appears to have a list of scientific papers published on the subject of psychic phenomena.
Even better, they are all peer reviewed, and most of them are quite recent, from the 21st Century.
It also lists a few books published on Psionics, as well as websites.
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten round to reading any yet due to uni studies, but I've skimmed through the list, and what I love about this is that everything listed takes a scientific approach.
And yes, I realise that belief is a huge part of spinning a psi wheel or sending a thought, but I've read too many things which keep saying 'believe and it will happen' (to be honest, I'm kinda sick of reading that over and over ).
It's always refreshing to look at psionics from a different angle.
And, it seems like a wonderful resource to check out.
It is definitely frustrating having to be told that you have to believe in order to succeed. Not always the best basis of things if we take a closer look at any religion. Thanks for posting this link it looks like it'll be a good read. I'm pretty short on time too since I've got a long list of other books and things to read up on. lol. Why can't there be more hours in the day?
It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.
Belief is only in the beginning when you have to learn how to apply your mind. Once you can perceive the energy and hold on to it in such a way so as to not disturb yourself, it only becomes a matter of observing your imagination unfurl into reality.
If you expect to manipulate energy, then expect the energy to manipulate you.
Haha, bubble constructs. I laugh but it is a very potential method. Whatever allows you to maintain the visual and keep the energy intact it would probably work really well. I think that regardless of what the application is there is always going to be an initial requirement of belief no matter how evolved you are. It's the creation of the visual that embodies the belief system that you're constructing. Once you apply and build it then moves from being a belief to being something that you "know" and it is more easily applied in future attempts. There is less doubt/guesswork.
It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.
I have experienced, that need is much more important than belief. The need to see my mother who passed away, generated a need which I could leverage into the necessary tenacity, to master OBEs, & other powers. I never considered whether I believed it or not; because I was driven by a need. The need for power & understanding in the face of grief & mortality, generated the need to develop many powers. It has evolved since then, but it always begins with need for me.
Building powerful constructs, is just repetition of attention. After awhile, energy devoted to a given thoughtform, tends to coagulate and linger. Figure out what you need & come up with a mind power concept to fill that need; then concentrate on it obsessively. You can make up anything about how that power would work really; no matter how wacky. It's always concentration of attention, but there is usually more energy in need than there is in belief. Why? Belief can be associated with consensus reality. My wife believes this; Joe, believes that, I believe something else I think, but am I delusional, or am I on the right track? If Steve believes it too, & I can demonstrate it mathematically, then my peers may agree. Back & fourth; weak, meandering energy. Always seeking validation is belief. Contrast that with I need to piss really bad lol. Effortless power & focused attention in the need to pee. Need is a very fast no nonsense road to power:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
hahaha, awesome as always Owl. Taking a moment to consider it I can't really say anything about this that would contradict it within my own scope of experience. I had a need to know if PK was real, I believed that it may be possible, and that need drove me to obsess over finding out for myself. Just looking back over the past 4-5 years I can't pin point any changes in my life that didn't first start with the need for the change. So really what we all need to do is to need more and believe less.
It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.