Hey Dave, O12's correct I have had most of my attention taken by my new little bub. Rest assured I am not gone just redirecting my energy. I am still working with em fields when I can. I have radiometers set up all over my house for spontaneous training.
A short story from this week.
Just on Monday my cat brought a mouse in it was alive but not kicking.
I took it outside and poked its hind legs. No movement. As she had been carrying it by the neck I considered the implication and began to steel myself against the kindest option in that scenario.
I held the mouse on a tray and focused my chi through my palm and meditated on it healing. No judgement just a feeling of faith that what I could pass in energy to heal it I would.
I felt my palm radiate with a warm tingling.
The feel you get from a psiball almost a yang prickle.
I finished gazing into its eyes poked it again. it still could not move as it lay on the dust tray in the sun.
I sent thoughts that I was sorry for its predicament and went to get a large sledge I keep in the back.
Upon my return holding the large wooden shaft I again approached with hope.
Pushing its again it's hind legs began to move and it stood up and began to walk slowly.
Good enough.
I did not have to perform the grim duty that day and I helped it to a place away from my little furry hunter.
I believed and it happened. I believed with no thought to prove just the essence and my hope manifested.
The less time I spend proving to others my reality the more time I have just be with it.
I will train my son if he is open to it and old enough and I will continue my training and when the path takes me back to a place where I have the time to share more I will. Until then I am here when I can and grow with each of your shared experiences.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.