you - loosing it adn making its vibations less shiny or 'dirty' as they say.
As for increasing well, I have a pretty good connection so I cna feel it and sense it but I feel like its not easy to increase it. I am not sure how to increase it. I know for sure it takes long for the body to produce as in its not that easy to do it.....probably physical condition helps but not sure
As for controlling it. Oltwelve pointed the most important thing concentration. You can practice with programming energy in a room and thne banishing. If you can feel the energy then try to ban it and you will see its not immediate, practice to have more control. Controllign your chi with energy manipulation might get you used at controlling other types of energy.
But most important abstience(foundation - body) and concentration (strength - mind)
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
The fastest way to increase the density of your aura is with sexual energy, which is the creative life force. The combination of celibacy & concentration or devotion will turn you in a short time into a "junior god", as the Taoist classics say:)
More broadly though, you can increase your aura by accumulating merit:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Is there a way that I can use music to my advantage? I tend to listen to it for hours, so I must have a strong connection to it. I'm also able to tune it out if I'm not listening. A song that's stuck in my head might come back, but I'm able to generally refocus my attention.
To do what? Help focus better? Sure. I do that too. I'm sort of obssessed with music, wouldnt know what i'd do if it didn't exist anymore or something. I think i might have some sort of add/adhd or something cause my mind keeps running around and around! Anyway, i try to focus on one instrument's music when trying to concentrate. Like, i listen to Of Mice and Men(sort of screamo type music) so i sort try to pay attention to the beat, or distinguish the electric guitar.
Sorry if im not being much help. Im still 14 so i dont really understand much.... But that's why im here! To learn more about stuff.
-- Edited by Yol Toor Shul on Wednesday 24th of September 2014 05:55:54 AM
[quote=owltwelve]The only real work left is being creative about which objects in the world best represent powers you are going for. There really are no right answers except what is easiest for you to conceptualize & feel. Once you figure out the object which represents your goal, & concept of how the powers work; stick to it so that your brain has a chance to solidify a strong habit:)[.quote]
This is what I was referring to, not necessarily using the music itself to concentrate. Using music as a representation of my power. Or more generally, sound and its dynamics. That would cover more ground.
Then i thing anything would work. YOU are the one that chooses the representation. Although, since music is complex and uses different dynamics at different points in a song, such as the increase in intensity, then dying down, i would think that it would sort of throw off your power, making it sort of come in waves and irregular patterns maybe? Don't take my word for it. Im not completely sure...
I think that music can be useful for shifting your perspective into certain states of mind & moods. You can use it to help you anchor a particular mind state associated with the power you are going for.
Still though, you should probably decide on the mind power you are going for, & not over complicate things. The simpler the concentration object; the easier it is to get to the power:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
In Buddhist meditation, there 40 classical meditation objects. The 1st 10; the Kasinas lead to specific mind powers. You can read about them in the Visuddhimagga & Vimuttimagga. You can also find objects of concentration & the resultant mind powers, in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Ultimately though, you must decide for yourself what mind power you want, & pick an object or concept related to that power to meditate on:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve